
Are You Using Videos for Marketing?

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Are You Using Videos for Marketing?

Have you heard the phrase "video is king"? Video is becoming a powerful marketing tool, especially on social media these days. If made well and used correctly, videos have the chance to capture people's attention and hopefully motivate them to share and promote the video. Given platforms like Facebook's sharing function, and the fact that Facebook videos play automatically on their site, the potential for videos to reach large numbers of people is very probably, and very useful for marketing purposes.

What experience do you have with video for marketing purposes? Have you found any success in it?


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It tried using videos in marketing, promote some products. But unfortuately dosen't succeeded with me, even it's a good niche but maybe the videos quality is the problem.

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Video can get tough. It's time consuming, and production value can play a huge role in how well a video does. Does it look and sound good? Does it get the message across to the audience you want it to? All important questions when developing a marketing video.

On top of that, are you using the video appropriately for the given platform? For instance, Facebook prioritizes its native video player, meaning if you upload to Facebook directly, the video will autoplay on people's timelines and they scroll by it, making it easier to catch their attention as they don't have to take the initiative to click the play button.

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I am not using videos for marketing yet. I heard that many use them on Youtube, but this is not my case. I prefer to create advertising campaigns on Fanslave or similar sites, or advertise on Facebook and Twitter, these two socializing site brought me a lot of traffic!

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Marketing is a large field, and it's good that you're diversifying yourself in terms of advertising outlets! You'll know when video is the right marketing approach for you, so I don't blame you for not utilizing it just yet. Something to keep in mind for the future is that Facebook prioritizes its native video player, so it's much more beneficial to upload your videos directly to Facebook rather than linking to YouTube. Facebook videos will automatically play when somebody scrolls by them whereas they have to click on a YouTube video to start it. This removes the need for viewers to take the initiative in clicking "play" on the video and makes it easier to reach more people on the platform.

Good luck!

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I personally am not making any vodeos for market use because I'm not into marketing yet. If guven a chance, I'd definitely do that because it can express the value of your product in less than a minute. Plus videos are very catchy.

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Absolutely spot on! Videos are visual and engaging, and have the potential to capture attention faster and more effectively than other mediums like simple photography, audio, or writing. You've got a good grasp behind things simply with the understanding that you should tell your story in less than a minute. Short, concise videos have the best impact in marketing, as people's attention span, especially online, is ridiculously small.

When you get around to learning video, try telling "30 second stories". This could be a fictional story, a factual story, or a marketing story about a product, but try and tell the story in no more than 30 seconds to hone your feel for exactly how much information you can comfortably package into that time frame.

Good luck!

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Video has become an important part of marketing these days especially when you consider the engagement it gets on every social media platform. YouTube as a video sharing platform get billions of video view daily and many marketers have seen success through this platform alone. Am currently learning some video editing skill and would eventually be implementing videos as part of my marketing strategies I surely don't want to be left out.

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That's great that you're taking the initiative to learn video. It's good to be ahead of the curve! I do video production for a very, very small college in the U.S., and a lot of my work is used for marketing purposes for the campus. On Facebook alone, it's incredible to see the reach that some of my videos make, especially given the immediate audience of the school being very small.

We have roughly 3.5k likes, but some of my videos have reached upwards of 10k people, which is an incredible bump in viewership.

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I couldn't agree more. I personally don't use them because I don't own a website or a blog so there isn't any need. However, I have done some videos for my friend's website and the traffic has increased by a nice number. What we focused on, was making funny videos that presented his product in a humorous way then a couple where he explained it all normally. It seemed to work because we had a great response even judging from the feedback in the comments box.

I believe video marketing is always good. Yes, it is time-consuming but if you want to succeed you have to invest time. That's how it works. Video gets the consumers attention, makes it easier to understand how a product works and it is memorizable.

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That's a fantastic approach! It's a great idea to do something humorously or in a unique way to catch people's attention, and then sneak in the important/serious stuff in between or after jokes. Not to mention your audience will be more likely to remember your videos and your company if you had a unique approach to giving them information.

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I tried putting one before on my blog. But I got discouraged since I saw a lot of better ones and I didn't want use other people's videos. So I ended up not putting a video. Maybe I will soon if I become good at video editing. Are You Using Videos for Marketing?

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No, I am not using videos yet. I have made some videos and published as vlogs and youtube videos, however, I have never created any marketing videos. I have products and services to sell. I sell my products and services through my websites, I also market my products and services through social media, however, I am yet to create videos for marketing purpose.
Its not that I don't realize the potential of video marketing, I just don't have skills to create a good marketing video.

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I think video marketing is very catchy and it helps a lot on conversions. I did video marketing on youtube, and it helped me to generate some decent traffic for my content. I even used it for my affiliate products too, and it converted many offers from my affiliate links.

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Personally, I have not used video marketing because I don't have any thing to market, but I make videos and I know that videos can be a great tool in social media marketing.

Posting a good review video or advert video on Facebook or Instagram can boost sales of products and services.

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I have been using videos in my strategies. But the only problem is the lack of time to produce them. Anyway, I consider the videos one of the best strategies, after all YouTube is one of the most accessed sites in the world

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Agree, to make a video requires to invest a lot of time, and if you are lacking out of it, then this maybe is not a good option. Another thing to care is that if you want to make a good video, you will need the proper equipment to tape it and make edition, so that could mean some money investment too. Also, yes, YouTube is the best place to upload it, literally everybody uses it.

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I do as much as possible as I think an entertaining video is a good way to hook an audience. I once saw this video advertisement for this game that had terrible graphics, but because the video is so darn funny, I've decided to try it out. It wasn't as good as the video made it seem to be, but no regrets. After that, I learned to apply videos whenever I try to market a product or a service and I try to make it humorous as possible.

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Ah good to know how videos make people take more actions to your promotions, I have also tried out and visited some offer because they really had good video for their promotions. I recently heard that face book do over 8 billion videos daily and that was last year, Image where the figure stands today.

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I only write for sites and have nothing to promote per se. But when I upload my video that post gets many responses and comments and thus I earn more. The only hassle is some users have no patience to open video links and watch them. This could apply to even products that one would want to promote.
Having said that when I am searching for something on the Net I usually go for text rather than if a page has added a video.

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Yes, it takes initiative on the viewer's end to click play on a video, which is why it's important to know how you're hosting your material. If you're hosting on YouTube and linking the video Facebook, you'll probably find fewer people will watch your video as opposed to uploading directly you Facebook's native video player. This is because Facebook prioritizes videos in it's native player, and allows them to autoplay when people scroll by them. This eliminates the need for them to click play. Instead the video automatically loads and plays, and instead the viewer's first initiative has to be to pause it or continue scrolling it if they're not interested.

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Videos are effective ways in attracting crowd or netizens. It is a powerful way to get the attention specially when that person connects with the content of the video. If you watch the different story videos of Jollibee it made the social media trending and most people talked about it. It targeted the taste and experience of all ages specially senior citizens.

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Using videos for adverts is very efficient and captures it's viewers attention and less work is done to explain as the video covers that part .I once used video to market a product for a company and it was easy and it convinced most people who saw it.

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Yeah I am, videos are a very powerful tool to qick start your business. With a clever catchy video and a little advertising about it as well as word of mouth, the video can go viral and so will your product or whatever you are promoting

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I don't! But I definitely will think about it. I'm a beginner in this pay to click kind of job. I am on the "trying everything" period LOL. By now I'm only hearing calls to be qualified and writing for a few blogs. I have not tried watching videos because, to be honest, I don't know for sure how it works and I don't even know a platform for that. If you can help I would really appreciate it.

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Hi goldlady, sorry for taking so long to get back to you on this. If you'd like to check out this article, I think it might spur your creative juices as to how to implement video into your toolkit, especially in regards to marketing.

Given that you have a very limited knowledge of video right now, I'd recommend just getting acquainted with the process in general. Take it slow and steady, because video can be very technical and you have a lot ahead of you to learn if you want to learn to create quality videos, and create content for the right message, etc.

Definitely check out some guides on how to use you iPhone to shoot video. Nearly everyone has a smartphone today, and cameras are becoming increasingly more accessible. If you're looking to do a tutorial video, or create a short brand promo video, it might be worthwhile to get to know your phone camera and how you can shoot videos that way. Do some research on what entry level cameras are good for videos, and start getting your hands on an editing software like Adobe Premiere Pro or Final Cut Pro, so you can learn your way around the post processing aspect of things.

I'm sorry I can't be of more help through text, but video can be a complicated topic and a difficult thing to get into at first. Good luck!

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Hi there,
Thanks for your nice question. For promotion any product strategy has been changing day by day. We have seen may options nowadays people are using for promoting product. For example: social network ad, banner ad, boosting etc. But this day as my thinking most effective product promotion is info graphy video. It is really most effective and powerful tools. And almost huge website owner user info graphy video for marking purpose. Benefit is people easy to know the product information or service information how good and bad and what is featured or specialty of this product. You do not need to know reading related article by spending much time. It is very easy to understand within minutes a lot of factor for any product or services.

So, video marking really very effective for product sell. And most effective video marking area is YT channel as my thing than Facebook or some others.

Regards by Ajlancer

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Yes Videos are killing it :-) every online busness person should go for videos, I myself prefer to watch a 5 or 10 minutes video than Reading a half page article,
So yes I use Videos to do marketing and they don't have to be very expencive, Some of them I buy them on Fiverr and It's worthy in the end.

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I have not used video to market any of the products/services that I did whether for personal business or doing a freelancing job. The reason was not as a result of not knowing that using video is an effective way of marketing, but it is just that I lacked the needed tools to do so then.

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To be frank with videos, I am not comfortable in using videos for marketing because I myself don’t watch videos especially marketing videos. I would rather read the post of spiel so I would easily get an idea of what it’s all about. I have a friend who sent me 6 explainer videos about a site that pays for being a member. I did not watch the video because it might just be wasting my time.

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