
Should I sell my own products or just become an affiliate?

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Should I sell my own products or just become an affiliate?

One of the best ways to monetize traffic of a website is to sell products. It gives a higher amount of revenue as compared to merely having adsense ads slapped in.

There are two ways to approach settling products in a website - you either sell your own products or become an affiliate and sell the products of others. If you become an affiliate, you don't have to worry about product creation, delivery and such. Your only concern would be to promote the product itself. It is easier than creating your own product but it also generates a lower amount of income because you just receive a certain percentage from the sale as a commission.

Selling your own products in your website is a bit harder. You'll have to create the product yourself be in charge of the distribution and delivery of the product, and collection of fees from the customer. The advantage is that you'll be getting a higher amount of revenue because you're no longer merely earning commissions.

Which approach do you like best?


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I had always sold my own products because I always love to create new thing. But as you say is way easier just become an affiliate.
On the other hand selling original products can really make you passionate about your own brand and put more effort into it. Another perk, you'll be winning money only for you and not sharing commissions with others...
The problem is: you'll actually need an original product to sell and that could take time if you don't actually have one now.
If you don't have it yet I'll recommend just to become and affiliate while you think of one... Hope this works!

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Well, creating your own products from scratch can be hard, expensive and very time consuming so my personal preference is affiliate marketing.

Anybody can do affiliate marketing after reading and learning about it. The most important is just picking a profitable niche and knowing how to promote your products. Sure, there is a commission but you can still make quite a lot of money without constant effort.

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You are right that it is not easy to create your own product but I also ask that if I have my own product, is it better to sell it than to become an affiliate only? My husband has made an herbal concoction for kidney stones. It’s a long story but the gist is that the concoction using 4 leaves can prevent symptoms of kidney stones like pain in the lower back. I was the guinea pig in the experiment and I had been drinking that concoction for 12 years now. We plan to sell it next year.

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Sure selling your product is the best because you know much about your product more than any other person, so when making a post on that product you will probably have enough things to say about the product and also providing users with the right thing about your product..

Moreover your product is your product you know how to handle it properly and also when and when not to give out free products to make users trust you and also bringing you more traffics to you site probably thanks

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If you have products to sell, it is better to sell your own product than affiliate product. If you manage to sell a product, you earn 100 percent value, however, if you sell affiliate product, you will earn just a portion of the price. With the same effort (marketing and promoting) you will earn more by selling your own products than selling affiliate products.
However, in order to sell your own products, you need to create products. Creating a product requires great skill.

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Personally, I think you can do the two if you have the time and resources.The web can contain everyone.There are advantages to the two category.While you may have 100% profit from your sales which might take sometime, maybe because your products are not known by the audiences, you could make swift sales with affiliate products since it a known brand.So it becomes a win win situation

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I think this is surely one complicated decision. You can make your product or you can just promote products of other people. Either way you have to hustle and make money. That way you have to establish your own self. I have seen people making money more from affiliate. And then some people make more money through product development and promotion. So that seems to be the way it works for them.

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Creating and selling products is really a tough choice and if you are really interested in doing so, then you gotta prepare all the time and effort that you have because it'll be a hard battle. But if you would just do your best, then you'd be earning money better than doing affiliates.

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I would always choose to go with an affiliate product. I am not creative enough to sell my own products unless it would be a small craft item or something like that. I could see myself doing that, anything of value or greater sophistication though I would rely on affiliate products, a lot less to do!

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Both selling your own products and becoming an affiliate has its cons and pros, the good thing about Selling your own products is that you fix the price set up procedures and all responsibilities you are your own boss, while the good thing about affiate is you do not have to invest in money you just invest in time and advertise for your links
If I can choose for you I would choose affiliate selling.

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If you have your own products than of course you will sell your products to worldwide. Like- you can list your products with amazon or with E bay or with any other product listing service. Your product description will be high SEO keyword based and your product should need to have some HD pictures and all details. After the successful enlisting your work is to collect the order and make the shipment.


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If you are into digital products and is a newbie, may be affiliate is a good starting point. You have to understand first the market, what is the people needs, what digital products are good to sell, and what are the strategies used by best sellers to attract customers. And based on your experience doing the affiliates, you will figure out what are the products that really compels people. From your experience, you could create your own digital product. You could create tutorials on how to become an affiliate, the techniques you have learned, and how you transformed from an affiliate marketer to a digital product creator.

But even if your are just a beginner in digital industry, you could sell your own product if you feel that you have a unique idea that can be digitized and could help many people.

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What I can suggest is to start with affiliate marketing. It is like a dry run of sorts for your intended business which is selling your own products. With affiliate marketing, at least you can gauge the business vis-à-vis the potential clients. Of course, the product you will sell should be similar to the product that you intend to sell later. For example, if your product is shoes when probably you can also do affiliate marketing for other brands of shoes. And when the going is great then you can slowly shift to sell your own brand.

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