
Q&A Plugin vs Forum Plugin

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Q&A Plugin vs Forum Plugin

Since I wanted to increase the user interaction to my WordPress site, I installed the DW Question and Answer plugin. I love this plugin because it allows visitors to ask questions and post answers without having to register and login to my site. I believe that this makes it easier for them to post and encourages visitors to share their thoughts as compared to having them login first.

However, I've also been looking at the look of the DW Question and Answer plugin and it really doesn't look that good. Therefore, I've been contemplating on installing a WordPress forum plugin - either bbpress or wpforo. The problem is, users will have to login to be able to interact with one another.

What do you think? Should I stick with the q and a plugin which allows users to post without logging in? Or should I shift to a forum plugin?


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bbpress is good plugin and having registered members is not bad idea because you can reduce spam posts. If you want to speed up user registrations to keep them coming so i would suggest to use some "social login plugin" so they can easy and fast sign up or register with their social media accounts as Facebook, Twitter or Google etc...

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It depends on how you wish to develop the website. I have seen that people who have lot of the content. I think QA plugin is something that is required if you want to build content on user query basis. And the forum plugin are worth using when you are trying to manage the content in more of community setting like this forum. So it all comes down to how you manage the content and how you choose to attend the plugin.

I have noticed that QA plugin in such case would be good for you based on your requirement. Forum plugin is a good choice if you have community around the website.

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I think that it's completely up to you but if you do choose to implement a forum you will have an added bonus - when they register you will be able to collect their emails and build a list. Perhaps in the future, you might want to add affiliate links to your website and then you can promote your offers through the built email list. But even if you stick with the QA plugin, it's fine. Whatever you believe will work the best for the website overall is always the best solution Q&A Plugin vs Forum Plugin

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It all depends on what you want I guess. I mean there are several questions and answer plugins available for Wordpress so I guess you could try to find another that is free as well to see if it is good for you. bbPress is good as well but like you said it would take away the fact that non registered/logged in users can post on your site. I'm sure though that there are some solutions to this. There might be some plugins or tutorials that you can follow that will allow it so that guests can post on the bbPress forum

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mybb Is best for Forum Q&A Plugin vs Forum Plugin

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myBB is great. But limberg is looking at something for Wordpress and myBB wouldn't be the perfect choice. I mean you could use myBB. There is a bridge plugin that lets you connect the two databases so that if a user registers on my site then they are registered/logged in on the other. The problem is that your myBB site will look different to your Wordpress blog which might be a bit of a problem. So because of that, it's probably not the best to go with myBB ;)

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Q&A Plugins and Forums plugins both are equally beneficial and important for your website promotion.

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I don't think so, forums has functions that Q&A site could not have and vice versa.
Anyway, I like developing a forum than a Q&A site because forums has discussions while Q&A only has answers.

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You should go with BBpres, DW will work on hosting but Here's the best WordPress SEO guide you can follow to fix all your SEO needs for your WordPress website.

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