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Blogging with Wordpress

I am planning on starting a new blog and was going through Wordpress. I see there are several plans starting with creating a free blog.  
Need your advice what would be the best for beginners. Here are their plans


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The link that you gave us takes us to the actual creation process. I think that you mean this page, right?

If yes, I think that you can simply use the free plan for now. Until your blog starts growing and receiving a good amount of daily traffic that free is enough for your needs. Once that happens, it is quite easy to upgrade to a plan that's more functional. Since you said that you are new to WordPress I don't think that you need the highest and best plan out there... first, you should set the whole blog out and familiarize yourself with how WordPress even works.

That's just my personal opinion, of course, and ultimately it's up to you!

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Thanks for pointing that out. I shall go there and get my free access. Have a long way to go I am determined to do justice to my writing prowess and not repeat my earlier mistake which was to give a title to my blog that talked of just one niche

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I think most bloggers prefer wordpress as there is a lot more customization available with it. I haven't tried it myself but I certainly might try it, as it seems to be the preferred venue for bloggers. I might try to migrate my blog over there eventually. It just seems better.

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I have been using Wordpress on all my sites for over 3 years and I confess that I simply love all the features and possibilities present on this platform. To this day I found plugins to meet all my needs and I find the Wordpress community fantastic too. Highly recommend!

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When you say community are you talking of the support system there or those who comment on your blogs. Having a support system where you can directly interact with their staff members is certainly a plus point.

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I haven't tried it either, but the more I hear about it on freelancing and SEO forums, I am more and more tempted to switch over to it. I wonder if I could just take all of my material from the other free sites and move it over there if I end up preferring it to my current locations. Customization is one of the most important aspects of our sites, and the more customization as I grow in what I am doing the better, of course.

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I think you can easily enough, but you probably have to read up on it in order to accomplish it. You don't want to make things any more difficult to do then they need to be. The easiest way to do it is I m sure by using some of the suggestions contained on this site.

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I am planning to do exactly that. There is no reason why you cannot do it I have a blog which is filled with a lot of substance. If i cannot carry it with me to my new blog that will be a great disappointment for me.

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Glad that you too find wordpress to be a better blogging site. i have yet to start my journey there but I will one of these days. At the moment I am up to my neck with forum work. I am here there and everywhere (lol)

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Have a wonderful day.

IT will be better if you take a domain and a hosting and select a template. It means you need to buy domain and hosting and template separately and set up name server with hosting server and download word press from your hosting server for writing blog.


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I am not confident yet of getting a domain where I would have to be independent of any help that I will now get if I go through wordpress. That is how i understand what it means when one has a domain of their own.

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I think it is great that you are thinking about startin your project with a blog! Bloggin is an amazing way to start making content and promote yourself, even more if writing is what you love to do. This is kind of personal, but my experience with Wordpress was not so good. It seemed a little limited to me, but that's my opinion. I use blogger.

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Actually Blogger is a good option to start a blog. I even started my first websites with Blogger. But I confess that the possibility of SEO optimization present in Wordpress (and the absence of this feature in Blogger) made me migrate to Wordpress. Today I consider Wordpress the best platform for blogs.

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Do you see any significant presence of your blog in search engines after using wordpress as that is the final purpose of choosing it. I am told wordpress is easy to navigate and for new bloggers that is a real blessing.

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I already have a blog which though it has a title that speaks of a particular niche I would rather give it the title 'hotchpotch' as that is how the contents look there . I am therefore eager to do it the right way.

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I suggest starting with for now. Then migrate to and here you can install wordpress and do the same things that you did with The reason being when you get your own hosting. You are more in control. And you can use the ads. In case of you can't use your own ads and affiliate links. So for this reason better to start with and then mgirate to the hawkhost or other hosting plans.

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Pardon me for asking but may I know the reason behind the recommendation for ? Also, what other hosting sites would you recommend to a beginner ?

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The reason behind that is - hostgator, bluehost and arvixe are owned by EIG hosting. So I don't recommend them. You can go for dreamhost, linode, hawkhost etc. The only reason hawkhost is good is because of the price and service. I am using them so this makes them beginner friendly. Also the cost wise the price are good enough than hostgator and others. Give it a try and you have nothing to lose compared to hostgator and bluehost where you can get a bad service.

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Thanks for the information. I was not aware of this previously. I will definitely keep that in mind.

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Hawkhost I suppose means getting a domain of my own. I am yet not ready for it as I would rather have some help around when I am establishing myself on the Net and wordpress by all standards could do that for me.

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As much as I love WordPress, I think their paid services are a bit too expensive. They have a personal pack starting at $4.80 per month which you can't monetize? And you can't even install plugins?

It's in the premium package where you can monetize your site. But at what cost? $13. Well at least, you have access to unlimited premium themes. But still, you can't install plugins!

The business package is where things get pretty interesting. You can install 3rd party plugins, unlimited storage space, SEO tools and a lot more. But at $43? That's a bit too much.

Go with a web host provider like Hostgator or GoDaddy and install WordPress to your website. It's much cheaper.

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Plugins are meant to be expensive. After all they are going to make things easier for you. If you try to estimate same plugin or functioality cost on squarespace or weebly. The overall monthly cost of working would go far ahead. And it ends up having more complication on that front. So I think on that point worpdress hosting and plugins are cheaper.

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This is not what I wanted to hear (lol) If their free service does not let a blogger to get their blog monetized then what is the purpose of writing a blog? I am a bit confused here and wonder whether others here would endorse what you are saying.

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I am also planning to start a blog too but I already have a blogger account. I was wondering if which platform would be better for me? I used Blogspot and have been comfortable with blogging there and I thought back then if blogging in Wordpress would be better in terms of traffic. What is your experience in terms of traffic, with Wordpress?

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As a blogger,i have about 4 niches or blogS on wordpress.the first positive about Wordpress is the customized have so many features to work with.

The interface to me is quite simple and easy to is also free so you can have a feel of blogging without paying a penny.

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I think the first and best thing to do befor starting your blog is to visit similar blogs to your and see how they function, You certainly want to be unique even if you are new, look around with those in similar niche then see what to make better or what you can do to be better than them, after you figure it out then start with a free domain make use of it and learn how to market it to meet your target audience then go pro and maybe make money with it :-) good lucks.

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Yes, it's best to understand how successful blogs work. That way, you can implement similar strategies to your own. I've found that consistent and quality content helps to draw more readers in. You're getting organic traffic whenever you do that.

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One thing I am interested in is just seeing how Wordpress functions. I have always used Blogger so the idea of having a new type of site on which to put my blog is interesting to me. I think it would be fun playing with the various options that are available with Wordpress. This is why I think I would prefer it.

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Me too. They have lots of free personalized themes to choose from. You can pretty much do anything on your wordpress account. It's very useful. Though, it's still a challenge to create regular content for your website as time goes on.

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What I do and use is my own domain, and then I use a hosting account. Which then you can use Cpanel and install WordPress to your server. It is just a thought but I use this option which is brilliant because depending on what hosting your on and Cpanel you can do so much more also add a forum on to your site with MyBB.

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I think is a better option of you want to blog with wordpress. get a domain, buy a hosting and install wordpress content management system on your domain. You can start a wordpress site with as little as $30 per year (domain plus hosting). If you are buying premium services from, you end up paying more.

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Well wordpress is a nice CMS platform for blogging and the most popular to start your blog or website, here are some advice for you nothing screams out “NEWBIE” more than a website that has incomplete pages. Beginners frequently launch their website before it is ready. Due to this, visitors click on a navigation link and are welcomed with incomplete pages with messages such as “Coming Soon” or “To Be Updated”.
As a rule, you should never link to any page that is not complete. Doing so will alienate visitors and give the impression that you are not taking your website seriously.
My advice is wait until your website is complete before you launch it. Whilst building your website, you can use a maintenance mode plugin such as Anticipate to keep interested parties informed of your launch date.

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Start with the free plan. Get a feel for it. Find other WP bloggers to follow and see how they are using the platform. Wordpress has some of the best bloggers in town. Very creative people. If you like it, then go with the paid plan because you can use more plugins to enhance your blog and make it even better. WP has good plugins as well. Wish you success! Blogging with Wordpress

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I don't think using wordpress premium plans is a good idea. It will cost you more. Instead of spending time with free blog and than moving into the premium wordpress hosting, you will have to get a domain, buy a hosting and then launch a self hosted blog. There are many hosting companies that offer hosting for $3 a month. You can get shared hosting from namecheap by paying $14.88 per year and you can host upto 3 websites.

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I love using Wordpress. It's such a great site for personalizing your content. I get to choose specific themes. Styles that express my ideas and who I am clearly.

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Wordpress is the best choice of most bloggers that I know. It seems that blogs in Blogger are now shifting to Wordpress for reasons of their own. They say that Wordpress is easy to use, easy to tweak and easy to upgrade. There are also paid themes that you can avail to give your site a professional look. But most of all is the attractive packages that are offered by Wordpress.

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