
Are website competitions legitimate?

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Are website competitions legitimate?

I know that a lot of websites and forums tend to have competitions especially when they first start out to try and attract a lot of user activity. The problem is that with these contests, even though they may have large prizes that costs the owner a lot to fund, there is no guarantee that there will be a large turnout or activity after the contest ends. Because of this, some owners may decide to fake a winner or not hand out prizes if they are not happy with the turnout for contests. So should users be careful about what contests they spend time on because they may not be handed the prize if they win? Have you ever been denied a prize after winning?


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I have been in several forums that have contests and competitions. Most of those have prizes in money or in kind. But there is one forum that is really outrageous with a promise of $3,000 as prize for the most popular thread of the month. I wonder if the community took it seriously but most likely they didn't because the posts did not improve much. And after a month, the competition was extended for obvious reasons. I'm sure that contest has been going on for months and I'm also sure that no one believes in that contest anymore.

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I am a poster in one of the active forums before who also offered contests and prizes to users, so far I haven't been denied with any prizes when I won such contest. We should really be careful because some admins may not really give that to members if they found out really that it doesn't help their forum.

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I have experienced this kind of scenario before. I participated in a website contest on a forum although know I wasn't given the prize, I guess maybe because I didn't win or maybe they gave another contestant the price. But the thing is users have to be careful, so to avoid wasting time on fluke contest. But on another note one would not know which one is right which one is wrong. So in this case the only advise is if you are free and can get involved then do it. But put in back of your mind that it might just be a deception.

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I have been part of some forums which used to host some contests and competitions. And those used to be legitimate. Now the time has changed and not a lot of people can get into this type of business. And so I doubt a lot of those contest would be any real. I think having some regular competitions may improve traffic. But not something I can expect from the forums and sites these days. I guess you have to check for their legitimacy.

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You should definitely be careful around these types of contests especially from new forums or sites. It wouldn't hurt to join the contest though as most of the time there's no charge to join. So you wouldn't really lose anything.

Also if you can guarantee that he'll deliver with the prizes at the end of the contest, then you know you can trust him in the future contests he might conduct in his site.

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Most of the website i know that held contest gives not as much as $1500 ( From what corzhens said) . that's too much! Most of the time its a either a free subscription for a month on a certain popular website or $75-$400 prize. Winners manipulation is very popular in some website that i know which is the website is known for promotions. There are websites which are legitimate too when it comes to contest.

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I think websites competitions just like all of businesses is normal but For me I prefer People who have experience in shat they Are doing instead of all of too good to be true offers of newbies!
But ifit's a win win deal which is not doubtful then I would go for Profiting offers As long as they are not scammers.

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I have never been participants of contest on forums, but I once won a contest on a blog that organized the competition of the top comments on their post. And I was given my prize.

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I would only enter contests where the pay off or prize was fairly small. I think if you enter larger contests, your chances of winning would be smaller, also you would run the risk of the contest not being legitimate. I would say enter a large contest at your own risk.

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I think competition anywhere is healthy especially if it is for a good course but I don't like deception.It like scaming your users.I have seen blog's contests and competition promising a whopping $ 2000
dollars for some simple tasks on the blog and when it didn't go as planned,nobody heard from the blog owner which is bad.

Competition is healthy but it should be done with sincere intentions

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I think I had also seen that website which was offering a $4,000 prize for a soon to start contest. My initial reaction to that blurb was scam or deception. After so many months when I came back to that same site, the blurb was still there as if it was just beginning. But unfortunately there were fewer members in the forum that maybe they realized that they are being fooled by the site owner.

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