
Don’t write when in bad mood

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Don’t write when in bad mood

In a writing workshop, it is common for the speaker toadvise the participants about the mood. Some writers have the so called
“mooding” which means they are taking their time to get into the right mood for
writing. According to one famous movie script writer, it is important for a
writer to be in the right mood so his productivity will be in the maximum. So
if you are not in the mood to write then don’t write. Especially in times when
you have anger in your heart because you had a recent argument with someone
close to you, that’s a no-no for writing. Take your time to condition your


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It is understandable that if you are in a bad mood it will really affect your thinking and cloud your judgment. This effect could possibly cause you to be making repeated errors which would only serve to frustrate you and diminish the quality of your work. Whenever you may be trying to write a script, you will need to be in the most focused and relaxed frame of mind so that you may be able to think clearly and enable the ideas to flow. A bad mood only breeds uncertainty and inhibits meaningful production.

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Well, for some people being in a bad mood might affect their thinking faculty and mental horizons and their emotions will likely transfer to their fingers, leading to lack of composure and putting their tenses together, which is a really bad situation if you are a professional writer or writing an article that will be published or working on a writing project. If so, then it's advisable to drop down the pen, when you are in a bad mood, because you won't actually be able to think straight.

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Being in a bad mood can be as bad as having writer's block. It can ruin your writing and it can stop you from coming up with good content. It can also affect the content that you write because you being in a bad mood may make you think differently about a certain topic or product. The best thing to do is to try to relax by going for a walk or just watching some of your favourite TV shows.

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I think that if you are in a bad mood while you are composing a piece of writing that this could possibly seep into the piece itself. An audience can pick up on your tone as a writer, so if you do not want a harsh tone, and some writers do, then you have to be careful of this. That being said, with jobs, deadlines, customers, and clients, we do not always have time to wait until we are all in a good mood to complete our writing projects, so sometimes you just gotta do your job no matter how awful you might be feeling, right?

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I agree 100% because whenever I am in a bad mood my mind is clouded with angry thoughts and I can not think clearly. My thinking is so clouded that it's hard for me to forum thoughts. I have to be in a good calm and happy mood if I am going to do any writing. Because the same thing happens to me if I am sad or depressed my mind gets all clouded and I can not think straight.

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That is actually a great piece of advice right there. I share the same opinion and I believe that we shouldn't be writing in bad or angry mood. The mood always reflects in our writing. We might think that it doesn't but it truly does. And not only that, but when we are in a bad mood we tend to be less focused and motivated which equals to worse quality products. I personally only write when I am in the mood to and that is always when I feel happy.

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Of course, you should not write when you are in bad mood, First of all, because your creativity will go away. You need to try to relax and clear your mind of all the bad mood you have at that moment. It could happen to you that you can write something that later you wish you didn't. Your productivity will not be the same if you are in a bad mood. Something you can do to make you feel better is listening to songs that express how are you feeling.

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A bad mood is usually an indication of an unsolved problem that you are facing in your life. As a consequence, your brain switches itself to a "creative" mode that would allow you to solve your problems. A side effect of it could be anything, including better writing, though that might not necessarily be related to the problems themselves, it's just a side effect. My quick hypothesis anyway.

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This may not actually be the case for everyone. However, when it comes to me I prefer not to write when I am under stress or in a bad mood. I can't think clearly in those situations and I won't be able to produce my best work and in return I am the one who will be affected. Furthermore, I don't write only for myself but for others too. I like to write quality content to please the visitors to my blog as this is what encourages them to keep on visiting.

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I think when we have bad mood. Or something bad happened to us. Then it's hard to write the content. You can see that bad mood leads to more or less of issues in that case. You may need to see how that works out for most content. So when you write when you're in bad mood, that may not work out in your favor. So it also reduces the quality of writing is what I have noticed. But each to their own though. Not everyone can write good in good mood either.

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I totally agree with you .I seem not to get any thing right when I'm in a bad mood, so I leave doing it.Writing a good article entails concentration and a good frame of mind to give the very best.So when I'm in a foul mood or angry I prefer to sleep than doing any anything, no matter what it is than writing.

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Yes, It's true! do not write when you are in a bad mood... why? because you cannot focus in your writings and subjects.
You cannot express your thoughts properly and your writings will end up short cut or disaster.
Try to relax first, do not force yourself to write, and find a right time and timing when you feel you already have
a peace of mind.
Sometimes, when a person is in a bad mood,he can never make a good ending story or will end a day an undone story.

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This is actually a good advice. Recently I got into a discussion with someone and then I went to work and write some words, after a week I read that again and the article was full of hate and it contain opinions I wouldn't generally comment or say. Being angry while working can affect the way you write. Also is a lot of harder to concentrate in writing the words because you can only think in that discussion you just had. Excellent advice!

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I haven't heard of anyone who writes when in bad mood specially when it comes to articles or blog posts. But on social media? Almost every I know write posts about something every time they are in bad mood! >Don’t write when in bad mood And it's very annoying! I am quite surprised when I checked my unfollowed people list. I have like 50 friends there whom I have unfollowed (still friends though) because of their whiny posts just about everything that they can think of. Yeah sure, social medias are for social stuff but it doesn't cater your personal problems. Like duh. >.>

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To be honest, no matter what your career is. I don't suggest working on your projects while you're in a bad mood. Content writing is a prime example of this! For a few reason too. First, mentally when we as people are in bad moods, we're not at our optimal levels of energy and thought output. Basically, the work we produce won't be at its highest potential quality. Second, what I've come to notice when I'm in a bad mood, is that I begin to doubt and second guess myself too much on the work I'm producing. I think it's a psychological trigger of self-doubt. Which is why I continuously speak words of affirmation to regain that confidence in moments of feeling low, in a bad, or not at my highest.

At the end of the day, everyone needs a break from their craft sometimes. And bad moods may be a signal to rest for a few moments.

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Right, I see what the OP is saying. In that case, it might be advisable to start exercising because if the body is in good shape, then the mind will be also. However, though, people could resort to more shady ways of getting into that mood like via drugs or drinking.

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I always write when I am in the mood already. That way, the root word that I have to expand into a post would be nice. Not only written for the sake of submitting a post but for everyone to be interested to read it and give their comments.

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I understand the need for writers to be wary of writing an article or story while in a bad mood for it has been proven over time that our writings reflect how we feel at certain moments. I have read posts made by some of my friends where they made controversial points which always make me to chat them up to know the reason. Everything always boils down to been in a bad mood when they wrote such.

So, I think that it is quite bad for writers to pen articles down when in a mood that is not all that good to write.

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Most people really writes when they are in good mood because it is the time that they have a good flow of thoughts. But there are also people that can craft a good content while they are in a bad mood. In my case, sometimes I write a good content when I feel sad, disappointed, or angry with someone. But even if I'm not in good mood, the out come if my work is still somewhat my readers likes because in that moment of time I could write about being courageous, strong, and faithful. In my point of view, both good and bad occurrences affects a writers mood to write. There are also times that the bad experiences serves as the strong motivator for a writer to create a masterpiece.

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I totally agree that writing when you are in a bad mood really affects productivity. It's really a bad practice. It will not only ruin your ability to focus, but it will also provoke you to write about things that are focused on hate or attacks. It can even affect sentence construction and choice of words as a result of not being able to concentrate on what you are writing. Good ideas will never form. Developing a positive attitude is a good practice so you don't easily get into a bad mood. You create a habit of giving positive responses on things that happen to you and at the same time you destroy negative thoughts even before they occupy your mind. It will help keep a good mood most of the time, thus giving the ability to focus on writing.

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Some people write best when in a bad mood. It depends on the writer. Some writers have produced their best works when in a bad, mad or distressed point in their lives. It's not always a bad idea to 'write angry.'

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Bad mood was never an issue with me when it comes to writing content. It can be true with creative writers but may be not for most content writers who depend on writing articles regularly for a living. I think it is important to have mastery over one's self or emotions in any field and not just in the writing field. Professionals don't work around moods, they deliver quality work anytime. Postponing one's work is only possible when one is writing at leisure and not when one is writing for a living. I would advise writers to train themselves to be disciplined and to develop the ability to focus on the job at hand amidst distractions instead of whining and giving in to their emotions or moods.

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I think different writings need different moods. If you are writing about work or serious things and even researching assignments, a calmer mood would be nice. Writing about joyful things or bright moments will need you to have a happy mood. Writing about breakups or sad occasions will need you to be in a sad mood so you can convey the message well.

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Ironically I like my writing when I am in a bad mood. When I am in a bad mood, I tell people a few home truths which is always good for your writing. When I am in a bad mood, my product reviews turn out brilliantly. When I'm in a normal mood, I feel that I have to be kind. This is not always the best thing to do from the consumer's point of view and from the companies point of view as they then won't be able to improve their product.

When I am in a bad mood I have a lot more to say and it's hard to keep to the word count of the article I am writing. My writing becomes a bit dark, but this is when I do some of my best work.

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Yes, it's true that writing without any mood is not the best idea. But somethimes, there is no other choice. I have many subjects, where we write different papers very often. And somethimes it's extremely hard. When I have no inspiration or don't know what to write about, I read essay samples on, and it helps me a lot. First of all, each of them is very interesting, and it's like inspiration for me. But when I want to write something for myself, I never do it when I'm not feeling right.

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