
Do you moderate comments?

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Do you moderate comments?

Comments are amazing for an article writer because it shows that people are reading your content and enjoying the content that they read. It also encourages other readers to discuss the article when they see other comments. But do you guys moderate your comments? By this I mean do you have it so that comments have to be approved before they are visible on the website? The problem I find with this is that sometimes comments don't appear quickly because staff take too long to approve the comments. Another problem is that comments may not be approved if it is critical of the blog or has a fair point but does not align with the staff's political/general views.


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My sites have been receiving a lot of spam comments. Some of them are even in a language that I don't understand! I see Chinese comments, Spanish comments etc. A lot of these spam comments include different links to only god knows where. I have activated a plugin that should be fighting spam comments but it doesn't seem to be working.

Because of this, I've set a restriction that all comments should first be held for moderation. It's a pain in the butt to sift through the relevant comments but that's how it goes. If you want to lessen your work load, you can simply hire a moderator.

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On my own blog and youtube channel. I have set the option for approval. So anyone commenting needs to be getting my approval. This way I am skipping a lot of spam. And people can't be posting any random comments on my blog. Same applies to my youtube channel as well. I don't want any random person to do the commenting. That's not a good way to end up in that case there. I guess we have to check out anti spam plugins like akismet. That way we can automate this task.

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I have set the approval option only on my YouTube channel, in the rest I don't moderate comments. People can express their opinion and I don't want to influence my readers in any way. I accept the critics as well as the positive comments! This will make me write better and with more responsibility!

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I agree, if you want the real opinion from your viewers, then why do you moderate comments? Personally, I feel frustrated when I post on any blog, website, channel, and I have to wait for approval, sometimes it can take like forever to see the post, and I feel like I haven't been taken serious. Certainly you may find violent or rude people, but you are supposed to have any kind of viewers, and actually either if the comment seems negative or positive, you will learn from them and improve your writing.

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I have not done that but must say that I do not like it per se as I am experiencing that when I put my comments on blogs. They take 24 hours for approval and by that time I actually should be commenting on new blogs. I have unsubscribed all the blogs I was commenting on as it interfere with my system in a way. It confuses me as to whether they have been approved or what is the situation.

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Haven't had that many comments but if ever there are inappropriate ones then yeah, sure. I guess it's just normal unless your blog or forums are about negative things and personal attacks. That is one of the perks of being a blow owner or a forum admin. You can remove the posts or comments which you think doesn't give the right information or a good content, and most of all, the inappropriate and the rude ones.

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Hi there,
Thanks for your query. I do agree with you, it is really nice feeling when blog or article writer see that someone leave comments bottom of the page and expose his opinion how feel that about article. But, almost every blogger or blog owner control new blog post or comment post in term of protect spam or spammer. I think it should be need to control for all comment by under moderation. I had a blog some years ago and I open accept all post and comments and over 90 percent comments and post was automated by bot. Which really awful experience. yes, moderator or admin should be fast to moderate any comment just after posting by anyone. If comment related with the post or need to edit something as grammatical error, moderator must to do as fast as possible to encourage more real comment or post.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I am moderating comments only for those obvious reasons which promotes violence, pornography, etc. because it would cause havoc to your blog and is not a good influence to others who reads your posts. Apart from that, there's no need to moderate comments.

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I think to set up the approval option of the comments before shows in a blog or anything else is the best choice, because it makes your blog clean and avoid the nonsense and spams comments.

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I only moderate them for my YouTube but I never tried to implement the moderation function on my older blogs. I just felt like it wasn't needed. I always received good quality or at least semi-decent comments. I never had any problems with bots or spam because I required users to actually register if they wanted to post anything. I have come across a few blogs that do have this ''waiting for approval'' option turned on and it can be a bit annoying if the staff takes a very long time to approve the posts... it feels discouraging. One time I waited two and half days for a comment to get approved Do you moderate comments? but I do understand that it has many good sides to it. It's always up to the owner.

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Since my blog is only beginning and the influx of comments is low then yes I do moderate comments and approve them.
When things improve and I get more activity on my site that might change

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I haven't done that, but I feel like maybe I should as I once got a comment from someone who was mad at me from another site. It was totally unrelated to my site. It was just an inappropriate comment.

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I manage a Facebook page that is focused on posting memes and funny videos and at times, things go awry in the comment sections. Despite that I will not delete any of it because I find it entertaining to watch a bunch of people argument against each other. If it were a different Facebook page though I would be moderating it and would only allow appropriate comments such as greetings and questions. I would let hate comments be as long as they are not vulgar to the point that it has to be removed, to prevent younger people from seeing them.

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I moderate it, but not in the way you think. I don't necessarily make them have my approval first, I let them post as they please. If I see a toxic comment that contributes nothing, then I would delete it, especially if it's a spam. Otherwise, if it's a negative comment, as long as it's resourceful then I let them do as they please.

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I think that's fair. You can moderate comments, I agree with that, it is way better than blocking comments. People are free to comment what they want but you have the right to decide if you want it to bee seen on your website because, after all, that's YOUR space.

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I moderate comments on my blog to help filter out spam. Initially I was doing it manually but recently I installed akismet,a WordPress anti spam plugin to automatic the process .

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I moderate comments on such views that are not acceptable to me and others. I keep a tab on viewers review everyday on my blog. This helps me to get a real touch with my audience and maintain proper balance among them. Many person give their views to just have influx of an idea and to get fun out of that. They try to mutilate the things by abusing the advantages they have given in the name of comment option. So it is better to keep them off by moderating them. These are particularly spam which degrade our site content and reputation.

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Yes I do. I moderate comments on my blog. This helps to weed out negative and spam comments. There is no option to comment on my website.

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nope, I don't moderate comments because I don't want to let my readers to feel insulted that I had to approve their comments before publish. Honestly, I hated when my comments are Moderated by the owner of the blog too. As if awaiting for my teacher to mark my words

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I have never moderated comments on my business profiles nor my youtube pages. I know you can never please everyone, but if you do the best work you can, naturally the comments and reviews will be the best that they should be. I can handle criticism pretty well, so it doesn't bother me to have critical comments placed on my site, but abusive comments are another thing. I've never received abusive comments, but I'd be more inclined to filter those out if they weren't actually contributing to anyone's experience regarding my services.

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My blog is new and at this point, I don't want to moderate the comments. I do expect comments or questions from viewers because my blog posts are mostly informative. I'd like the readers to feel free to leave a message. I can always remove the comment if I feel that things are not going in the right direction. I just deleted a message from a spammer who left a link and a few unintelligible words.

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Yes I do. It helps to keep things in check and under control. I won't feel comfortable with users of my website making ill remarks about each other or people using inappropriate words too.

I also don't support spammers who don't make reasonable or relevant comments to what is being discussed only to drop links and walk away.

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For the most part, I try and avoid moderating comments as much as possible. The last thing I want is to be accused of playing favorites or something like that. However, in the case of spammers, I can completely understand the desire to moderate what people are posting.

I work for a small college, so unless we're absolutely sure someone is spamming or what they is incredibly, incredibly inappropriate (which hasn't happened as of yet), then we don't remove or edit comments at all. Generally everyone is pretty well-mannered online within our community.

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No I don't.I think people have the right to comment whatever they want in that space. Otherwise
why would I have that space for they to comment?. I found really annoying when
I have to wait for someone to approve my comments so I don't do that to my
followers. If they like it great. If not that’s too bad. We can't pretend
everyone to like what we do. That’s part of being a blogger and we just have to
learn to make the best out of it.

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I haven't had the need yet to do this on pages and on my blogs because everyone has been polite and courteous, and I even appreciate when commenters disagree with me or other people who make comments because I want to support the right for everyone to be able to utilize free speech and express their opinions. I believe that having a forum like that opens up a space for learning and perspective.

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I moderate comments on all my blogs because I need to manually check if having some comment spams on my blog, it should not be automatic approved comments on some blogs.

Also I learn this way from big blogs on the net, I think they did right way to manage their blogs and I should apply according to their way.

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I usually moderate the comments on my site simply because the volume of spam is very large. So I use a Wordpress extension called Disqus that allows me to filter user comments.

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I've had problems in the past with spam comments on my sites. The solution was to install the Disqus plugin for Wordpress. It really is necessary to moderate the comments, because besides the spans, there are also bad and offensive comments in certain cases.

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I do moderate comments. It is important nowadays because of spam, people use all sort of software's and bots to post contents for their benefit.

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I do moderate comments.I know it might be annoying to real commenters, but I must fight spam and also know the comments I approve.
P. S: I also negative comments and corrections.
The most frustrating part of free comments blog or website is that people will convert your comment section to advertisement platform.

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I moderate comments on my blog and the reason behind this is mostly spam comments. I have many High DA PA Blogs and People always want backlinks from my blogs. Mostly are the irrelevant comments which I just hate. I just don't want my visitors to think that my site is a spam so that's the reason I added an approval system on my blog. Whenever someone does comment on my blog i Just read the comment and if the comment is relevant then i approve it. I can then add the auto comment approve for this.. This help the blogs to look clean, attractive.

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YES, There's comments moderation on my blogs.spammers and scammers are on the prowl leaving comments that don't add to the blog post or any aspect of the blog.

You get to see links to fraudulent web sites or to curtail need to moderate the comments to only allow reasonable comments

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No. They aren't that many people who leave comments at my blogs. The ones who usually visit have something constructive to say. The spam bot does a great job of catching spammers. So moderating comments is just an extra task that I don't need to be bothered with.

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I dislike to watch people being disrespectful, discreminating, spamming, or sharing links to advirtise on both my channels and blogs without my permission which is why my answer is yes I moderate comments on both my blogs and channels to make it clean.

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Yes I moderate comments because you never know who is going to post what. And then you're going to end up with spam or worse yet someone bad mouthing you or your blog. So I make sure that I have to approve every comment on my blog. That way there are no surprises when I wake up.

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To be frank with the moderation of the boards in the forum, I am against that unless the post is clearly a spam which should be deleted outright and the poster is banned. My idea of a forum is a place where there is freedom to say what you want although I know that there is a required decency and manners. But still those nasty posts can be retained to be an example that negative posts are not desirable to be seen on the boards.

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