
Is morning the best time to write

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Is morning the best time to write

I think the time to write and give the best comments or write an article is in the early hours of the morning.Let say from 2 am to 5 am.I have noticed that I get inspiration to write all sorts when everywhere is quiet and the weather is breezy.

No time can give one the calmness and concentration one needs for effective writing than the quiet and calm hours of the morning.I have taken advantage of this time to always string my words together and it has always been the best.

When do you give your best writing?


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I believe that it's better to write in the morning. For me at least. The brain is a lot more fresh in the morning, thus making it easier to think of things to write. Also, I easily get sleepy at night. The only downside of writing in the morning is the limited time. I have to wake up at about 5:30 in the morning in order to write. Then I would have to get ready for my 8am work.

I still write at night, and I do complete one or two articles if ever I don't fall asleep. But I have noticed that I could finish an article a lot faster whenever I write during the day.

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I also think that it is generally better to write in the morning, but usually I can't get started right away. To put it simply, I have to get the gears going first before I can actually start writing. I typically get up as early as possible, have some tea and breakfast, meditate and then get to work. Meditation in particular helps a lot in keeping my brain fresh and the ideas flowing without pause. Typically later in the day, my ideas tend to feel blocked by the experiences and general fatigue of the day, so that's why writing as early as possible is generally better in my opinion.

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I agree with you. Our minds are still fresh in the morning. You can't think well to write in the evening if you have a bad day in the morning and afternoon.

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I used to write well in the evening during the hours after dinner and before midnight. But now I have a paradigm shift with my metabolism that I feel better in writing when I wake up. It is customary for me to wake up very early when I need to write something because it is peace and quite at 4 am or earlier and my mind is also fresh as you said that I could write better and more effective.

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That is probably the exact opposite of me to be fair. I could never wake up that early to do work and to write things. If I have to be somewhere or if I am going on holiday then I will gladly be able to wake up extremely early (between 2am - 5am). But I would never bother to do so just to write on a blog or to write content. I prefer to do so in the night. Like early mornings, it is calm and quite.

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Same here, waking up at that time is almost impossible for me, because most of the time I do sleep late, especially around 12am-1am. And even if i sleep early and wake up during the early hours in the morning, I won't feel like writing, I would prefer to surf my phone or do any other thing, but not writing.
I always prefer writing at night, and am used to it.

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While I definitely understand where you're coming from, I think it just depends on your sleep schedule. Much like yourself, I used to be a night person. I could have never imagined myself as a morning person, getting up at the crack of dawn, all bubbly and energized and ready to take on the day. I would normally stay up until 3:00 or 4:00 AM and then head to bed. Then one day I was forced to alter my sleep schedule and start getting up early morning, and then it just sort of stuck with me even though I don't have to get up that early anymore. Now I can't even begin to imagine staying awake until 3:00 AM. I suppose it also varies on whether or not you just inherently prefer the morning or nighttime.

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I definitely agree that I do my best writing in the mornings, but 2 am to 5 am? Buddy, you have a lot more than stamina than I do. I couldn’t even function at that time in that morning, let alone string any intelligent sentences together!

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That is the same for everyone to be fair. I don't know anyone who is prepared to wake up at a time like 2 am to do any writing. I would be like a zombie at that time, I'm not sure how I could possibly string any letters together with a keyboard Is morning the best time to write .

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For some it might be the best time to write and for others, it might not be a good time at all. I know some people like to write exclusively at night, so it really depends on what you are looking to get out of writing. Make sure that you write at a time that is convenient for you and that you feel productive.

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It depends on the person in question,different strokes for different folks. Some people have different times of doing things and writing is no different. But for me writing in the morning is a no no for me, i prefer writing at night, because my morning is always sluggish, i hardly do things in the morning, the only thing i can do well, in the morning is lying at my bed or surfing my phone.
But for some people, writing in the morning is the best time of writing for them.

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Morning may be best time to write articles for you because your mind is relaxed over the night and you feel fresh and ready to start your working day. However, i always get good idea about new blog posts during the day and specially after researching for some good topics and long tail keywords, so afternoon is better for me.
But yeah, we are all different and best time to write is when YOU feel comfortable and ready to do it, so just go ahead with your usual routine

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I think each one of us have different ways to deal with the writers block. And getting into zone is different time for all of us. For me it works randomly. I can write when I am fresh. That's the way it works for me. I can write after food or during the morning. But I write mostly horror so I need to be writing this late at night. And for me that works out just fine. You can see that in some of those cases it can work out. But I try to write mostly during the day time.

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I really cannot speak for myself because I don't notice my mood in writing vis-a-vis the time of day. But I remember when I was still in school, I used to do my review of the lessons in the early morning. Dawn is very conducive to learning maybe because of the quiet environment and the fresh state of mind. When my husband has a writing project, he would wake up at 4 am to start writing. He used to write late at night but when in the recent years, he would sleep early and do his writing in the early morning. I guess the early morning is a good time to write since the brain is not tired yet.

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For me, it's yes, since the mind is fresh and active unlike in the afternoon or evening.Due to whole day activity sometimes our mind unction in a slow function mode, or when we write at night we feel sleepy after an hour of writing.

Morning writing also give us more time for afternoon activities, once you are done with your writings, you can now
sleep peacefully since you already knew you are done with your business.

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I feel like I write the best either early in the morning or late at night. The middle of my day is just too hectic to focus on in-depth writing of any kind. The morning is one of the best times for me because I'm refreshed after a night's sleep, had a warm shower, and maybe even listened to some inspiring music on my morning commute, which gets me prepared to write in the morning.

The evening is probably another viable option for me because it's the time I spend after my day at work to wind down and relax, which is when my mind can finally wander a little bit and start exploring new ideas and such!

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I think I fall into this category here with you, Articulate. I have had great writing spurts in the morning, but I have also had a lot of all-nighters where I just tore into and produced a ton of awesome content that I felt was quality even though I watched with tired eyes as the sun rose. Not only is this writing thing different for everyone, all of us each, as writers, are different from day to day. This is not a cookie-cutter robotic profession. You can plan your writing schedule and stick to it, and that's awesome, but when the urge hits to write, or the idea is so strong that it is driving you crazy o get it down, you have to try to find a way to do so no matter what time it is.

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Best time to write varies from person to person. Some people are an early riser, they prefer to work in the morning. Whereas some are night old, thus they will be working late night. I am a late night worker. It is almost 11 PM here, I will be working until 3 in the morning. I work in the night because I am able to focus. In the day time, there are so many distractions. At night, there are no distractions. If sleepiness is your problem, drink strong coffee, your sleep will be gone. IN few days, you will develop a habit to stay awake at night.

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For me personally, the morning is definitely the best time to write. It's when I feel the best, most motivated and with good focus. The mornings are when I can easily produce my best work in really short amount. That's why I try to write as soon as I wake up and have my breakfast.

I did try and see how the "night" writing goes and it wasn't nearly as good. I noticed I made far too many writing mistakes and errors, it took me a longer time to come up with the ideas and the products were far worse quality.

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I guess it is not the same for everyone. Some people are night owls and claim that they can think more clearly and concentrate at night. As for me I prefer to write in the morning. I usually feel energized and relaxed when I wake up in the morning. After waking up I usually go for my morning walks. I usually start writing at 6.30 am and I can concentrate better at this time. I also feel fresh and get better ideas. I usually feel tired in the afternoon and at night and can't really write at those times.

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I am not quite sure of this is the best time to write but this is one of the better times to write for sure. You've nailed it when it comes to peaceful and quite and during those times, a writer could really focus specially after waking up. The mind and body is refreshed and no other thoughts are occurring for the time being except for whatever it is that you want to write.

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The problem is that we can't always pick the times that we have to write though, right? Inspiration, if you want to call it that, hits me at different times and for different reasons. However, I agree with you that, when the body feels refreshed, the mind most likely does too, and those are some of the best moments for a writing project to start up. I try to establish and retain this refreshed morning energy all day, but on some days, depending on the circumstances, it runs out quicker than on others.

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You can't really assume that tomorrow when you wake up early in the morning, you will feel refreshed. It just doesn't work like that - well because we are humans after all. Unless we are androids or AIs, we can just program ourself to feel this way tomorrow so we can write and do some projects in a clear state of mind. Well, we can just do it right now and just reset everything specially emotions. Lol

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This is a great point. In my experience, writing is a pretty unpredictable undertaking, and it manifests in different ways every day. I just try to to stay open to it and let it wash over me in the way that it wants to. I guess that if we could just turn on the writing process like flicking a switch on or off then it would not be so meaningful or precious. I think that the act of writing can be sacred, and it is a confluence of energies and nuances which converge at the right time in your being in order to create something meaningful.

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For me, writing in the morning is best. I feel my energy is at its highest right when I wake up. Like others have also said, my mind is fresh and alert with little to no distractions of thoughts and actions throughout the day that naturally occur. What I do notice, is that as I progress through the day. Writing becomes harder unless I take a nap sometime in the afternoon to recharge. Either way, I finish my blog posts and freelance article projects no matter what. Especially when they're back with specific deadlines.

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I know a lot of writers who swear by the morning as being their most creative and lucid part of the day. I can see this as being true for myself too, to a degree, but every day is different, and I have different patterns depending upon my rest the night before, my diet, my level of exercise, and the other factors in my life which contribute to my energy level. I must admit that I have developed a pretty unhealthy addiction to coffee in order to compensate for slow mornings, but it does seem to help kick in the creative juices at times. All of us who write and do cerebral things all day for a living do most likely tend to burn out in the afternoon, so it only makes sense that the morning would be a great creative timeframe. I know that the poet, Billy Collins, swears by it, and he is widely and richly published here in the United States (for better or worse).

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Also, it depends on whatever is on your mind during the time of day. The best time to write would be the moment where your mind feels empty and when you are not worrying about something in particular. Sometimes we get distracted because of personal problems and issues that we cannot even forget it depending on the intensity and importance of that certain problem. So a worry-free-mindset-time of the day is the best time to write because during that time, you can just check for your notes and write something that is on your list.

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You reminded me of something related that a professor of writing told me about one time. We were talking about writing with a "clear mind" or not, and what sort of environments are best to write in. I told him that I often write with the TV or music playing, and that I knew a lot of people could not do that or did not prefer that. He told me about a theory of "front mind" and "back mind". In other words, the noise in the room occupies your "front mind" which is more analytical in order to free up your "back mind" which is more fluid and creative in order to write. Not so sure I buy into this, but I thought it was interesting.

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I believe that this theory is somehow true. And you have probably experienced it for sure, like many times. It's just like when you are trying to concentrate about something (front mind) but you are always distracted about something else - like a noise from the other side, some part of your mind not trying to cooperate (back mind). I know my interpretation is the other way around but that's how I see it. ;d

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I think that part of me is so critical and analytical that I can't :flow" with my writing until I neutralize that. I am very judgmental when it comes to my own work, and that can paralyze me a bit when I am trying to create. In this way, I guess that "distractions" are a good thing, to a degree. I like your interpretation, and I think that your interpretation demonstrate how different we all are and how our processes are so intricate, interesting, and personal. It's actually quite fascinating in that way, I think.

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I couldn't write at two in the morning. But I do like the morning to write, I generally do it from 8 am to 11 or 12 pm max. I can't write at night because I already feel really tired and I can't think on other thing apart from going to bed. Also in the morning I feel fresh and I come up with ideas faster than at night or any other hour...

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me neither I can't write at 2am because I have to get up at 5am for my son to get ready for school. Morning at 8am is better for me, I get more ideas what to write and flt energetic. I would be online for 7 hours

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At that time I'm in my deep I'm not a morning person and I hate to wake up early and do some thinking. I'm more of a night owl. My brain is more active at night and so is my imagination. Writing late at night is the best time for me where its silent and everyone is asleep.

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I am also not a morning person. I think morning is the best time for reading and not writing. I prefer writing in the evening or at night because the day's experience can either raise or lower my mood for writing.

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I'd venture to guess that it's depends entirely on the person. I mean, if you're dead tired at 5 AM and prefer to sleep, why force yourself to work? Some might work better and more efficiently in the afternoon, for example.

Personally I prefer to work in the late afternoon, as early mornings I'm still just waking up and having coffee, and evenings and nights I prefer to have free anyways. So I time my work for the afternoons during the week, maybe a bit more variably on weekends.

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I write when I have time because I am a housewife. I have to complete the household chores, getting breakfast ready then I can start writing. Then I have to stop, continue the chores until I am free . Basically, that will be during the day when my kids are not around or early in the morning after my kids went to school. Night, I have to sleep.

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I've read the thread and I definitely respect all of the opinions in this forum. But for me personally, I preferred my writings to be in the evening. At night, you almost start to feel like maybe you have a little control over the whole world. That the way you set things up in your story, you can have a little taste of that in real life. It's small, and it's petty, but pleasures can be small and petty.

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Mornings aren't necessarily the best time to write. Though one could say that the brains is fresh in the morning we can't say inspirations come around that time. Everyone is different in one way or the other. Personally, I get inspred to write at anytime of the day.

A similar subject is on the best time to read. I love to read best in the middle of the night when my whole environmen is quiet and calm but that doesn't say I can't read during the daytime. Time isn't really a yardstick to measure one perfomance when one does some things at specific times.

It's different strokes for different folks.

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Yes, I think it varies with the person and how their own internal body clock is. We don't all have the same bio rhtythm and when we write really depends on our own internal clock and how it works. It isn't the same for everyone.

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It's the opposite for me, I find it easier to write in the afternoons or at night. I think it depends on the kind of time you have. These are the times I have the most time to write and when my head is clearer. I can concentrate more and relax.

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I think any time your brain is alive and firing and alert is a good time to write. Your brain is always active, obviously. But there's a special bit of electricity and magic flowing through it when you're at your literary best, or peak. It's one thing to bang our standard articles reporting on something when you're not at the top of your game. But editorials or commentary pieces? You must be as sharp as a tack to produce quality opinion pieces.

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