
Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information

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Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information

I have been hearing a lot about Amazon Mechanical Turk but I am not sure if it is open for Indians. I went through the site and found it to be full of opportunities. Would like to hear from you.


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It's not for world wide, But try to sign up and see what they will tell you. You need some conditions to be accepted in Amazon Mechanical Turk. Me too i applied once but unfortunately i got rejected.

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I would recommend another microtasks website,just like MicroWorkers,RapidWorkers or MiniJobz.
All are legit and accept worldwide users.Amazon's program is targeted for US\UK people.I tried to apply as well,but like Tronia and thart,I got rejected.
Your earnings are paid to PayPal account after reaching a threshold of 5-10$.Availability may depend on your country,part of the day and publisher's demand.Again,we feel deprivated from what Americans can benefit of ,but that's it.

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I agree, don't bother with Amazon's Mechanical Turk program as it's not available outside US and UK. I also tried to apply for it a while back then they sent me an email a month later saying they I was not accepted. They don't give reason why I'm rejected whatsoever but I'm pretty it's because I don't live in US or in UK.

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It is good to know that I am not the only one then... that's is very dumb of them though. Why even allow international users to apply if they just reject all of us? Fake hope Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information

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Yeah, at least other would be users of Amazon Mechanical Turk now know what they are getting into.

If you're not residing in the United States or in the United Kingdom, don't bother as you are just wasting your time.

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Thanks for suggesting an alternative. From comments here Amazon's programme has restrictions. Only if they know I regularly buy stuff from Amazon in I am sure they might make an exception in my case - just joking.

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I've only heard of Microworkers so far and I haven't tried Rapidworkers and Minijobz yet, thanks for the suggestions. I've also tried a site called Picoworkers recently and I seem to be doing well. I haven't cashed out yet but I will update this post once I do.

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Thanks for these suggestions. Everybody always talks about Amazon MT. Was wondering if there were similar sites. Will look for these.

P.S. Don't feel deprived if your country is not included with certain sites. It's just business. It's not personal. Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information Beyoncé is wrong. Girls don't run the world. Money does!

Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information

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Hi, i'm also very interested in this Amazon Turk, i even applied but looks like i can't reveice a proposal from Amazon. I'm from Portugal so i don't know how much time it can't take. I heard some people using it outside US so i tried to apply.

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It is not available outside the countries US and UK. If you have encountered people who work in Amazon Mechanical Turk but is not living in these places, they might be the old users of the site. This restricted access was only introduced recently so they might have been the users that were "grandfathered" and are exempt to the current rules.

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I am not sure for Indians, however, Mechanical Turk is not available in my home country Nepal. Looks like Mechanical Turk is not available in many countries, as stated in the comments above.
I wish this earning opportunity was available in my location. I don't know why Amazon has reserved this earning opportunity for specific locations.

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Now I know it is not available for Indians but they could have said that at the very start when we decide to apply. After going through the whole process and lastly rejecting even without saying that it is not available for Indians does not seem to be an ethical business mode.

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I was also rejected and I'm from the UK. They didn't tell me why. I'm thinking about trying again in the future, but for now, I'm focused on other methods of making money online.

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Hi, Iamaw from what I have seen they do accept workers from India, so, if you are a Worker in India, you may get an option to transfer your earnings to your local bank account. You will need to provide your birth date and a scanned copy of your Permanent Account Number (PAN) card to be eligible to transfer to your bank account.

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I think that they began accepting people living outside of USA and UK a while back. I applied myself (I am from Europe) but I sadly got rejected after being under review for almost two weeks. Sadly, they don't explain why... a friend told me that it can really be based on where you live though. They just prefer Americans. But apply and maybe you will have better luck!

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I'm not very sure. I once applied for Mturk, but they rejected me and they never really specified why. I searched for the answers in forums instead and as it turns out, it's not available worldwide. I currently live in the Philippines, so I can't speak for Indian workers, but I'm stating my opinion because most online jobs that accept India would also accept the Philippines.

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Mturk only accept US and UK. I think there was a time when they accept workers from India but they have stopped it. You can try other alternative to Mturk just like Bat364 suggested. Am actually working with microworkers, you can try them. Although you have to verify your address when you want to cash out.

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I'm from sri lanka .can i join & Earn money from Amazon Mechanical Turk ?

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I don't really know if it's worth your time to try MTurk. A lot of opportunities are not available to those outside of the United States, and even when they are available it's difficult to really make any real amount of money by taking part in that kind of a system - the best options are always gone too quickly to other users, so you don't really see any benefits from it.

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I am sorry you might not be able to get into Mturk. I am not really a fan of those micro task sites, and I find the work boring, tedious, and very easy to make mistakes and not get paid for it. Honestly, I would rather do surveys!

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I don't know if they accept indians. I also applied in amazon mturk but my application was denied. Though I've tried working in there using a different account and it is really a good way to make money.

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Heard of Amazon merch. Turk as well. Unfortunately for me it doesn't support my country. It is a blessing on the other side though as I can now free style my thoughts on Seocheckout and other great sites. Good luck

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I'm from sri lanka .can i join & Earn money from Amazon Mechanical Turk ?

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I heard about it but it seemed complex so I never joined before.

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Thanks everyone for informing me that I am not eligible since I am from India. Atleast they could make that a rule even before anyone applies. From what i hear here even after applying they will take weeks to reject you and that too without telling the reason. Who do they think they are> (lol)

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It has extremely low cost jobs and accumulating even for 10$ takes years for some people. And it is mostly for the US and Canada based people. As they get the most jobs through this process. I have not found many Indians who make money through this. So I'd be skeptical if I were you. Micro task based site, I'd say crowdflower is better.

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Amazon has not addes any new workers from outside the USA in over 2 years. A majority of the workers on this site are from the states. This campaign is on both sides of the coin, if you look at the dynamo website, you will see that not only workers have signed this camaign, but the people who post work as well. Both sides view the pay issue in the same way.

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I was rejected after almost a month of waiting confirmation of approval. Imagine it took them almost a month just to say that I got rejected. And the best part is, they cannot disclose the reason as to why I got rejected. >.>

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From what I know , Amazon has not added any workers from outside of USA for a long period of time, I was rejected by them after two months of waiting. I have given up on them and will move on to other opportunities instead.

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Amazon Mechanical Turk is one of the best marketplace in this world. You can start work after registration and earning also.
I have been trying to get register and to earn. But it feels some tough for me. I have a plan to work on there later.


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It is not worldwide, unfortunately. I live in Portugal and they sent me a reply to my application about 3 weeks after, saying that they were sorry but I couldn't participate in their initiative.

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Sorry to hear that. Did they also include a reason why they rejected your application? Because I got rejected too without any reason. :/ Kind of frustrating right? They could've at least told us that they don't accept non US applicants. But oh well. Amazon Mechanical Turk - want more information

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There are other programs to try besides Amazon Turk. You can try Crowd flowers. They accept all countries as far as I know.

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I have heard of Crowd Flowers too. It definitely seems legit.However, I have not tried this personally. I'm currently using Micro Workers.

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I have earned from Crowdflower on several occasions . I was previously working at rapidworkers but stopped when I discovered Crowdflower. The tasks are more interesting and you can earn a decent amount over there if you work hard.

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Unfortunately Mturk is not available for many countries. Here in Brazil he is not released either. This is a shame as I have heard that this is a good site to make an extra income.

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Yes, there's definitely a lot of good reviews regarding Mturk. I found out about it through a subreddit. It's a pity that they do not accept applicants from my region nowadays.

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I try registering with them and I was bounced because of my Green Country.I think it mostly for the developed countries.But I love the idea and the tasks involved and they paid well too.I wish I was accepted.

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Unfortunately they do not accept members from all countries. They don't accept Indians. I also tried to sign up after hearing very good reviews about this site but unfortunately my application got rejected. I know some who have been earning about $75 per day over there.

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I heard a lot of good things about Amazon Mechanical Turk, but I honestly had a pretty poor experience with the whole thing. For starters, I used to live in the United States, being that I grew up there. As far as I'm aware, it's mainly a U.S only site, so I had no problems in that regard. However, I had a host of other problems when signing up. Maybe they fixed the issues with the whole process these days, but from connecting bank accounts to requiring credit cards and all this other nonsense absolutely steeped in glitches and errors, it was probably the worst experience I had trying to sign up for an online work experience.

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I don't think that they accept countries outside the USA. I think mainly because of payment issues. I like micro tasks sites, but they are not easy to earn money from. I see figures like 50 $ a day being thrown around. I don't think this is true. To earn even 1$ dollar you will have to work for many many hours. The tasks are tedious and the instructions are often not clear, so you learn as you go, but it takes a lot of your time.

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I remember when I came across Bing Rewards that got me interested in the earnings. What I did was to check on the details and I was ready to sign up. Unfortunately it was not available in my country and it was very clear in the notice that Bing Rewards is an earning program for US residents only. This Amazon Mechanical Turk also looks interesting but based on the comments above it may not be available in our country just like Bing Rewards.

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