
DDoS cyber attacks and how to prevent it from happening

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DDoS cyber attacks and how to prevent it from happening

The web cyber attack DDoS or Distributed Denial of Service, is a a form of web DoS cyber attack wherein different systems are sometimes infected with malwares or trojan viruses that causes the target to be disabled or shut down. These are sometimes caused by hackers who are often paid to attack a certain system or website specially when it comes to competition. DDoS attacks were famous back in the day specially on online gaming servers wherein they are competing to gain players from one another. These attacks cause those the targeted server/s to shut down, thus making the players quit playing and switch to the available ones.

Nowadays, DDoS attacks are very common specially when it comes to business and online security breaches. The technological advancements help these so called hackers, or even an ordinary person who knows basic computer languages and skills to manifest such attacks.

Web Hostings and servers these days offer DDoS protection in terms of GB/s and also depending on what type or level of service you are buying.

DDoS attacks are real and scary. This is not something new. This has been happening ever since the Internet became available.

Have you encountered being attacked by DDoS? If so, how were you able to mitigate those attacks?
Do you also know any tips and security measures on how to prevent such attacks?


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I have never personally been attacked by the DDoS but I do know a few that got their IP leaked and people messed with it. It got really bad and to the point where he had to call his ISP and beg them to change his address.

Anyway, I think that most servers and websites nowadays either come with the DDoS protection or you can buy it from the hosting company. It's pretty important feature to have if you're running a popular website or anything like e-commerce. Security is crucial.

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Very unfortunate but whoever does those things, they probably have their own reasons that's for certain.
And another thing which is certain, it's all about competition! Ever since denial of service attacks became popular, it's all about business and competition. And minority of it would be because of hate or anger towards someone.

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I have never had any of my websites attacked by a DDOS cyber attack. And I'm grateful because it's just awful. You just feel helpless and it's annoying that there are people out there that will do this for absolutely no reason sometimes. I think at a point like this, you just have to prepare your site for these cyber attacks and you just have to ensure that you try out several prevention methods so that your site will not be taken down if you are targetted by a DDOS cyber attack.

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That's true. Sometimes you just don't know when it will attack your site and will eventually take it down or do nasty stuffs with it. They will have full control over your site so they could change whatever they want specially the home page. The sad part is it will be hard to trace back since the hackers will be using high security firewalls and algorithms which prevents anyone from tracing the.

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I don't think I have been subject to any of these attacks but I guess it is always a possibility. Many people have suffered these attacks and I think they are very dangerous. I guess the best antidote is to have your anti virus up and functioning at top capacity to be able to prevent these attacks.

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I think there are some of the CDN and the security plugins that may work for preventing the DDOS attacks. Though most of the VPS and the dedicated servers do make use of the DDOS attacks. i have found that so far depending on the server security things may change, I have personally not seen much of the security issues in that case. But if we were to be working on the CDN of the website I am guessing it'd be reasonable to get some good results. So that being said, I think cyber attacks will continue to happen as we go into digital age.

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I do DOS people's websites, back in the days of my black hat menace, i DOS-ed my school's website back then, we placed a bet on it, my classmates said i couldn't do it, it was during a computer lecture in my school days, so they were teaching us about security. and i told them i can DOS the schools website, they laughed real hard at me. And the next day, the school's website was down?, what happen?, Denial of service!.
The truth is that you can to some extent prevent a DOS attack from your site, but you can't really stop someone who is prepared to DOS, your site. The best way is to get more bandwidth every month, so it will take the hacker or script kid, more botnets and CPU power to Denial your website service, hence leading to more difficulty and resource to perform the attack.

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Haha, you remind me of one of my old friends. He did something similar to one of our teachers.

Our teacher loved to use the schools website portal to upload presentation and then talk about them in class. So one day he came in and started opening up the website just to realize that the whole portal was getting DDoSed. He had no clue what was happening and ran straight away to the ITs. We did get the day off from his classes DDoS cyber attacks and how to prevent it from happening

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Ahaha. Nice. Cheeky Jon Snows. (if you see what I did there DDoS cyber attacks and how to prevent it from happening)

Anyway, dDoS attacks really come at a cost; often huge costs specially in terms of bandwidths since you are sending huge amounts of them to your target. So if you are using a metered connection and want to try being a dDoS hacker or know what it feels like, then it's not for you.

I'm curious though, can you still attack a website if it uses the same IP as yours? Such as the school website and you attack it from inside.

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Well, it's really difficult to find a website that uses the same IP as yours, unless you both are operating or connected from the same network,like been hosted on the same server but it's still can be DOSed, if the attacker can act like a middle man in the network and direct the packets to the website. Because you can't have the same website URL, even if you have the same IP, they can't have the same port on the server. so you can DOS and direct your packets to the intended ports.

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There is nothing that you can do about a DOSS attack if they can take down Xbox Live and PSN which are trillion dollar companies they surely can take down a $14.95 website with ease. SO I wouldn't worry too much about a doss attack if it's going to happen there is nothing that you can do about it.

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I agree. To some extent CDN can save you in case of the website. But most of the website being dynamic. They find it harder to avoid the DDOS.And only your host can do something about it. Most likely to have issues if they don't properly handle it.

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I have entered 2 sites that would make me wait for 10 seconds maybe before I would be brought to the home page. The message was the verification of my internet connection to protect the side from a possible DDOS attack. I have read about the DDOS attack several years ago and it could be prevented by tweaking something in the BIOS although I am not really sure about it. Maybe DDOS is a real killer that it is a big disaster if your computer is attacked.

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I have a use Discord server to communicate with each other when I play a game. But till i never face any cyber attacks. I suggest you change your IP, it can help you to protect your server, or you can take help from layerpoint blog.

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