
10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

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10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

In today's world there is a mindset that you will get quick results from your actions and if you do not, you're a failure. This is extremely negative and false at the same time because results and success don't come in quickly, you have to build it over time. Entrepreneurs know that it doesn't work this way and this is why a lot of them who are successful had busted their butts to get where they were and didn't just get lucky. Have you ever hear of Sweat Equity? Well it's the saying that you're working all the time, busting your butt at what you do, in order to generate equity for your business.

There are certain habits that we all have that will help us push forward when it comes to making money, but there are some habits that will stop us in our tracks and not make a single penny. Building up an empire that you sit on top of like a king isn't going to happen overnight and you won't be able to do it unless you have a few specific habits.

If you're looking to make a great deal of wealth, you aren't going to find that by selling your unused things on websites like Ebay. You need to figure something out that will bring in a significant amount of cash flow, and that takes a few different habits in order to make it slightly easier. Now I'm not saying you HAVE to do any of these, but the more you work on, the better chances you'll have of making some extra cash and being successful 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

1. Always Be Adding Value
It doesn't matter if you're offering a service, information or even products. You will always need to be adding value to the exchange in order to keep people coming back or increasing the word of mouth about your business. The most successful entrepreneurs in the world know how to add value whenever they're doing a business deal, so you will need to do the same if you want to be successful as well.

2. Getting An Early Start
In the early morning you might notice that there is a different kind of silence. Sure you can stay up late and hear it too, but your body is in a different state of mind so it's not quite the same. Waking up early will help you put a plan of action in place and you can collect all of your thoughts easier. Many successful entrepreneurs wake up around 4am in order to get their day started, and they say it's the best time to get work done because they're rarely distracted.

3. Exercising Regularly
Some of you are saying "Well wouldn't this just waste precious time where I could be focusing on my business?" Well, sort of. If you just started working out, you don't know all the benefits of a healthy body and mind just yet. After a few months of working out you will notice your energy levels have increased compared to before and now you can get more done in a day than you ever could. Think of this as an investment where you will be slightly drained in the beginning but afterward you will be getting 20% more work done each day because of the higher energy levels 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

4. Setting Daily Goals
Every successful entrepreneur has daily goals that are achievable. I'm not saying to have a goal of "Make $3.00 today" because that will just be pointless. Goals like "Contact 20 business owners about your services" or "Post XX amount of times for your website on 3rd party sites" are better daily goals because you can achieve them with little effort and they can pay off a lot in the long run.

5. Good Time Management
We all know that there are 24 hours in the day and we're usually only fully awake for 8-12 of them. We can be awake for 20 of those hours, but we're not usually at peak performance so that's why I say 8-12 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

If you can manage your time like a champ, you will notice that you're getting more done in the day than you were before you implemented the time management schedule. Many successful people have assistants letting them know when they need to start a new task, but you can do it on your own in the beginning until you're a millionaire 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

In Conclusion:
No one can force you to do any of these, but you should take a crack at a few of them and see where they take you. You're the only one holding you back from being successful, so jump over those hurdles and break through any barriers you can in order to have a stable income or a huge wave of profits coming in 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1) There's no limit to how much you can make each month or year, so get to work 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1)

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People who are millionaire or billionaire, are going to see that building wealth requires help from others. You can't pull everything on your own. And outsourcing is not something you'd be able to learn that easily. So people who are rich known what to do and how to pull that part. Because in that you'd learn that preserving wealth and doing the work is another thing. So I think learning execution and maintaining is something they do.

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Most of the rich people I know have the skills to make people work for them. Would you believe that the chairman of our bank is still checking on the president and other executives regarding big projects? That is one way of protecting the business and our chairman is doing just that. Our bank is the biggest in the country and our chairman is the daughter of the richest man so I can say that it is hard work that is the good habit of the wealthy.

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Yes the rich people don't do the work themselves. And they get the other people to work for them. That seems to be the case for many money makers. They make one product and then another and list goes on. This way they establish a process, get people to work for them and then focus on making the money.

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This is true in many respects but taking into account all 'added value' plans. It can have a massive impact on employees, friends and family. It would make them think you are completely money orientated.
Other then that, a great list of things that they do well!

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Hi Razzy
Thanks for your nice share. I read all of your thought and to say all real things from real life of wealth person. Things all very common to me but after reading your all points, it is getting me more clear. Really, I noted some points of your column. Some points really match with me but I am very lazy to weak up early in the morning as other wealth person. Though, I know this habit is not good. But, as a freelancer, you may know all freelancer has same habit. I should try to change it. Good time management, really awesome part for successful person. It is really need to be success for anywhere or everywhere, which very much lack of this generation. And point number 1 also very importance to adding value of service. I am really waiting for your other part, hope you will post soon.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Haha, I think that I am still a long way from being a millionaire unless something magical happens overnight.

One point got me surprised though. The 3rd one where you mention that the millionaire/billionaires habits involve working out? Really? Have you not seen the body structures of some? 10 habits a millionaire has in order to build wealth quicker than normal (Part 1) I do agree that we should be working out because a healthy body leads to a healthy mind but I don't think that it's particularly linked as one of the most common habits of the rich.

I definitely need to be doing some of these though... it's just hard to stay consistent with things like daily goals. I do it for a week then I get lazier and lazier and only set weekly or monthly ones.

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Ahaha yeah i get what you say, but Razzy was probably trying to say that new millionaires tend or need to do some exercise. Very interesting text, i personally liked the part where he states that is necessary to rest, and don't overexert yourself. This can be applied for every type of work in my opinion.

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Very true indeed, I have a customer who is a millionaire whose time management and self control were superb. He doesn't show off, always set a daily goal and meet his requirements without fail. No wonder.

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I think its also very important to note that being a millionaire comes with a lot of responsibility. People with a lot of money have come to realise the importance philanthropy plays in growing their wealth. The more money you give away to help the poor the more they get. That is why you get people like Bills Gates having a foundation that focuses on projects for specific countries.

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Yes, unless you know where you want to go, you are unlikely to get there. It is important to set your goals and follow through with them to get the progress you want to have in your financial life. I think focusing on yourself and your goals is likely the most important thing.

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Thanks forthe article! These are some nice and very helpful advices here. I tend to struggle
more with time management these days but since I’m not millionaire (yet) I
guess I’m going to have to learn to do it myself! How would you recommend doing
this? How would you start?

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I think this kind of content is simply precious! Thank you so much for sharing this tips. I am quite sure it will be useful for so many people as it will be for me. People frequently tends to undervalue how important it is to exercising to be succesful.

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To build wealth like a billionaire or millionaire, you need to have the mindset of a millionaire or a billionaire.You need to be focused on what you do.You need to love what you do.You need to have the ability to see opportunities where others do not.You need to create value for people.You need to create networks.You need to believe in yourself. The rich know that being rich is not about the money, they know that being rich is simply a state of mind.The poor and the middle class think that being rich is having lots of money.The rich know that to be rich, you need to have specific knowledge and sell it to the masses.The poor and the middle class think that the road to riches is paved with formal education. The poor believe that the rich are greedy.The rich know that to be rich you need to be generous.The poor and the middle class are always waiting for someone to take care of them or to make them productive.The rich know that no one is coming to the rescue and that the onus is on them alone.The poor are always complaining.The rich meanwhile take action.

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This post was interesting.

I am currently taking a financial coaching course and came across some of their tips.

I think we have to change our metallity and our habits so we are ready for wealth.

Thank you for sharing this with us!

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Everyone needs exercise not just the millionaires or wannabe millionaires. Starting early is pointless. Whether you should stay a late night or wake up early depends on your own way. I don't find easier to wake up at 4 am and start working. I prefer to stay up until 1 or 2 in the morning.
I think #4 and #5 are really important. Setting realistic daily goals and managing time properly both are very important to succeed.

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I agree exercise and health is important part. And even the time management is also important. All that we need in our life is that we have to learn to make changes in our routine as we see it please. Because not every day we can make money. And some of the time we have to rest as well. That's how I see things.

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A sound mind and a sound body, yeah, I fully agree with the exercise. When you wake up in the morning and you do what you need to do without the benefit of exercise, you will notice that you are somewhat lethargic. But if you do some exercise or a short workout, the change is noticeable. You will have the energy and alertness. And with that, you are on a good stead in doing your business for the day. Good disposition results when you have a sound body and sound mind.

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