
Can we bump our Seocheckout Gigs?

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Can we bump our Seocheckout Gigs?

Is there a way to bump our Seocheckout Gigs? What's the minimum amount of time one may bump his thread?


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Hello Tommy Matalino,
You can bump your services using both paid or free bumps. You can bump a maximum of five (5) services per day.
Earn Free Bumps

Earn one free bump per day for logging in (1 per account and all linked)
Complete an order on time (2 per day)
Generate an affiliate sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Generate a service sale for $10 or more (2 per day)
Create/ask a new topic/question on the FAQ (2 per day)

For more information regarding bumps and how to use them, go here.

Best Regards,

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Sure, you can edit the gig you want to bump in any way and it will jump to the first page, be careful though! You can only bump 1 gig every 7 days.

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Yes, you can bump your gigs. The minimum time is 7 days. You can read more here: Bump Your Gigs!

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edit every seven day or creat new same gig

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