
Can paid posting become a full-time job?

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Can paid posting become a full-time job?

I am currently on my gap year and I'm doing some of my own business. But I am doing some paid posting on the side to earn a little bit of money. I have a set amount of posts that I do on forums to make a decent amount that is sent to my PayPal. But if someone concentrated on doing paid posting full-time every day, can they make a decent amount and can they afford to live on this pay? The problem is though that paid posting is not a guaranteed job. Forums can always stop paying for posts and stop wanting posters, which would mean trouble as you may be short of a decent amount of money.


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Hi there thanks for showing your interest for doing job on forum as long time basis. I know you may working on some paid forum posting site and they paid good amount to you and thinking as earning extra amount at this time and want to long time. But, it is complete unrealistic thinking. If you want to stay on online as freelancer, you never be work only depend on a specific market or work like on forum network. If you good contributor on forum, it is meaning that, you are a good write or you have good idea for writing. So, you can choose as profession and content writer base on freelance market place. Beside you can try for other skillful job and you must to trained up.

Hope you understand

Regards by Ajlancer

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I agree that a content writer can earn much more than doing forum posting. My freelancing started with forum posting and until now it is still my main line. But I have to admit that the earnings are not enough to my standards because forum posting is very limited with the work. Most forums allow only 5 posts per day so you can imagine the small earnings when you have only 2 or 3 forums to work on.

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Doing paid posting as a full time job is not a good idea. You can never live your life by just doing posting to make money. Forums come and go and you don't know when they would stop paying members. This is categorized as a part-time job, not a full time job.

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Since you have your own business, I suggest that you focus more on it since it is something that you own. It's true that just like any jobs out there, forum posting may come and go. Forum posting is nice for a part time job. You can work on it on the side while building your business. It can at least help you cover your groceries which makes your business income partially untouched. Forum posting is a good part time job because it's not a tedious task and it's not time consuming. You can do it anytime and you can do as little or as many as you can. You have the freedom, which will not interrupt your business.

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I don't think paid posting can be a full-time job not with the disappearance of some forums overnight and some just going away with people earnings without being able to pay one.But if one needs to just good use of the ones available then more forums need to be worked with, one would have to work with 4-5 sites to really get anything tangible.

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I have been testing the waters for paid posting. Although my retirement is still 5 years from now, I am seeing the online jobs as a good alternative for a retiree to earn. As of now, I have to admit that my online earnings cannot feed my family although it can probably feed me. Yes, I work part time since I have a daytime job. Maybe I am spending an hour a day at the most for my online endeavors but if I would be working full time perhaps I can earn a good amount.

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I don't think this is a way, Darth. Doing paid posting as a full-time job will not bring you the money you need, besides, the forums pay rate is low and is hard to get a high cashout. I understand that you are good in writing articles and have a good English grammar, so, I think you should try sites that pay over 10 dollars an article, there your earnings will raise fast!

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Paid posting is one of the best ways for part time income but for the full-time income, you need to think about something else. Writing articles for your own blogs is much better option to replace part-time jobs like paid posting on forums. Invest your time to create some good niche for your blogs or you can try affiliate marketing for a full-time income.

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I don't think you can earn enough doing forum posting to be able to support your needs and that of your family. Not even if you focus on it. Forums don't just come and go, they can also be off and on depending on the site's requirements for posters. With the limited number of forums that allow paid posting, I doubt if you can even make $10 in a day even if you've maximized all the forums posting platforms out there. You can't sacrifice post quality to achieve post quantity. Your posts always have to be relevant and valuable and that may take time specially if you're trying to posts on forums that are beyond your niche or experience.

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Honestly it can't be that easy. Also the amount of ups and downs in this work is not going to sustain longer. If you are young or have some spare time then you can earn enough from it. But it can't be long term job. I have found that there are months when you are going to go through lot of issues with this work. And you may not earn some real skills through. So that is one thing that may stop you from making real money with some long term skill.

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Paid posting should never take the place of a a full time job. It is designed to supplement a paying job or as a means to make extra money by the side. If you would like to make good money from writing, you must think of offering services on sites like seocheckout, wordclerks etc. There you can upscale and charge good rates per article delivered.

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I doubt that because sadly there are not a lot of good, stable forum posting sites out there. I personally only found Postloop to be the most stable that I could post on, while the others either have such low rates or that their forums eventually disable a lot to the point where you can't make a decent income out of it. I suggest either applying for an actual online job or work part time in some company.

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I would never rely on paid posting being my full time job. If you're dedicated and can write good content, you can probably make some good scratch on the side, but work will never be guaranteed and in the long run, I don't think you'll get paid what you deserve for what you do. And certainly not enough to make a living. If anything, you should probably couple paid posting with other freelance writing jobs, like writing articles or blog posts for content mills. Even then, though, you'll most likely still be underpaid for the amount of effort you put into your writing.

I'd say strive for a good, full time job or something steady and keep posting on the side as spending money.

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I agree with all who responded here. It depends on what type of posts one is writing. Paid posts might not be a great income stream as a full time job but it may supplement an existing income source. However, professional writing can definitely become a full time job.

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I guess you could turn it into a regular job but your job security wouldn't be really good. Next morning you might just see that the forums you post on just shut down and never come back up. You'll have a huge problem.

If you really are good at writing though, some sites offer jobs for writers(like fiverr) and I honestly think you are better off there if you have intentions of making it a full-time job.

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At this point, no. Maybe in the past where paid posting services were much more popular you could survive in a country that had the salary of less than $450-400, but at the moment the work and opportunities are way too scarce.

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Online paid posting on forums is a shifting market where you have no control. There is no contract signed. You are at the mercy of the forum owners. If you have been writing for awhile you sure know how forums disappear even without informing you or paying you your dues.

There are however sites that have a collection of project creators who are in search of content writers. You could hang on there. You could register with a few as there are many such sites.

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If your already a family man paid posting is not enough i assure you that because your not living yourself anymore. Don't be selfish because if you want to make your living better and comfortable you should not depend on paid posting because it is just temporary and may gone the next generation. Beside, paid posting paid you in lower rate compared to real jobs out there. I admit i do some paid posting but i have also job i just do paid posting when I'm off.

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It can be a full time depending on your location, I say so because conversion rates differ in countries and I personally make reasonable amounts a day when converted to my local currency.

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Unless you're in Africa, I don't know how 5$ a week is going to be a good job? I mean that is way too low. Not many asian countries are cheap. In fact they are expensive now. 20 years back perhaps they were cheap. But now a days, it takes a lot of time for those things to manage as well. I have found that posting jobs are in fact trap where people assume to be getting paid more. In reality it is not easy to get paid that way per day.

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I personally don't think that you can make enough of money just from paid posting. It is very unpredictable how much you can make each day since it largely depends on which forums you can post on and so on. It would be a very risky decision taking it on as a full-time job. I think that you should leave it as a part time thing and maybe focus on other ways of earning money online such as SEO, which can easily make you a nice sum of cash.

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No, the most you will be able to do with it is pay a bill or two. I don't know of any paid posters that are able to do more than that, this is even if they are working for a lucrative paying forum posting service.

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The idea of making a paid posting a full time job is poor. This is basically because of the inconsistency of these paid posting forums. And it will be dangerous to plan one's life around a job that's not stable. Although the idea of paid posting is tempting but it should be side job not full time job

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Yes that is true. The forums can come and go. And it can make you think if it's the right way to even invest that much time. I have found that paid posting is good if you have some spare time. But in long time frame it may not be that good. So that's another thing about it being full time job. Some can pull it off but not for long.

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I have been doing paid forum posting since couple of years. Even though I have been earning fairly well through paid forum posting, I don't see any possibilities of forum posting becoming a full time job. The maximum amount I have earned in a day by posting on forums was $12 and the maximum per month earning was just about $220. I have not been able to generate more than this. Don't live in a dream, forum posting can not even become a side job.

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I agree. This can be surely one of the hard thing to consider. In fact paid forum posting type of jobs are not much earning there. You can see that often the amount we earn and the amount we spend and the money required. I have found out that it is better to rely on jobs which pay higher. Forum posting is low paid gig. So not not going to be trustworthy for long enough.

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Posting on forum as a fun and partime way to make money, well maybe yes. But as a fulltime way to make money? Definately no posible, except you are contended with around $250 - $250 monthly, which obviously wont allow you live how you desire.

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I am on many sites for posting on forums. I have yet to break 60$ a month. I don't know which sites are there that pay 100$ a month. I mean there has to be some other sites which pay better. I just don't know. Which sites you use for the full time posting on forums? I'd be happy to see how that can help me in that case. I would love to earn that much from posting these days.

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Working for someone else's business has never been a lifetime paycheck and that means do not put your eggs in one basket. If tomorrow he decides to close his business then you are in big poo. Now take note, I didn't say you shouldn't but do not relent and live off a single source of income. If writing is what you enjoy doing, use the money from the forum posting to setup a blog and gain traction. Look for other online opportunities as well. Good luck.

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Hey there! When I saw your thread I had to read it! It's such an interesting question. I don't have the answer and I'm far way from being a person with experience in this area... so I will just give my opinion. I don't think that pay to click, pay to post or whatever can make a job for a living nor a full time job. And not because it's underpaid, mostly because there's a lot of people trying to do that kind of job and you don't have many options as you might think.

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I dont think so, paid posting is good idea for part time job where you can have some extra income. If you had family to feed it won't sustain the needs. Its better to had a stable job and fix income.

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I think paid posting is only sufficient as a side-income job. My advice to you would be to learn some new skills which can add value to your career prospect or even freelance portfolio.

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I use forums paid posting as a part time Jobs. But for full time, I don't think the earnings is enough to support and your family. Besides, it is a market you don't have control over it.

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You hit the nail on the head when you said "paid posting is not a guaranteed job". No jobs are guaranteed. But if you can find forums that pay you consistently, earn your money as fast as you can. But I would never consider it a full time job. Maintaining my own forum would be a full time job.

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Additional remarks: I have engaged in paid posting and based on my experience I can tell you I would not make it a full-time job unless I had a really powerful laptop or mobile device with super speedy Internet access. However, I would use it for supplemental income.

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I don't think this can ever become a full time job. It is quite difficult for people to live on the money that they get by posting on forums. The cost of living in my country is very high and sometimes I even feel that my salary is not enough to cover for my expenses. I consider paid posting as a side income and I use those earnings for my online purchases.

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The only way paid posting can become a full time job is if you live in a 3rd world country where a $3 a day is good money. I just did the math and in the united states the poverty level is considered $70 a day. And trust me on this, you're not going to be buying much in the united states for $70 a day. You're barely going to be able to afford housing little alone food.

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I live in a 3rd world country and I agree that we have a much lower standard of living. But one dollar cannot sustain the day's expense although it can buy one meal in a cheap eatery. My computation for a day's budget is $15 that can take care of a family of 4. That $15 is roughly equivalent to the minimum wage here.

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