
Writing a controversial topic

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Writing a controversial topic

A blog with a controversial topic has a better chance of going viral. One example is a blog about the extra judicial killing of illegal drug personalities in the Philippines. It is a hot issue because of the support of President Duterte to the cops who are accused of the killings. Both sides of the fence would be commenting until an argument arises. Do you have the guts to write a controversial topic just to get substantial traffic? Or you prefer a simple blog with a meager traffic?


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Recently noticed that people are spending the time on making click-bait articles. So they write something controversial. Though they don't believe in it. But they write as if they are changing the world. You can see that people who do controversial content are likely to get more traffic. So one has to push for the controversial content as much as possible. But make sure that the content is genuine and not some fake stuff written all over.

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I see this a lot too and I agree. Sometimes it's difficult to determine anymore if the writer genuinely believes what they are writing or if they are just doing it for the views or maybe even just to troll. Obviously it is an effective method, but ultimately, I think after the initial surprise or shock, there has to be more behind the controversy to keep the audiences interested. If the writer really is just doing it for the views then eventually they are found out. People still gravitate more towards those who are genuine, and people can sense that even if it takes time to catch up sometimes.

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Yes. Most of the Buzzfeed, Vice and other site are pure click bait. If they are really following what they write. I wonder how that can be bad life for sure. I am thinking that it's all dependent on checking the recent trend. And then going by the content. For some trends such content works out just fine. But knowing how people write clickbait and bad content. I am guessing genuine content is hard to find.

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Thanks for mentioning this. I totally do not agree with this kind of tactic to get traffic or attention. Just writing controversial content for the sake of it or for shock value is one thing, but I do not think I would trust the creators of a website who used clickbait tactics to get me to their products and services. This seems to already establish an atmosphere of dishonesty between the site and the customers. Or am I just being a bit old-fashioned?

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I think a lot of that content has affected people both online and offline. You can see that if such trend continues then society will be going in negative direction. And for this reason I think people should be mindful of how the controversial topic can be bad for the people who read it every now and then. I think one has to try to something informative. Instead of clickbait articles.

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Well, whenever I attempt to write a controversial topic, I normally take time to double check the content within the article itself. I realize that every person has different opinions and could be sensitive to a topic compared to the next guy. My goal in controversial topics it to be objective while displaying the facts from both sides of the argument. That way the reader has clear decisions between the options available. Also, when I write articles as these such, I try not to give any personal opinion to the matter itself. My goal as a writer is to elaborate on topics discussed in the world and respond to peoples opinions accordingly.

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Well put here. If you are going to go into controversial territory, you better know your facts and have done your research, because it is going to drum up naysayers who will most likely attack your point of view and your content. Being able to stand your ground and defend yourself because you have done your research is essential. Your research is your best weapon and defense, whether your topic is controversial or not, to any refute regarding your content!

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Well, it depends on your position. If you are really nobody, holding no position of interest, well chances of you going viral with anything controversial you might say are slim to none.

BUT if you hold an interesting position and have some serious and solid personal opinions that you may think are controversial and you also have the GUTS to go public with your opinions, then yes, in theory, you may go viral. Like that guy from Google recently got.

I have a habit of righting controversial articles for organic traffic. I got a lot of organic traffic and comments on certain subjects, but I never felt I went viral.
With that in mind you can easily write controversial subjects nowadays, just attack the left in some way by stating some truth and you have yourself a controversial text.

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I don't think that just because you write about controversial things that your blog will automatically go viral.

If that was the case, everybody would be doing it. You have to know that controversial topics can also cause a lot of hate or "bad" reputation. I think that if you produce quality content and don't write controversially that you can get the same amount of traffic. It depends on other factors as well such as marketing and advertising.

I prefer to play it safe since I do not feel the need to write about the touchy topics.

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I agree and I think this is a very common strategy among sites and news companies nowadays. They like to sensationalize and exaggerate even the smallest details to incite conflict and disagreement. This is probably where the saying "no publicity is bad publicity" is most applicable, because people really are seemingly saying the most outrageous things just for a bit of reaction and a lot of clicks and site visits. Still, like the other posters have stated, it alone cannot catapult you into fame. There is still some sort of strategizing and timing involved as well as finding the right channels to promote your controversial statements.

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In life to succeed you need to step on some toes likewise in blogging, to gain recognition and traffic you need to blog about some controversial topics.

Though my blogs are mostly on lifestyle,I encourage news blogs to write about any hidden things especially when it concerns nations and politicians.

Some people need to be expose, no matter the standing of such people in the society.

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Yeah, you are actually right, like legends say controversy is the ladder of popularity. People get attention of both the media and the people by being controversial, check out half of the most infamous celebrities, most of them got their by been controversial.
So if we can apply this to real blogging world, i think it will go as expected.
So being Controversial is a nice way and strategy of getting attention and driving traffic to your blog. but be careful how controversial your contents are else they mistake it for insanity or being retarded.

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While I agree with you, I think it's a bit forward to assume that not writing about controversial topics is going to result in a "meager" traffic. I'm sure many bloggers are well aware that controversial topics are hot, and therefore when they pop up everyone is going to be writing about them. You may think you're going to be standing out, but you're just another person typing away in a sea of articles. But I do agree that it is still a good idea to address controversial topics, but only if it's with good intention. Writing about controversy just for the sake of controversy or because it is trending simply makes you fall in line with everyone else.

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Depends on where you are living to be honest. If you are living in a certain country like North Korea then obviously you should be extremely careful before you post something controversial or it could result in you having to serve time in prison or it could result in your death if the government is extremely bad. Personally, I doubt I would ever write a controversial article because I would be scared of the backlash from the public who may take it upon themselves to do something to me.

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Well you cannot please every one. Therefore if you can generate traffic, it is ok to write on a controversial topic. Controversial topic brings a lot of traffic and comments. I once published an article on Muslim head scarf. The article had 200 plus comments and more than 5k visitors just in one month.
Publishing on controversial brings you a lot of traffic. There is nothing wrong in doing this. However, you should stay away from offending a community and spreading hate speech.

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Actually I think it's a way to lose followers fast!. If you are in the popular opinion you are fine but if you are not, then you have to be prepared to lose some followers along the way. They'll bring you traffic, I agree but It can lead you to lose people too so it's a risky bet for me.

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I tried the whole controversial topic thing on a past website. ANd it brought out some wack job that literally scared the daylights out of me. It was so bad that I thought that he was going to come to my house and kill my whole family. After that I stay away from controversial topics because its just not worth it and you never know when your going to make a wack job angry!

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Writing a controversial topic

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Writing a controversial topic

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The problem with topics like this is that the writer shouldn't take sides as there will always be toxic social media members and some of them tend to suddenly make oppositions about the topic being unfair because only one side is covered. Controversial topics are rather sensitive and they can make or break a blog. It's a high risk and high return investment but I do not see how traffic from negative people is a bad thing. Traffic is traffic.

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This issue has surfaced in so many arenas that perhaps we're not fully aware of how prevalent this tactic of using controversial topics has been circulating. Take the news feeds for example, any news feed, online or local, big news agency or small ones. They choose some of the most outrageous issues to introduce to the public. This is an age old tactic. I suppose it sells stories and promote the station. It's no surprise that this would manifest in various aspects online. People tend to gravitate towards controversy. As a result there will always be a place for such instances to gain some faithful following and thereby promoting their cause. It's a product of our worldly creation and we have to decide how best deal with the unique circumstances.

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Those controversial topics are being used by the traditional media. I remember one writer for the movies who shifted to the tv and got her own program. It was a talk show about movies, of course, but later on she had included a segment that featured controversial topic. I had seen the show where she featured a mud fish that was supposed to be the child of a human. The mudfish was in an aquarium and the “mother” was trying to feed the mudfish with milk in a bottle. Isn’t that crazy? But that show had earned a good rating with that controversial topic which was actually trash.

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I would rather write a blog about personal development rather than writing a controversial topics. Because writing controversial topics requires strong evidence or proof. It will raise conflicts to both those you agree and disagree about the content of that you have written. And if it is the case, I would not be helping to make a better would. Instead I'm dividing the people.

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I totally agree with this. Controversial topics usually catches the attention of people, especially the ones about current events and famous personalities. Given the chance to write a blog, I won't write something about Duterte or extra judicial killings. I'll leave it to the media. I bet people had enough of daily dose of this. I will write either unfamiliar or unique topics instead. I prefer to write topics that build curiosity and educate uninformed and misinformed people with the things they don't expect. I want to write about things that don't provoke hate from people. I want my readers to appreciate the feeling of learning something new rather than giving them a feeling of anger. I believe that blogs should be more entertaining and informative to people.

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