
The USA Doing Good Deed

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The USA Doing Good Deed

Do you think that the United States should help the undeveloped countries, with money, food, or even immigration? There are so many problems in the U.S that need attention, and the money that goes to help other countries could be used to advance the education system, help poor people, and to enhance other government programs.
What is your opinion about this issueThe USA Doing Good Deed


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I grew up in the ideology that the US is our friend just like a big brother who always helps us in our country's needs. It's just sad that our president is now siding more with China and Russia and even curses the US and Europe. My take on US is that it is a do-gooder for poor countries. But unfortunately, its moves are being construed as opportunism. And if the US will confine its spendings to itself and ignore the other countries, I'm sure it will be very progressive because its energy will be focused on its own problems.

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This is a tough question, but I do think we need to take care of our own homeless and suffering first before we send money and resources to other countries. That being said, if a certain situation should arrive, such as a famine, terrible natural catastrophe, drought, etc., and we already have the resources in place near that area or with our allies, then why not help other countries, whether they are developed or not. We are in a global state of the union, or at least we should be at this point. However, when the guy across the street can't afford to feed his kids, that comes first, just as it should in every country.

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It's a very delicate question. Just look what happened in Europe. A permissive immigration policy led to lots of terrorist attacks and attacks on the population as well. It's got to be a well thought and well-discussed topic before you can implement or change an immigration policy. On a personal note though, I'd choose to focus on internal problems first and thinking about helping other countries after.

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It's exactly what I think, I am from Europe, still, I am not from one of the countries that were hit by ISIS. It is sad what is happening in Europe now, I guess they succeeded to bring fear in all the people!
Thank you for your reply to my post!

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Honestly? I don't know. I am not from the United States. Their decisions lately have been pretty dumb in my opinion. But let's not go there ;)

Overall, it is probably the right thing to help other countries and not just your own. You aren't the only one in the whole world and by helping others, they will help you back at some point in the future. By being one of the largest forces on Earth, U.S. knows how to keep allies close.

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I am not saying it is wrong to help other countries, but when you have unfinished things in your yard you should finish them and after that, you will be available to go to your neighbor to help him.
This depends on the U.S. but I think sometimes they are too vulnerable to this issue!
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While we need a lot of money to fix our own problems domestically, the fact remains that we spend a lot of money to force our own opinions on outside countries. Money we spend on things like military funding and drone programs and the like could easily be going to help those in other countries who desperately need assistance, rather than putting that money towards trying to shoot anyone who says boo to a regime propped up as a puppet.

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Spending on these less developed nations compared to spending on retaining US status has the world leading super power is different by a huge mark. I think the US make these expenses for their own good so as to make these countries dependent on them, there by giving them greater control over them. Again the US mostly has an interest to protect in these countries as most of their multinational companies has a huge stake in most of these countries.

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I think it's a nice deed for the USA to do that, but at the same time, I'm also concerned with their economy. I know that there are a lot of poor people in need in the US too, maybe not as much or as worse as underdeveloped countries have, but still. Citizens first, others second. Those who are capable must help those who are not, it doesn't even have to be just USA, other countries should do it to for a better cause.

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Well, I am not from the U.S.A. but I'm trying to put myself in their place and I wouldn't like as my country to suffer in different levels for helping others. I do agree to help the other nations when they suffer a cataclysm but, not the whole time.
Thank you for your answer!

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I think there are many choices on how to resolve the problems being faced by the US right now. I also think that one of those choices is helping the other developing countries in a way that would also benefit the US. One of those solutions may involve improving trade with other countries by reducing taxes in them.

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This idea about improving trade with other countries by reducing taxes is a good one. They could even change for goods, and there are probably much more ways in which U.S. can take benefits.
Thank you for your answers Genryodan.

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Yes. Developed countries should help undeveloped to emerge. These countries buy a lot of products from the US and should get something back in return. Instead of fighting wars with other nations, the US can look for ways to improve say healthcare and education in some of these needy nations.

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To be honest, I think every country that can help should, not just the US. But realistically, it's a tricky subject because every place has their own struggles and situations. There are people in need everywhere, even in our own neighborhoods. Of course, not to the same extent as in other places where they have no clean water or food. But I do think they would take care of their own before contributing to somewhere else.

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My answer would be yes. US has been one of the richest country in the world. but in the current president, i'm not sure if they are willing to help countries that has extreme poverty . unless trump has advocacy on such countries.

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Just because a country is rich, and I think they worked a lot on their economy to get there, it should not be a reason why to help others who are lazy or steal all they can and live in poverty.
Thank you for your answer!

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I have come to realize that this is little more than a pipe dream of mine, but we could achieve such amazing things in this world if only we stopped funding wars and the military. An absolutely absurdly large amount of money goes towards funding violence. In fact, in 2016 over 1.57 trillion dollars were spent on weapons worldwide. Imagine the progress we could make if we pooled that money for the good of humanity, and used it to help treat world hunger, end poverty, and finally make real progress together as a race.

Yeah, definitely a pipe dream.

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I think that every country has to be strong enough to help their people, and that if they are not very rich is because the government of these countries don't know how to manage this and they rob the money, I think that the countries are allowed to teach their population how to work in the best way and to work all of the things that the country needs, like food and farms.

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Coming from a so called third world Country, I don't think that the USA should help them. Third world Countries if you look at them have a lot of resources more then the USA. There problem is the leadership. They need to learn to elect good leadership and to value leaders that give them opportunity not money. They need to learn to be self-sufficient, in my opinion that's where dignity comes from. The USA ought to concentrate on its people. Use all that money to provide free healthcare and pull people in its Country out of poverty. Sort out your own backyard then you can help others.

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It has been the tradition of the US to help poor countries although some political analysts say that the US has a hidden agenda like getting good business with that poor country. I agree that the US should not help those poor countries for their own sake because most of those countries have no gratitude. Look at the Philippines, they are now turning to China for friendship as if US is a persona-non-grata.

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