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I know some tricks like pressing @ in a group you are on it displays users on the group and putting off your receipts makes you invisible on whatsapp, you can view messages of people without them knowing. What tricks do you know? 


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The only tricks I know on Whatsapp are changing the style like *bold*, _italic_ and ~strikethrough~ to make a strike on the word you wrote; and searching for a specific conversation, pressing search and selecting a word specific.

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I use Whatsapp so much... every single day, thousands of texts. I absolutely love this app, it is probably my most used ones TRICKS AND FEATURES OF WHATSAPP Anyway, I don't know any amazing tricks. The ones that I do know are: if you want to get rid of the blue tick that lets the other person know that you've read their message - you can turn it off in the settings. You can hide your profile picture, you can bookmark different texts, you can make gifs or use ones that WhatsApp uploads (they're next to the smiley icon at the bottom of the screen).

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I didn't know you could get rid of the blue tick! It's definitely an annoying thing when you don't want to talk to someone at the moment but still want to read their message. Nice tip!

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Yes, haha. It happened to me before. It is quite annoying when somebody keeps spamming you with messages and you don't want to respond... then he sees you've read them so he spams more TRICKS AND FEATURES OF WHATSAPP

Just go to the settings in Whatsapp then account, privacy and uncheck the read receipts.

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I have never used Whatsapp for business I know people can join groups and stuff I am not sure about this or even how to do this.
I am actually new to WhatsApp so if anyone can explain more on how to create WhatsApp groups and how to get members into them this will really help me.

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You will love using Whatsapp more and more, trust me! I've been using it for years and I'd never switch to anything else. They have a FAQ on their page that explains everything about making groups and adding members to them. Here's the link:

If you have any other questions, ask away! TRICKS AND FEATURES OF WHATSAPP

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You can set your "Last Seen" to not appear to anyone. You won't be able to see the others as well. It's not much of a trick but rather a privacy thing. Useful for keeping people from snooping out your life. Still, you can't hide your online status.

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Can we set it to show to certain people only ? That moment when you want to disappear but you have to use Whatsapp for communications with your boss.

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I send all my instant message through whatsapp alone and have rearly used another instant messenger. I mostly use the @ and * features to decorate text or emphasize on a particular point. They are actually more useful when in a group chat than personal chats.

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Surprisingly I am getting to know that whatsapp has trucks for the first time, meanwhile I use whatsapp regularly.
although if there is any trick I will like to know, it will be how to hide every one from seeing my last seen status and at the same time I could see others last seen status. I know this sounds like eating your cake and have it, but we call it trick so yes I will like to have that. Similarly I will like to see read notification of other meanwhile mine will be hidden.

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There are no major tricks in whatsapp but those mentioned up there. Using the @ symbol to display users who share a group with you. *Bold*, _italics_, ~strikethrough,~,hiding last seen, hiding your pic/video statuses to some people, blocking contacts, no blue ticks, etcetera.
Whatsapp in general is simple and so nice to use.

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I just avoid all these trouble by having two separate whatsapp. One for business, which is always open for anyone to see and one for family and friends. This I switch off if I am busy. (yes, I sometimes hide from my sister, who always wants to chat TRICKS AND FEATURES OF WHATSAPP ). It makes it easier for me to sort each one out according to what I am involved in.

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I don't spend a lot time on whatsapp so I don't know the tricks used there, but here are some few things in do on whatsapp:
Hiding of my last seen,
also hiding my profile picture.

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I've heard about a new whatsapp's actualization. It's about being able to delete a message you've sended. it reminds me of telegram! Where you can not only delete messages, but also edit them. I think it would be a great actualization. I don't know if whatsapp will also have the option of editing the message, but the deleting is coming! I'm not the kind of person who knows a lot of tricks about the apps I use, I'm really grateful for all that you shared here... learned a lot!

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I'm new in whatsapp so I dont know any tricks. But its awesome tips.

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I can only create bold and italics text on whatsapp, I don't know much about whatsapp tricks. But I will try the few I learned here.

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I know : getting rid of the blue ticks by adjusting your privacy settings, also you can hide your profile pic by going to privacy, then profile pic, then click nobody. You can check how often you talk to someone too, just go to settings, click on data and storage, then you will see a full the list of your contacts, according to your data exchange. One thing that I love is to mute the group conversations, and getting invisible, just go to privacy, at the option last seen click nobody and that way you will be a ghost.

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What's up is a time waster and memory waster too. Hitherto we have lived lives without anyone knocking at our door leaving behind stuff that they want us to look at. What's up is doing that. What appeals to the senders they think will appeal to the receivers. People spend time deleting all those message and videos even without looking at them.
I have no whatsapp and I am in no hurry get one.

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I just wonder when you delete your photos in whstsapp will it also be deleted from receiver?

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I really like whatsapp and I use it a lot for personal stuffs but after using telegram I find it more helpful because you can actually edit and delete comments in real time. As in tricks and tips for whatsapp I only know the same one you guys had mention before, the @ for user display, how to block people and how to get ride of the blue tick.

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I love whatsapp a lot and all of its features, but the one I love most is to Untick the read recipts and that way people won't be able to know where you read their messages or not, All you have to do is To click on Settings then account then click on privacy then you see messages under messages there is Read recipts then untick the icon and it's done.

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i think the only trick I do on whatsapp is to prevent people from
knowing when I'm online, My last seen etc.I will just turn off my seen icon on my setting to privacy and no body would know when I'm online or not.

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I'm glad to learn some of the tricks displayed by others users here. I know the pressing of @ in a particular group, but aside from it, I don't really know other tricks involved which is the reason I'm here to learn from others.

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I remember the days when texting was expensive that unlimited texting packages were not yet in fashion. My nephew in Hongkong introduced Whatsapp to me so that we can text each other without the cost of the load. It was great to use that app because I felt like getting free texts. It is almost unlimited texting as long as there is wifi. But lately I have not been using Whatapps much because my friends from faraway are now using the Facebook messenger.

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