
We all were newbies one day. What was your experience?

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We all were newbies one day. What was your experience?

We all begin somewhere not knowing what the writing world has in store out there. I have lost count of the number of sites I have been on - some I left on my own and some closed down. As a newbie I had my moments of frustration when there was some rudeness here and there.

What was your experience?


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Hmmm, say it again bro.
We have all been the new guy somewhere before. We've been scammed, exploited and insulted before, but we won't relent till we make full life from our freelancing.

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The very fact that you are here shows that you have waded through rough waters aggravated by those experienced who instead of helping the newbies they put spokes in their wheel. In a way those spokes do help the newbies in the long run as they make them stronger. I am stronger and I will always lend a helping hand to them.

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Patience is what has taken us to heights wading through unsure situations not knowing what the future holds. When I just started and looking at my progress I cannot imagine I could have reached this far and I think it is all because I fought through thick and thin. Today I am confident and just as you are. You are raring to go.

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As a newbie,I was so curious and inquisitive, I wanted to know and learn everything at once.I wanted to be a good writer but I came to realize that slow and steady wins a race so I calm down to really things done rightly.

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"Patience is what has taken us to heights wading through unsure situations not knowing what the future holds."

Absolutely agree with this. There are so many circumstances in life that I could not have persevered through, were it not for the blessing of patience. Patience is most definitely a virtue, as the old saying goes. Without it, I would have given up on so many opportunities that had actually turned out to be great. A lot of people live with this assumption that their success is going to arrive in a straight line, when in fact the road to success is filled with many twists, turns, and stops. Patience is a key to success.

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As I had posted in another thread, I joined forums when I was advised by my boss to improve my written English. I was thrilled to learn that I can earn money in online work. My first salvo was the article. It's good for me since I can stretch my medulla oblongata, so to speak. But unfortunately, after submitting more than 10 articles, the promised payment did not come. Oh, well, I'm sure you know that I'm talking about. Now, I am very careful in joining sites because of that sad experience. Fortunately, I have developed some friends in my online writing sojourn, they inform me when they find a good site.

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Failure is a stepping stone to success they say but yours had nothing to do with your bad performances. Apart from those unpaid experiences, I had to face some veterans who just did not know how to treat newbies.

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"But unfortunately, after submitting more than 10 articles, the promised payment did not come."

This happens more often than not, and unfortunately it puts a lot of aspiring writers down. I'm sorry that it had to happen to you. It can happen for a number of reasons. Sometimes the quality simply isn't up to the (often unreasonably high) standards of certain sites, and sometimes people just simply turn out to be scam artists. Whatever the reason, there are still reputable sites out there who are willing to take in new writers. I'm glad you made some friends who could point you in the right directions.

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I think I have learned that we always remain into the newbie phase. And that part never changes. Each year something new comes up. And we just move from one good thing to another. So we have to understand that nothing lasts forever. We are all newbies. Nobody knows everything. And it's better that way. Because often when we take things for granted then things surely works against us.

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Yeah, this market changes pretty fast every now and then. Which makes "settling down" on just one job wouldn't work since the jobs come and go.

We just need to learn how to adapt with the environment and we'll always be alright with the changes.

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True. I remember last year the design jobs were lot different. Than today you have different requirement. And having skills that can keep you running definitely helps. I guess it all depends on how people choose to work with skills. And the things they can make use of. So it is something like constant improvement be it business or jobs. Those who can't keep up would have to struggle.

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I am a total newbie, but I am already learning from experience and from observing behaviors in the forums and how people treat one another and the patterns of content providers. I am patient, and I do want to get better at this, just like the rest of us, so the determination is there; i just hope it pays off in the end--either way, I am honing my writing and business skills here everyday while networking.

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You have a point there. I have noticed sites do not last long and so whenever we register at new sites we become newbies but that does not mean we should have discomfort. A new place can be a place of fun provided all around us are good to us.

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With our experience I think we can quickly get out of that phase. But you are right when you say at a new site we do start as newbies but unlike in the first few days of our writing experience we no longer need to grope around but move about confidently taking our experience with us.

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Well, I am currently STILL a newbie--I am learning from observing all of you and from reading your posts about a variety of topics. I do find myself frustrated at times when I get rated and my overall rating drops, which, of course, affects my "income"--however, I am still optimistic about this environment and endeavor, and I find myself actually having a lot of fun doing this, so that keeps me going, for the most part. I am apprehensive about where this is going, but I have a lot of ideas and positivity.

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Yeah, as long as you are having fun, you will not burn yourself out.

There are times where I got rated pretty badly and that somehow discouraged me. But I just kept on going and everything is all right now.

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I understand what you are going through right now as that is what most newbies go through. But you must not give up and take it as an experience. Talking about ratings, you must only write where you are fully confident as all owners are not kind to newbies.

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I have been a newbie on every site I have joined. But slowly I have learned how things work and I learned new things that helped me to move on to another level. Is well known that no one born smart, we all start from somewhere and slowly we learn how to handle things and become smarter!

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It is interesting to see how quickly we get over those fears that we had when we first started to write. Looking back I cannot imagine how confident I am now compared to those good old days where fumbling was the main issue with me.

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I may be a very lucky person, but most of my newbie experiences are pretty good. It usually ends with a good rating which will keep me motivated to work more for the site. I've only had one average rating so far on a site that I was starting out with, in which they left a note that I was quite good but I didn't really follow some of their rules, in which I guess is a mistake on my end.

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The rating fiasco as I may put it, I am experiencing only now but am fine with it.. During my starting days it was more to do with rejections of articles or seniors making me feel bad and such. Rejecting articles could happen even now but that is when we start writing at a new site.

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Yes we all started from somewhere at a point in time we are all the newest kid in the block. We all know what do happen to the newest kid the block, he's exploited, he's oppressed till another kid comes around. I know my illustration above sounds dramatic but that's the picture about what we experienced and yes some other new guys would experience same. It is like a cycle, although we have our different stories but we share something in common. What are we doing to provide solution to the challenges and ease the process for that next new guy?

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I have been started from frustration also on 2001. At that time I was a university student. I had lost some friends and I lost my attention from study. After that I have been started to browse on internet. at 2003 I have been activated myself on freelancer and outsourcing world. Now a day I have been doing work with freelancing and outsourcing world as a full time. I have been withdrawn my university study and has been started study about information system management and has been working as a freelancer for the last 5 years. I have no other profession.

Still now I have been trying to get more successful.


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The frustration, depression, anxiety, stupidity and other you horrible things you experience from being a newbie will pass. It will teach you a lesson. You might feel discourage this time but time will come that you will laugh from your foolishness from the past and how you gone far from that experience. Learning from experience and lesson should be learn. There's always a first time in everything. I know I might not know anything now but I will learn how to do it.

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When I was a newbie, I honestly thought that earning through the internet didn't exist. When a friend of mine told me how he is earning extra money from a PPC site I mocked him, haha. However, he convinced me to give it a try and it actually worked. I got paid through PayPal and I thought ''wow this work is actually very nice''. I then did some extensive research and learned more about online freelancing and the different skills that are valued the most and began educating myself. I don't use PPC sites anymore because I aim bigger! I am very proud how far I've come and how much I can make now compared to my beginnings.

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What is the best PPC site that you could recommend?

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You have a couple of options when it comes to different PPC sites but without a doubt, the Google AdSense is the best one out there. It's owned by Google so it's very safe, secure and stable. They pay quite well and if you're lucky and people click the ads, you can make a lot of money We all were newbies one day.  What was your experience?

Other than AdSense, check out, Propeller ads, Bidvertiser and Affinity Ads. Good luck finding the one that suits you!

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Tronia--thanks for this response--I truly appreciate it.

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The first site that I joined as a writer was one where it was a bit difficult to earn. I had to work for very long hours just to get some bucks at the end of the day. There were many days where I felt discouraged but I never gave up. I made new friends on my first writing site and they suggested me to try other sites. I did try to work at many other sites and still works for some. Today I have acquired much experience when it comes online earning. I have realized that it is not only the earnings which matter but also having my work appreciated.

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Hello,Which site do you suggest is the best for writers and reasons.
If there are other ways you earn online,don't hesitate to tell us.thanks

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So far, I have not encountered any rude individual in all the sites I have been on. But if I do, I will deal with this tactfully but not in a nice way. Sometimes the best way to deal with rude people is to give them a taste of their own medicine.

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We all have to be newbies to start doing this, and yes, it can be disappointing, frustrating and sad. But, you know what is said, everybody wants a rainbow, nobody wants the rain. I still consider myself a newbie around, I'm still checking up, learning from the communities I join, so btw any comment or advice is appreciated. My first week was terrible, but once I got the general idea about freelancing, I started to see the positive results. In the end mama knew best, she said to me "don't focus on the bad issues, but on the good ones you get". She was right.

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I think everyone passes through the newbie stage wherein we are at a loss of how things are done rightly in a site.
Sometimes, what I will do is create a post of all the questions I would like to ask pertaining to how things are done at the site.
So far, I get my answers and some good advices as to how to do things at the site. That way too, I get to follow them as my friends.

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Yes, I think that everyone of us has been there, learning how to progress and to understand the new jobs, the online community is the best and everyday they try to help you doing anything. It is hard to start from the bottom having failures and everything, but we can get up and be better, that's what I think.

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You are right about helping each other. When I was starting, the writers that I met along the way always gave me some advice and recommendations. Sometimes I receive an email from them about a new writing site where we could earn extra money. Until now I have connections with those freelancers and for my part I also try to help the beginners because I cannot imagine being in good stead if I didn’t get assistance when I was a newbie in the freelancing industry.

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As a newbie back then I was up about collecting every information I could get without even bothering to filter through. Times came when I took in the wrong info and it had a negative effect on me. Those experiences, I learned from and sought not to make those mistakes again.

In real sense of it all, it was my passion to build and equip myself with relevant stuff that kept me going. That was my drive.

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