
Tips for better performance on Twitter

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Tips for better performance on Twitter

Twitter is among the top social networks of the moment. I particularly have Twitter accounts to share links from my sites. However, I have a low use in this social network.

I would like some tips to boost my twitter account, that is, to gain more followers, likes and increase the traffic of my sites with this social network.


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Try the free plans for services offered by and or if you can afford it use their paid plans. Also, pick one day out of the week and devote your efforts to tweeting, retweeting, liking and commenting. You have to let people know you're out there. For those people who follow you, look at the other people they are following and follow them. Those services mentioned will make suggestions on who to follow and who to unfollow and also suggest tweets to retweet, etc.

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Re-tweeting is one of the best ways to get more engagement in Twitter and it is also a means to get more followers. Some Twitter users tell me that they don’t re-tweet anything because once you start tweeting garbage then your followers may lose interest in your. Garbage means fake news and nonsensical items that are usually shared by nonsensical Twitter users. Be choosy in what you re-tweet. I also feel that when you follow someone then it will come back to you.

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I do retweet and I am very selective. I don't want to retweet garbage or spam. That's why I never automate my retweet process. I want to review the tweet before I retweet it.

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I think the thing with twitter is you have to be either influential or controversial. That's the only two things work with twitter. I have found that some of the time people do some controversial stuff and get away with anything. And that's how many of them are getting the recognition online. I am guessing that it's easy to find twitter followers but genuine followers is a hard thing.

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Interesting your point of view. I'll try to apply this. Thanks for the tip!

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To get more followers on twitter, lkeI think the best bet is tweeting daily especially controversial topics or drama -filled tweets or comments.

I think people are so bored in real life that the seek online drama always like me lol.
Another way is to buy followers, you can buy this gig from fiverr or you follow people and they'll follow back.

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I started doing this today. I did some searches for twittes in my niche and I'm engaging people with creative responses. It's being very interesting. Thanks for your tip!

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What I do mate and it does work, you may end up following more which are following you. But, if you're wanting traffic from twitter then this may work for you. Some don't agree on this method but it never went wrong for me and works.
So what you do is work around your niche, for example, if you have the niche make money online. Then what you would do if firstly make sure you twitter account is optimized for this niche from bio to link in profile good banner and profile picture. If you need a good Banner use this is awesome free site.

Next, you should use the twitter search box, so again this is only an example, search your niche in twitter search. So if it's making money nice search this and when results come up, It will say on the pages: Top | Latest | People. Click on the people tab and it will bring up all the people on twitter in this niche what ever you searched for.

Next, go to a profile with the most amount of followers, so if they have 30k followers go on there profile. Why this amount of followers following this member. It's obvious this person as this amount because these followers are interested in this niche, so click on this person's followers not following click "followers". Now just follow as many as you can, try to follow ones with profile pictures. Do this daily and you will slowly see an increase in your followers. Do this every day if you can, but why? Because you want nice related followers on your account. So when you tweet something in the niche the more interactions you will get.

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Thanks for these tips! I will apply them and soon I must have some result.

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Twitter is all about interaction and building a large followers base. You need to do a few things:

- post frequently; nobody will follow you unless you post at least once per day.
- only post unique, high-quality and creative content; such content will attract more followers and readers.
- use hashtags; hashtags can be used to give your tweets more exposure.
- interact with your followers; if anybody asks questions, always respond, tweet back and so on.
- include images in your tweets; we all know how valuable images can be when it comes to becoming memorable and interesting.
- find the most optimal times to tweet; you have to figure out when the most people are reading the tweets and take advantage of it.

I hope that this helps you out ;)

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I like your advice here, and I do most of these things on my Twitter account, but what I really think is so important about what you are saying here is how important it is to interact with your followers and to also, I think, show an interest in their tweets and in what they are doing with their content. Optimal tweet times are also very important--I tend to forget that. Thanks for your post.

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Great tips! I will put them into practice and check my results. Thanks a lot for the help!

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Your tips are very valuable! I'm applying some of them today and I'm getting good results. Thank you for your help!

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well i've seen one of the main things people do on Twitter, is to follow more people, there is even an app that helps you compare the amount of followers and following. Also you can try to keep updating your status frequently, show interesting things you do usually. If you have another sites or socials, make a good and constant promotion of your Twitter account. Some people use to buy followers, but I don't know how effective and beneficial that can be.

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Thanks for the tips!

I really think buying followers is not a good idea. I need people who really care about my site, so buying followers will only give me a death toll from people who do not interject on my page.

Anyway, thanks for the help.

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I totally agree with you here as well. I just was discussing, in a forum, the evils of using bots to simulate traffic, and I think that these types of things which people resort to in this business are unfortunate, and even possibly sometimes desperate.

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More than quantity, you should focus on quality. There is no point in having 1000 followers when only 5 percent people respond to your tweets, however, it is better when 40 percent of your 500 followers interact with your tweets. One of the easiest ways of building followers is y following twitter accounts. When you follow someone it is very likely that they will follow back. You can also do cross sharing, for example you can share your twitter link on facebook and ask your facebook friends to follow you on twitter. If you share interesting stuffs, you can also gain followers.

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Thanks for the tips!

I found this cross-share hint very interesting. I'll test this as I check the results.

Thank you for your help!

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Another way to gain twitter followers is by having your twitter profile link in your email signature or forum signature. If you do email marketing, having twitter link will help you gain followers. There are many services that give you followers. These programs have users who follow twitter accounts and in return, they are paid by the program. However, I don't suggest to use these kinds of services, because you are only increasing numbers.

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Well, personally I don't use Twitter that much to give you the relevant advice that you might need but as a "bystander's"' point of view, I can suggest that you can spruce up your content like focusing on only one thing that you would excel at posting, rather than being good at everything else. Being a jack-of-all-trades is good and all but it won't win you followers in the long run. Compared to a page that mainly focuses on one kind of content it's whole life, it would get more followers as time goes by. Please do correct me If I'm wrong on the points I stated, I just wanted to share my opinion and thoughts as a bystander. Cheers!

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Thanks to everyone who is sending me tips! I started to implement some strategies for Twitter today and I'm getting good results. Really this is a fantastic social network.

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Your tips are very valuable! I'm very interested in focusing on traffic quality. I will be applying some of these tips today. Thank you for your help!

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If possible though try to get only reliable audience, and not those that you got from sites like twiends. If you want good traffic that is, but you can always try those sites out. Just expect a lot of automated messages from people that you will be following.

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Thanks for the tips!

This really is not my intention. I plan to have followers who interact in my posts and share my content. I really do not like the idea of having robot followers.

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Have a wonderful day.

If you use your tweet with more and more hashtags- than you will get more success. Like I want to make a tweet with my website address. My website is API based social media marketing based. Than I will make the tweet with my website address and will provide some hash tag. Like: #SMM, #API etc.


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Thanks for the tips!

Really this is interesting! I have used hashtags, but I believe I need to improve this strategy.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

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I agree with you. I noticed that if I follow more people, they will retweet my twitter and I need to press like for their tweets too. In addition, add in photos to the twitter link

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Thanks for the tips!

I'm testing the use of photos and gif. I will soon be able to draw some conclusion from this strategy.

Thank you for your help!

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Retweet interesting stuff if you don't have many things to post about at the start. Pretty much try to be active on the platform as much as you can. I try to make 5 posts a day to ensure my profile stays relevant in my follower's feeds.

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Thanks for the tips!

I've been doing an average of 8 to 10 interactions in the past few weeks. I think my profile is slowly growing.

Thank you for your help!

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The best way to boost an audience on twitter is to link your twitter account with insta then share only wise and interesting stuffs regularly and make sure to ask people to follow you everywhere you share your stuffs for example if you share your content on a Facebook ask them to follow you for more better things :-)

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Thanks for the tips!

Despite not having Instagram, this is really a great strategy. I'll try to tweak this idea with Facebook.

Thanks for the tip!

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Keep your audience strictly bound to the topic of your interest. Once you have people sharing your interests you get much more vivid response to the stuff you post. And always use images, gifs or short video.

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First, you need to tweet things that are interesting to your followers to remained them why they followed you and analyze when you should post the tweets. Make sure your bio is fully optimized and includes hashtags. Add hashtags to your tweets so others can find it easier. Additionally, you should retweet interesting posts and engage in conversations with individuals who have built a following. You can post Interesting photos.
Hope these recommendations help you.

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I have found out that there is something called "Twitter Influencer Marketing". That's pretty much all I know. That such a thing does exist. I am learning and thought to make you aware as it might help you.

8 Tips to Create a Successful Influencer Marketing Campaign

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When it comes to promoting in Twitter, I guess it is more tedious than doing the promotion in Facebook. However, Tweets are quicker in reaction and if your Tweet is good enough to be interesting to your followers then it might get results as to be re-tweeted. However, a short message like a Tweet is not easy to compose that’s why I said that it is more tedious to do the promotion in Twitter than in Facebook.

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