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I know that a lot of people tend to go on social media sites like Facebook or Twitter to rant about any bad experiences they have with any companies. I very rarely see any posts get a lot of attention if it is positive and is praising a particular company. I know that a lot of companies have dedicated social media teams that ensure any disgruntled customers are compensated or are listened to. But can these social media reviews actually impact your business? If there is a negative review, do you think you will lose a lot of customers or do you think it will not affect the business too much?
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One thing I have observed is that majority of people keep blind to negative reviews when they are already addicted to the kind of business been reviewed. People who may judge and decide whether to work or not to work with the company are the newsters. Negative reviews are usually not common, principally because they might be deleted by media operators or may lost in the ocean of positive reviews. Yes, social media reviews have impact on a business. And yes, there are mostly positive reviews and negative ones as well. One thing I have observed is that majority of people keep blind to negative reviews when they are already addicted to the kind of business been reviewed. People who may judge and decide whether to work or not to work with the company are the newsters. Negative reviews are usually not common, principally because they might be deleted by media operators or may lost in the ocean of positive reviews.
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