
Do you share profits with staff?

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Do you share profits with staff?

When you start a website, blog or forum, you usually hire staff that are working voluntarily for the site. They make just like to work for your site or they may be thinking about the long term and may believe they may be paid one day. So when you make money from your site through memberships or maybe even advertising, do you share any of the profits with the staff at your site or do you keep the profit for yourself? Obviously, website costs have to be taken care of first but it's nice to reward your staff once in a while especially since they work hard to help grow your site. What do you guys think?


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Well. I believe to give money to someone to grow website. That is most efficient way grow website/forum. Not search people and ask them to work/help for you. BTW Hiring Staff means paying them.

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It's good to have people who are passionate about what they do or what they're writing about behind you, but I think money is also a huge motivating factor for people as well. If the person is knowledgeable on what they're writing about, shows a passion for helping your grow your site, and is a reliable person, I don't see why you wouldn't shell out just a little bit of money for their effort.

If they're a valuable asset to you, I'd do everything I could to keep them on board with me as long as I can. I do this all the time with my offline business. I'll increase the pay for someone I really like working with, that way they'll hopefully be up to helping me whenever I might need them.

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I don't have a site or blog that I manage, but I do manage a video and photography business offline. I have two or three people I can draw from when I need help with a gig, and they'll come along and help me shoot whatever I need for the event we're hired for. Of course I share some of the profit with them. Depending on how much I'm making total from the shoot, I'll give my shooter a quote as to how much I can pay them to help me with the job, that way they know exactly how much they're going to make before they even have to say yes or no to the job.

I generally keep most of the profit for myself because it's my business, and I'm doing the heavy lifting for any given project. I do the marketing, networking, and all the contact work and scheduling with my clients, and I show up and shoot the event along with my second shooter, all using my own equipment. I put in additional hours after the fact editing video and photos and getting things prepared for distribution.

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Well, I have never had a staff , but I once had people I work with, I employed them for a specific task, so well I can call them my staffs Do you share profits with staff?.
And after the works are done, I don't share profits with them, because we agreed on a contract and the pay that will be made after the task. So I pay them off, if there is an extra profit, I pocket them.
But if am in the spirit of sharing, I give them some extra tip .

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Of course. I wouldn't really call them staff to be honest because they are not working on your site. I would consider them more as contractors who have been contracted to "work for you" or make something for you. Obviously, you shouldn't really share any profit that you make with them because they agreed on a contract and that is the only amount that you have to pay to them. It would be silly to pay them more based on the money your business makes Do you share profits with staff?

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I have not hired anyone as a regular staff to work on my blog, however, I have hired designers, writers, and developers on a contract basis. Since I hire for short time work and I don't have a regular staff, I don't have to bother about sharing the profits. Even if I had regular staff members I would not share profits. Since I pay them regularly, I would not consider sharing profits. Why should I share profits when I am already giving paycheck.

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I have mostly hired on the basis of the task. So there is no way I can share the profit. I don't have the staff. So there is nothing for me as a business. I do subcontracting if required. And I make use of the talent when it is required. So profit sharing is not something I can do. Sharing profit with staff often may not lead in the right direction.

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I have a close association with some local websites particularly forums. Except for one forum owned by an organization, the rest of the forums don't pay the staff. The culture in forums is something like an honor to be named a staff so that honor is more than enough for compensation. I just don't know what would happen if the staff there would know about being paid. Anyway, I was invited to be a moderator but I declined for personal reasons but I have to admit that payment is one factor. It's nice to hear that the forum staff are not being paid but gets a share in the profits. It's one good thing for the forum industry.

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I think during financial depression time, most of the staff requires payment. Because the time spent on such things is not really compensated. Most of the mods and editors do it free if they have free time. So that way the forum staff is often something we have to consider for growth and pay for them. I don't think forum industry is thriving like in 10 years back. But I guess it was profitable back then to have forums and work on them.

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I believe we should always try to be humane in the face of hardship let alone when one successful.If the idea was a voluntary one before of no cash flow and later money is made,I think the ideal thing is to revisit the terms and conditions and try to accommodate your helper financial.This is unwritten law that everyone should know just to be good and kind.

No more will like to continually slave for nothing

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I think it's still better to just pay the staff a salary instead as much as possible, and this is probably especially more true for businesses or sites that are just starting. It's not that good of a decision to split the profits at the start since revenue is best put back into the business at the initial stages. I would only ever consider this if the business has already done very well but that may take years or maybe even close to a decade, and at that point, anyone who has stuck with me probably does deserve a share of the profits.

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I am not in a position where I would have staff so I don't need to share my profits with anybody but I think that if you ever do have people that are constantly helping you develop your website/blog, investing a lot of their time into it, that they deserve at least a small share. It's obviously up to you how much you give them unless they're under a contract.

But generally, if you share, the staff will be far more productive and motivated to continue working and helping you. And that's very important.

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I don't believe in sharing profits because then they become a employe. Having said that I wouldn't mind giving moderators a gift card to let them know that I appreciate them and all the work they are doing. But I don't know if my forum will ever get that big and if it did I wouldn't complain.

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It's actually a must to make them feel important to ensure their activity for the blog. It is rather rare to find people willing to help maintain a blog for a long time and it will be beneficial for everyone if they are rewarded once in a while. If ever the blog is successful, they are a part of that success and I do not have regrets on giving them a share of the earnings.

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I am not a big time net entrepreneur so it would not occur to me to hire staff. I did just hire someone to update my resume, because I don't like to do things like that myself. She was a friend and didn't charge me much so I think I got a good deal. I would use her if I needed any promotion done.

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I do not really hire people to work on blog and I do everything by myself and so I don't need to share my profits. However, when it comes to my offline business I have two friends who help me occasionally and I do reward them as the work that they do is not really that easy. Moreover, those people are helping me to grow my business and they deserve a reward.

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Rewarding people is the best part of the business because you earn and they should also be rewarded for causing the business to earn. I recall my younger days when I know of a businessman who always scrimps on the salaries of his workers that one day he got sick and his workers didn’t do anything to help him. I think he suffered a stroke and he was left in his house by himself that it took days before his relatives discovered his pathetic condition. All his workers abandoned him.

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If people are willing to be contributors to your site for free. With no other reward besides getting their name and work out there to the public? Then that's fine. But it should be agreed upon beforehand. In the spirit of doing business, you cannot deceive someone into working for you and then spring the 'unpaid work' trap upon them later on in the relationship. Whatever terms they agreed to work for you under should be established clearly and in full before any work is done on their end.

If they want pay and you can't afford it at the time? Then wait and hire them when you can. But tricking people into providing free content or work for you under the guise of future earnings that you know you will never deliver, is dishonest. It will also affect your relationship with them, and other partners... current and future.

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