
Two small fridges or one big fridge?

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Two small fridges or one big fridge?

A fridge is an item that one cannot do without. It is what I call a junk box as it has every kind of itemthat needs cold storage. However if there is one fridge and it goes out of order then comes the problem. We therefore have two small fridges. There is also the capacity issue. Two small fridges have more capacity.
How do you manage your cold storage.


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I really big fridge! two fridge is actually too much for the thing i need stored. but if i have a lot of stuff that need cooling i will just go for a big enough fridge. when it gets all messed up, i know i just have one fridge to take care of and not two

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I don't want my left food to be spoiled that's why I have a fridge. If I'm going to choose between that two well I rather choose big fridge. It's like a complete package that everything was there unlike two fridge which is time-consuming. It also affects my electric bill. For me, it's not advisable to have two fridges when you can afford to buy a bigger one. It will occupy large space in your kitchen if you have two fridges.

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We did have a large fridge a double door kind of. But here in India with electricity supply playing truant with fluctuation in voltage the thermostat would stop supplying coolness to the freezer and just to the portion below. We got rid of it and purchase two small fridges with single doors.

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We actually have 3 refrigerators, 1 small fridge in the kitchen, another of the same size in the terrace and one personal size in our bedroom. The fridge in the kitchen is the official fridge to mean it will be operating 24/7. The one in the terrace is a reserve in case the one in the kitchen couldn't handle the food. That usually happens when there is an occasion particularly holidays. Running one fridge is definitely a savings on electric consumption so having 2 small fridges is better than 1 big fridge.

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I quite your like your style of living. I am fully for it. Apart from needing more space have you also realised that are some items that need not be displayed to whoever has access to the common fridge? Such things perhaps could be kept in your bedroom. I do that where my maid has nothing to do with things that I keep in the other fridge.

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We only have one big refrigerator - I think that if you buy a quality one that has one of those marks for being eco-friendly and power saving (God knows what's it called) then it is better than having two small fridges.

I believe that when it comes to things like this, it is better to buy the higher quality and good brand over trying to save money. The worse fridges consume so much power... you can easily notice it on your electricity bill. We've had it for around 4 years now. The top is a fridge and the bottom is a freezer, absolutely amazing!

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What we get here are all from well known manufacturers. But from experience I feel having two fridges is better not just if the fridge goes for repairs we keep things in one fridge which are not accessible to maids for example. I am not aware how it is with you people but here some guests just go and help themselves opening cupboards and fridges and that is the time a separate fridge kept away from them becomes necessary (lol)

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Hi Iamaw, I have two fridges in my kitchen, one fridge is mine and one fridge is own by my father. If I could choose, I would have only one fridge, a bigger one would be enough. Two fridges in my kitchen are making a lot of heat, besides it consume more electric energy!

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We have one fridge in the kitchen. It is barely large enough as there was not a big space to put it in. Rather than getting another fridge though, I would prefer to get a freezer. I need a freezer to store meat and other items.

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A big fridge would suffice in my opinion. Two small fridges would be quite inconvenient, especially when you're trying to look for something, you'll have to check both to see if it's there. That might even consume more space as well unless you have them on top of each other. I'm not even sure if that would be safe either to be honest :/

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We know exactly what goes where. One fridge is in the kitchen which the maid as access to and the other is where we keep stuff that is not used for cooking. We also prepare fruit juices that need space for storage. We have had both the experiences - having one large one and then having 2 small. We prefer the latter system.

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Actually, around here we have one big fridge and a freezer. Should a problem occur with one of them the other can keep the food refrigerated until we fix the other. But still, refrigerators are an essential item in any household nowadays. Simply can't live without them.

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Having a freezer appeals to me. That is more or less having two fridges As sometimes one needs more freezing space. We have a pet and we need to store her cooked food packets in the freezer. One of the freezers in one of the fridges is occupied by her food.

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I will go for a bigger fridge. Especially one with both the normal fridge and freezer compartments.
two small fridges will mean more space, double sockets, and inconvenience. A big fridge will be of more benefits compared to the two small fridges.

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I believe in my religion having 2 fridges lol 1 for food, milk and so on and the other for BEER. Now that's I would have. I only have 1 big fridge but I am going to be getting on Amazon a small fridge just for beer lol. Like Idealmike showed further up in the discussion.

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If it's for food storage and such, I would go for one big fridge. Two would be too many and would use more electricity eventually, depending on what you use it for. But if it's for something else, maybe it wouldn't be bad. I still think one is enough.

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I use two fridges. I have a deep fridge and a general fridge. I use the deep fridge to store things that need long storage. When I want to ice freeze food, I use deep fridge and when I want to store food for safety purpose I use a normal fridge. On my deep fridge, I store drinks that I want to be icy cold, on my normal fridge I store drinks just to cool them.

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We have three fridges, technically--a freezer in the basement for extra storage, a large one in the kitchen, of course, and I have a small one, which I have had since college, in my office for coffee creamer, bottled water, snacks, and occasional beer. It seems, in many ways, to me, to have multiple refrigerators in the house for different purposes. There are times when I am working that it makes it very convenient to just grab a bottled water near me when I am in the middle of a conference call, and I am parched.

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I have two big fridge but used one fridge because I seldom go for grocery shopping. Once a month I shop for food, dry food is more than freshh food. Ramen noodles, eggs, carrots, potatoes, garlic and onion could last for a month. My fridge is usually not occupied. The other fridge is the previous fridge, no problem just old.

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I have one big fridge, but I also live alone and only need to find space for myself. Just having that one fridge, sometimes I find that I'm nearing or at its capacity, though, so I couldn't imagine having to share my living space with someone else or a family and needing to find enough room in just my one single fridge for everything - if that was the case I'd definitely be looking at a series of fridges rather than just the one.

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In our household, we just have the traditional refrigerator where one side is a freezer and the other side is the fridge (keeps the cold).

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I love chilled drinks and food, having one fridge is better than having two small fridges, a fridge fits well in any position but two just occupies and doesn't make the kitchen look nice.

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I think one big fridge is better than two small ones. You will be able to keep exact stock of what you have and wont have to go back and forth to check what you have in both fridges. Everything will be in one place and you can monitor your food closely. Except if you would like to have a deep freezer as an option.

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Yeah I honestly don't quite understand the purpose behind having two refrigerators, but then again I'm somewhat of a neat freak and like to have everything nice and organized in one place. Not only are you spreading out your resources this way, complicating things, but it probably isn't all that power efficient to have two fridges. I think that the only reason I'd have to fridges is to keep one in the kitchen for my food, and one in my room/office for easy access to cold beverages, though that's just me thinking lazy.

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I will prefer two small fridges to one big bridge for two particular reasons. The first reason is that if I have two small fridges I will be sure that if one should have issue the other will be functioning till I can repair the damaged one. It will on rare scenario for the two to have issue at the same time. And on the second hand I can store varieties of things in different fridge. I can decide to put grocery and fruits in our fruits and put drinks and foods in other.

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I would prefer one big fridge than two small fridges, because one fridge is easier to maintain and keep stocks of all your groceries than two separate fridges.

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We have one fridge and its enough to store foods for a week. Two fridge will make your electricity goes up. One fridge is enough to keep our food for couple of days. I dont like storing too much fruits, vegetables and meat in fridge for weeks. I like our food fresh not just refrigerated.

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Just one fridge works for me. I basically store fruits, vegetables, beef and other perishable items in my fridge. Having two fridge will consume space and double maintenance cost. It will even tell on my electricity bills.

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My house has two fridges instead of one large one. We are very particular about sorting raw foods and processed foods. Having two fridges enable us to stock up more for festive seasons as well.

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I prefer one Big fridge, two fridges will take a fine place..but if only one fridge is there, everything will be fine.

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Well, I have one very big fridge, and it take a lot of space, that is why I use only one, I think that it suits me, I don't need a lot of fridges to have everything on hand, and when you have two fridges you can get confused by them.

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Right now I only have one fridge, but is just my sister and I living together, so there's not a big amount of food to keep, also we like to eat organic/fresh food and don't storage a lot. My fathers on the contrary, are elder people, they can't be out a lot to do the shopping so they try to keep a freezer and a fridge. That way they can keep prepared food for long time, and fresh food on the fridge for their day by day.

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I put all what needs to be frozen in the deep freezer while what I just need to chill in the fridge.I prefer buying one that has both the fridge and deep freezer. This way I will be killing two birds with one stone.

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I'm a single male so I really only have the need for one medium sized fridge. I honestly don't really cook all that much, and when I do it's for meal preparation, in which case I have all the food packed away into multiple packages and stacked neatly in my fridge. I also don't buy groceries for beyond 3-4 days, as I like to keep everything as fresh as possible. My parents, on the other hand, are pretty crazy. Not only do they have one massive refrigerator but they have two huge freezers as well. Those folks like to eat.

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Haha... folks like to eat, tell me about it. I feel exactly in the same position, my sister and I are single, so we really don't have like a lot of food to save. Our fridge is like medium size, with a small freezer, we just keep food for a couple of days. But my parents are super savers, so they have not one but two refrigerators, plenty of space for frozen food, and they still would like to get another one, can you believe it?

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You remind me of our family friend who is single and a doctor. He has a small tv and no refrigerator for the reason that he doesn’t cook often and the food that he buys is just enough for his consumption and there is no leftover. It is all right for him to drink bottled water. He reasons out that he saves money on the electricity because the fridge also consumes electricity. He has no penchant for luxury and his life is so simple.

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I actually completely understand your friend’s perspective. Some people have called me cheap or stingy for living the kind of lifestyle I do, but it isn’t about money for me. For me, it’s about the idea that a simpler life is a happier life. Why would I go around spending my money on luxuries or excess when I can live modestly and happily instead?

We’re brought up to believe that lots of tasty, luxurious food and items are going to make us happy, but it’s all temporary happiness. We all need to find happiness from within, happiness that is real and lasting, and I feel it’s much easier to find it while living a simple lifestyle.

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Hope you have more posts, i have confirmed and searched for it for days, word finder

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Between refrigerators, I’d rather choose cabinets for the kitchen right away, because I don’t live in the warmest country, so I don’t really need a refrigerator

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I have been doing home renovations for a long time and I want to say that I like the result, but there was always such a feeling that something was missing. So I searched the Internet for something interesting and found Kitchen Cabinets PRINCETON, NJ. l ordered these cabinets ?nd I like that they look reliable and very beautiful. I was very happy with the purchase, so I recommend you to buy cabinets from this site

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