
Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout

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Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout

Hello Friends
Recently I had been checked 2 email from Seolads. 
They are same as like as

I am getting confused with
Can any body say me whats going on within this website.
Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout


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I've received an email from them a few times in the last few days as well so I am not sure who they are. They look exactly like Seocheckout and if you go to the bottom right corner and click help desk, it transfers you over to the Ionic web page. I'd love to get some official response though to be sure whether it's fake or official Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout I am sure that one of the staff will reply soon, so hang tight!

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I went to check this site after you mentioned it over here. I never joined SEOlad and was not even aware of it. By browsing the site I could find my discussions and responses over there. I am now curious. What is SEOlad all about. I hope we get an answer to this at the earliest.

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Thanks for the message and reply.
Yeah. We are waiting for the admin answer.

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I forgot to mention on my post above that when I clicked on the ''Support:HelpDesk'' at the bottom of the SEOlad site I was directed to send a request to Ionicware.

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I don't think I have received any email from them. I am wondering how it differs from seocheckout, as far as I know I get email from neither but then again I get alot of email so it is possible that I have just over looked it. I just wonder if I did or if I have. Maybe I would have a better idea what it is all about.

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Thanks for the message and reply.
Did you ever wrote on Seocheckout discussion section?
Did you checked your discussion is available with SEOLads community discussion section.

Thanks for sharing your comments.

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Yeah it is!
Well, i have also received a mail from them, a couple of days ago, notifying me of a discussion going on, or a reply made to my comment, but i didn't really check it out as of that time. But it's a company by Ionic ware, let's say it's a duplicate of this site seocheckout, but with more advanced features added to it, more of a Pro-site, duplicated for a purpose i wouldn't say here.
But do know that it's using the API of this site, to render our activities there. so what ever you type here automatically renders there,

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Thanks for sharing your comments.
KIndly get knowledge Seocheckout did not said by any notification that SEOLads is their company.
Still now there have no information about SEOlads on Ionicware company.
Check here:

I think and I am confirm that any hacker group had been trying to take all of our dollars must may be.


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Its a seocheckout affiliate site and it is NOT a company of Ionicware.

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Hi there;
SeoLads is Hosted Solution website
These are affiliate stores that are hosted remotely in cooperation with
ionicware and they are totally safe for all members. You can use same
credentials to log in to that site too. if any of your services get sold
on Seocheckout you will get same alert as if it's sold on

There is more websites like this:
SeoCheckout etc...

You also can use same credentials to log in to ListingDock and
CodeClerks while in this two websites you have to set up different
services for sale.

So, don't worry it's all good for you and other sellers, because your services getting more chances to sell Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout

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Thanks for your awesome service. I am feeling comfort now. Because you are also popular on seocheckout. I have been experienced with codeclerks and listing dock. But it was unknown to me that SEOCheck out or SEOlads or recently monsterbacklinks -these all are ionicware services.


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BTW if someone is trying to contact you from or to comment your community discussion from then you will receive notification email from seolads,com too. Hope it's clear now

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Yeah. This is clear. I have been requested also Beverly (Who is one of the Seocheckout admin) to answer on here and also sent a support ticket to Seocheckout to get the 100% clear idea. Seocheckout didn't gave a home page notification for these 2 services. For that reason I got trouble.


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Came to find out what it is all about.Because I have received some mails from them and I was like I never subscribe to this site,so what is it with this site.I have been able to get the answer from this thread.

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Yeah. Thanks for the message and reply. I have been also waiting for the response from an Seocheckout admin.


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Thanks a technique of hack may be from any unknown company. If there have anew feature than Seocheckout must be informed us. So we have to change first password, secondary password and eo mail address asap. I have done that.

Waiting for the response from Seocheckout admin on here.

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I think you don't know anything about Seocheckout affiliate.

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Thanks for the message and reply.
I am new on Seocheckout affiliate program
Hope you will help me by giving some good suggestions.


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Thanks for the message and reply.
All Seocheckout company or website or ionicware related business are listing with Ionicware.
Check the website:


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Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of SeocheckoutOoh. There have a proof that SEOLads are engaged with Ionicware. But also I had been requested personally one of the Seocheckout admin Beverly and I had sent a support ticket to Seocheckout admin section also. Hopefully we will get all answers.

Hope we will get the right answer.


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There are a few affiliate sites like that which are partnered with

It's not a hack, you're not going to lose your information, you're safe.

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Thanks Razzy for giving your compliments about this website. I am getting some hope to use that website also for my services. Hope that will also work. I have been watched that monster_backlinks are also attached with Ionicware.


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I also received emails from them too. But since I am mostly in a hurry because of my little extra time, i thought this ste ans SEOLad is just the same.
Thank you for posting this. At least, we will all be clarified about this,when a support will offically comment on this.

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You are welcome. Everybody has been saying that SEOLads is safe. Some days ago I had been trying to change my password and secondary password. But certainly I got an e mail from SEOLads. For that reason I got confused. Still now I have been waiting for getting a reply from the customer support. After that I shall start SEOlads services.


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OK. Every one.
Thanks for staying with me.
I got the answer from Beverly because she is one of the staff member probably on seocheckout.
Attention: What is SEOLads. is it a company of Seocheckout


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