
Frequency of promotional emails

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Frequency of promotional emails

I've been on the receiving end of several emails from a particular forum that tends to email users every week reminding them to visit the forum because they miss us. The problem is that I was a pretty active member over there so I know they didn't really miss me Frequency of promotional emails. It became annoying after a while so what I did was unsubscribe from the emails but that could have meant that I might have missed something actually important/informative that they sent via emails. So do you think sites should only send important emails once in a while to avoid annoying users?


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Sending emails weekly for whatever reason is irritating to the receiver. I don't think that is unethical but not decent anymore. I have been receiving emails from some forums but it's all about new activities like contests. But if I would receive a weekly email just to remind me to log in, I would probably leave that forum and block its emails.

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Yes, I don't like getting repeated emails from any entity. I don't see the purpose in it. It just clogs up my inbox. Luckily, many places allow you to set your preferences to get fewer emails. This is one of the best things to do.

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If they have an option to choose how much emails you can from them within a week, they're okay in my books. It shows that they care for the users of their sites and that they have no intention of spamming your inbox with their emails.

I still see some sites without this option though and it bugs me so much.

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This is a great idea--i need to figure out how to set up this option on my own blogs. i am still learning about design and all of the options available to me out there. However, your post gave me some ideas of what to look for at host sites.

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I think we should avoid this by adjusting the settings. I do not like to get flooded with e-mails as it will consume my time to sort out emails.

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Sometimes i found ton of emails in my gmail without any benefit, i think the only solution is to unsubscribe to stop recieving emails from them. If i found that forum interestiong for me then there no need to remind me every time to visit it.

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I agree with you here on this. Going through emails every day is taxing enough to have to handle an assistant, so it is essential to filter these types of things and to stay efficient and organized.

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I feel you, I've also been a victim of a similar forum once. The thing about that forum was that it was quite small and not a lot of people are active, but I was one of those who were. I felt annoyed yet I also felt bad for them in a way because it seemed like a cry for help that they need some traffic to come into their site to support their families.

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I really dislike those type of mails. If someone is interested, I'm sure they don't need a mail every week to remind them to be active. I think those emails should really be sent once in a while, and to people who are not active at the time.
Other than that, I really prefer to see relevant information that interests me in an email, not just a reminder that the forum exists.

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Haha, been there and done that. Many, many forums and websites literally spam you with promotional emails; ''check out this, buy this, blabla''. I don't mind if they send out such emails once in a while but if they spam up your email then they quite quickly get on my blocked list. It is really important that you try to put yourself into the customers/readers/users shoes when trying to choose the right frequency of promotional emails. Would you enjoy receiving 5 such emails per day? No. Neither do your users. The more isn't always the better Frequency of promotional emails

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Promotional emails can be really annoying. I know this because there was a company that used to send me these mails every single day. For companies, I recommend a promotional email once in two weeks. However, that email can be voluminous enough to contain all relevant information for the next two weeks. Apart from the fact that this step will potentially save you a lot of time, resources, and money, it will also ensure that people don't unsubscribe from your mails. Promotional emails can be irking, but when people see that they are relevant, they will be inclined to listen to you.

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I think it would be better to compile news and changes for a week and just send weekly mails, compared to everyday mails that could get really frustrating. With the scheduled weekly mail though it would be expected that there will be one sent. I remember subscribing accidentally to a website that kept on promoting every stuff that it has at least three times a day and it got to the point that I was so frustrated that I unsubscribed right away. It's very inconvenient to be bombarded with these mails since some might find it a mess in their inbox. I'd stick with once a week mail.

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"Everything in moderation" is a good term that should be applied onto this subject. I agree with most here that to much just annoys and discourages/ scares away. Here I believe you need to be sensitive when you are reaching out, in both Frequency and Quality for sure.

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I think many people are choosing the promotional emails twice a week. You can get the promotion every Monday and Friday. I have seen many people making money through promotions. So it all comes down where and how the niche is setup. So that's one more reason I am thinking that one can make use of the promotional mails. I think we should definitely take a look at the way competitors promotions.

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I mean they already have their email subscriber program right? They should have used only for something important. Clearly they abused it and it looks like they just spammed you with these unimportant emails. If you want be first with the information they put out though I guess you would have to stay subsribed.

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This should be stop, I hate it with passion. Flooding your subscribers inbox with irrelevant promotional emails is the quickest way to do get them unsubscribe from your list. There should be a day in a week when to send email to your subscribers not frequently. Sending 2-3 emails per week is the ideal ratio.

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I think that promotional emails are very annoying--they are like the "second-hand smoke" of the internet, and my inbox gets more junk in it than the Hudson River after a St. Patrick's Day parade--still, though, i understand the nuance behind doing these emails, but does anyone ever really respond to them? I know I don't, lol.

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Actually, you can change the settings on the emails in the forum. Don't thick everything. Read them before you tick the boxes. Emails for promotions, don't thick. That is what I did, less junk promotions emails.

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Totally a victim on these promotional emails. In fact, I had an issue with a website that got my email by mistake, or maybe some user misspelled his email. This site was really annoying! I unsubscribed I don't know how many times, I also sent an email and reported it, I tried everything. I think is ok to do promotion, but is a good idea to let users choose how many times a week or a month they would like to get those. For me is almost zero tolerance, once a month is more than enough.

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Yes I think Sites should sent very few Important emails to the users,I receive lots of emails too and when A site tend to send me endless messages everyday I unsubscribe even if I still use it, It's annoying to get lots of emails sometimes I mark them as spam and since I activated a spam blocker then I don't get their messages anymore :-)

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Promotional emails are definitely annoying. There are forums which tend to send a lot of emails to its subscribers on a daily basis. The problem is that most of those emails are repetitive and not informative. I also don't have the time to go through all of those received emails. I have opted not to receive those emails from many forums.

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I think so too,But what I do instead of unsubscribing I rather delete them.When unsubscribe and you do not visit the site regularly you might miss alot of things or information about the site unless the site wasn't that important to you.

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It was your decision to unsubscribe from the email that they always send. I would have advised that it is not the best way to go about it since you could simply delete those emails once done reading them.

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Is the subscribed emails are not getting relevant anymore, I guess it is only practical to unsubscribe from the site because that will be like receiving spam emails. I did it myself by unsubscribing from the sites that sends emails which I am not interested anymore. I understand your logic that maybe tomorrow there will be an interesting email from that site but I am not betting on that.

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