
Gearing websites for mobile use

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Gearing websites for mobile use

It is unbelievable how many websites are not designed for use on a mobile device.

i have recently tested the functionality of different sites using a variety of devices. While using a mobile phone, pop up pages may be blocked which gives the impression the selection is unavailable. Sites where you have to register - an absolute nightmare. Ordering online somewhat tricky, if at all possible. Websites tend to fare far better on an iPad or tablet.

With more and more business being conducted "on the go", regular testing should occur to protect your brand and secure sales.

I would be interested in others opinions and personal experiences.


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I believe that website owners should take into consideration the mobile look of their websites. Thankfully, if you're using WordPress, a lot of themes are already mobile friendly. That is, when you access your website using a smartphone our a tablet, the theme will automatically optimise the site and show its mobile version without any additional tinkering and coding.

When I'm choosing a theme for my sites, I always check if it is mobile friendly. I personally use my phone to access my sites to see what they look like on the small screen. If I see something is not right, I change the theme.

When it comes to ads, I usually go with the responsive ads because they can adjust to any screen. I also love the large rectangle because it exactly fits mobile phone screens. Be careful on using horizontal banners as they're not optimized for smartphone screens.

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I agree with this thread especially when I go to a website that is not mobile friendly, so to speak. It is so difficult to navigate and I have to adjust, from time to time, the size of the fonts so I can read. Obviously, those sites are not designed for mobile access. From a rough estimate, I dare say that mobile users are definitely more than the number of computer users in terms of internet access. In that vein, website admins and owners should take that into consideration for their sites to be mobile friendly.

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I am making use of the bootstrap framework for most of my HTML based website. And rest of the responsive mindset is being taken care of by that. You can see that it may not be that easy for you to handle the mobile usage. But that's something you have to do with the bootstrap, foundation framework. You can also make use of the Google's AMP platform. So that is possible to have better mobile pages. And revenue can be managed in that context too. I think for many people that's how it is working.

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The problem with some sites too is that, despite them having version for mobile, the ads that the websites have make it impossible to navigate through it. I passed by a site using my phone and whenever I click on the webpage at least once, there will be a popup that will be opened in a new tab. It is somehow frustrating that there is just excessive amounts of ads.
People nowadays use have access to the internet on the go using their mobile phones. It would be pretty convenient that if my coworker sent a link to a website and it is easy to use using a phone.

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Yes, there are a lot of sites that cannot be accessed from a mobile phone. I don't think this will last for a long time, because the Internet is evolving all the time, and this will be changed very soon!

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Yep, your experience pretty much sums up my own as well. I love to just lay in my bed and use my mobile phone to browse various pages. You know, like the majority of the people? So you'd, of course, think that by now, most sites would be mobile friendly/mobile optimized but think again! I find it very rare to actually find websites to be as functional as they are on the computer. It's rather sad to see because the owners don't realize how much potential traffic increase they are losing out on.

I've seen it all; from sites not even opening on phones, from not scaling correctly, from not being able to properly zoom in, the design is all over and more.

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It is really frustrating when browsing the Internet with the mobile phone and you come across a site, only to find out that it is not optimized for mobile. I enjoy browsing with my mobile phone a lot, it is so sad some sites are not mobile optimized.

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Actually there is an option on your mobile device or the browser that you are using which you can configure to automatically or forcibly adapt the orientation or accessibility of a certain website that you are viewing. On my browser, there are options to force zoom a page that fits on the screen of my smart phone. There is also an option to choose which agent you want to use to let the page know what device you are using. I mostly use iPhone because most page are originally optimized on Apple devices.

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A good website owner will always take the mobile design in consideration. It's the era of social medias and everyone will use their smartphones much more than they will use their PCs. It's a nightmare to go on a site that doesn't have a mobile version, everything will be laggy or difficult to click. Sites that negate mobile phones access are really stuck in the past in my opinion.

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It's important to have websites suited for mobile use. In today's world, most of the people have a smartphone. However, I find it pretty annoying that some websites are not meant for mobile use. Having the lack of mobile will put off mobile users so there's plenty of potential revenue going away just because there is a lack of mobile website. Some websites cannot be seen properly using a mobile as you need to scroll up and down just to read a sentence. Hopefully, this situation will improve in the future.

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It is really important to make a website mobile friendly the world is changing and mobile is the new trend. A lot of activities and transactions occur on mobile each second that passes. A website which has a good mobile support and accessibility would thrive better in the long run.

It is however advisable to consider how your website appears to the mobile users when designing. One could opt in for a Responsive Theme or web layout which can adapt to any mobile orientation or specifically create a mobile version of your website. There is a wide array of mobile platform out there which on could integrate into one's website.

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mobile-based web visits account for 46.53% of traffic [on the internet in October 2016]

Web developers can no longer afford to ignore mobile visitors.

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Taking in consideration your argument, it's obvious web developers cannot ignore the immense traffic websites get from mobile devices. It's crucial these individuals invest in ways to adapt their sites to mobile platforms, or even make new features for these target population.

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If you think you will start your career with mobile web developer than you will get a ton of works every day. In this world maximum website had not been designed for mobile web. But now a day for the last 2 years maximum people has been designing their website for mobile platform also.


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Well I think that some websites don't particularly need mobile versions since smart website designers will make everything easily accessible to both PC and Android users.

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It can be quite challenging to use those sites that are not designed for mobiles as they are not user friendly and it is quite difficult to explore the site. I will be glad if all sites were designed for mobiles. It will be quicker, easier and more convenient to use them.

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I honestly think that if anyone in the year 2017 is insane if their website is not mobile friendly. I know at least 100 people in real life and I can count on one hand how many of them use a PC. The rest of the people use a smartphone or a tablet. I am one of the last old school people out there that still likes a PC. Heck even my 83 year old grandmother uses a tablet instead of a PC.

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It's surprising how many web developers don't take this seriously in this day and age. Perhaps because of another trend which is looming about and that is the use of social media that is somewhat superseding the reliance of web pages. Lots of people are promoting their social media outlets like Facebook and YouTube as they once did the websites. Those mobile friendly social networks are already optimized and with their gaining popularity, the emphasis may be on developing these pages instead of enhancing conventional websites as virtual store fronts.

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Facebook had to spend millions on talent and technology to make its site mobile-friendly and websites should take a cue from this if they want to stay or become more competitive in the future. Thankfully for blogs that use WordPress, there are plenty of responsive themes to choose from for both free and premium themes. Being mobile-friendly is important for maximizing a website's visibility. It may not translate directly to sales but it can be used to achieve other forms of conversion.

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Maybe the Wordpress theme for being applicable to mobile browsers is one plus factor for its popularity. Given a choice between Blogger and Wordpress, I find a big imbalance in the numbers when I made an informal survey that Wordpress is very dominant among bloggers. I didn’t know that you can change make your site in Wordpress to be responsive by just changing the theme. That’s great for new bloggers.

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