
What is your favorite hobby?

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What is your favorite hobby?

We all work during the day and throughout the week. You can quite easily burn yourself out. That's why destressing and relaxing is very important. This is where your hobbies come in - the activities that you love doing and that you are passionate about! Hobbies help us with the daily stress and bring us great joy.

I myself, have plenty of hobbies. Anything from drawing, painting, sports, playing games, reading and much more. However, my favorite hobby is pretty simple and I am sure that everybody does it. It is listening to music. You can ask, why? and the answer is easy. I just love what music gives me. It always makes me relax and takes me into a different world where I don't need to worry about anything at all. I could listen to music all day without even doing anything else, that's how much I adore it!

So tell us, what is your favorite hobby and why?


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I agree with you completely. Working full time during the week gets really tiresome, and I'm glad I have my weekends to do things that let me destress from my work week. My main passion and hobby right now is filmmaking. I'm lucky enough to have found a great group of individuals from my college who share the same passion as me, and we meet for coffee every Saturday to write and edit scripts, as well as prepare to shoot them once we're done. We're currently in the process of finalizing a script and are getting ready to schedule production days, which is very exciting! Hopefully we can be shooting by late July.

There's something about writing a story and then making it comes to life on the screen that's really, really cool to me.

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Oh, wow! Filmmaking eh? You must be very creative then. It must be wonderful to have an outlet where you can freely put your imagination into. It sounds really amazing. I was always very interested in the ''behind the scenes'' of the movies.

Also, isn't it great when you find people that have the exact same hobbies and interests as you? It makes it tons better.

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Well, my creativity is most effective when I'm working with my friends, that's for sure! I'm very lucky to have found the group of friends that I have, and I'm excited for what the future holds for us! Filmmaking is a great outlet, but it presents its own challenges, too. It's incredibly time consuming and exhausting when you get around to finally shooting, but the payoff is worth it!

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Before my favorite hobby is playing basketball and chess. Then listening to music and reading books. I also study my Bible. I pray to God everyday.

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I really like to do crafts. Whenever I am free I try to look for D.I.Y on the internet. I have made many handmade cards and received many praises too. I realized that people like it when they get a personalized card. Apart from cards, I have also made various decorative items and I also learnt how to sew a dress. I am still searching and wondering what is the next thing that I will be doing.

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That's very commendable. I always admired people that do things by themselves instead of using the easy ways. I love receiving handmade cards. Sadly, I am no good at making them What is your favorite hobby? I lack the patience that it requires, especially if you are coloring or painting the cards. Have you ever considered selling them? You could perhaps make some side money!

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I have never sold any of the cards that I made. However, I have sold many of the decorative items that I made. I am always looking for ideas to make decorative stuffs. However, I cannot concentrate on it the whole day as I have other tasks to do. I have sold some of the items that I made like headbands and souvenirs on eBay.

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My favorite hobby is to sing while playing the guitar. I feel like it makes me express the things that I can't express in public. It helps me cope with stress and sometimes I even find myself singing my own songs in public. It's such a big release for me as I'm the type of person who usually can't express myself the way I want to unless I do it through art.

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I love the guitar! I can actually play the acoustic at an intermediate level. All self-taught though. I never took lessons but I learned through watching videos. I agree that it's great to sing along while playing it. Sadly, I don't have mine anymore because it fell off the closet and broke. Perhaps I'll purchase it again since the basic ones don't cost much.

What kind of guitar do you like playing?

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Yes! I am also self-taught and learned from Youtube videos and some text-based tutorials in Ultimate-guitar. I wrecked a couple of acoustics in my life too, recently broke my third one and had the electric guitar as a replacement, something which I've always wanted. But now I feel like I really miss the acoustic, there's just a different feel to it when I play an acoustic and sing alone, compared to me just trying out electric guitar riffs. I might get an acoustic again very soon.

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This is a hard decision for me because there are a couple of things I like to do in my spare time. The first thing that comes to mind isnplaying video games. I have been playing video games since I was six years old, and 19 years later I'm still very much a fan. I don't play nearly as many games or for as long as I used to, but I still enjoy an hour or two every day.

The other hobby I really enjoy is hiking out in the wilderness and taking pictures. I'm not a professional photographer by any means, but I have a decent DSLR and I love to use it as a means of recording the beauty in nature.

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Yay, another gamer? As you can see I have also put ''playing games'' as one of my hobbies. And I am the same as you. As a kid and through the teenage years I gamed so much... I think my first console was the NES. I miss those times. I still play a ton of new games but not nearly as much as I used to due to real life responsibilities. What type of games do you like the most? What is your favorite hobby?

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"As a kid and through the teenage years I gamed so much... I think my first console was the NES. I miss those times."

You're telling me, man! I totally considered myself a fulltime gamer when I was a teen. It was eight hours a day or bust.

On the topic of what games I like the most, I'm an old school guy these days. Every now and again a new title will come out that I enjoy, but for the most part I've been playing a lot of Super Nintendo games from my childhood. There's a whole list of games that I never finished as a kid, so I'm wrapping that up as an adult! How about you?

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I have many hobbies but my favorite as of now is mobile games which I play when I am waiting for something like when in traffic or when in a queue. It breaks the boredom of waiting. When at home and there's nothing to do, my phone is also my activity to make me relax. And can you guess what game I play on my phone? It's Candy Crush. I can't explain why I am addicted to that mobile game. But I truly enjoy it so I consider it as my favorite hobby.

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Haha, what level are you currently on? I played some crazy amount of Candy Crush in the past. It is a very addictive game indeed. I agree with you, mobile games are very handy and easy - you just pull out your phone and click the game app. I always play those games when I wait at offices What is your favorite hobby? a really good way to waste some time in a fun way.

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I love gardening. Doing it makes me feel relaxed. I really have no idea on how and why i develop an interest in gardening because in my family is not into gardening. But the most time that i can actually say that i began to do gardening is at school. I always get the highest grade on that subject because i have the best garden.

i am just happy if i can do gardening. Even here in Saudi, im trying my best to grow a plant. Using dessert sand and home made garden soil, i think i have something going on.

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I wish I could garden as well. Sadly, we live in an apartment right next to the city so there's no gardening areas. I loved gardening when I was a child because we lived in a big house and always grew so many vegetables! We even had fruit trees. When my mother got older though, we stopped the gardening though because you have to take care of it daily. I agree with you that gardening is a nice and relaxing hobby!

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My favorite hobby is biking. I love to do offroad and trailing with my friends. We sometimes go to far places with our backpacks and safety gears. Last week, we did this 50-km trail and it was so fun. I love biking because I sometimes can't go to the gym or do exercises at home. And also, I'm not afraid to eat more. ;)

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Damn, 50KM isn't little! Good job for that. I drive a bike to work every day. It is amazing because it completely wakes me up, especially on a cold morning... I also feel so much more energetic after biking. You just have to be careful around here if you drive near traffic because people don't know the basic driving rules.

I do agree though, biking is a great way of exercising as well. You burn many calories plus it's one of the best things for cardio.

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My hobby right now is playing the ukulele. It was my sister's but she never really used it much. One time I was bored and I just decided giving the ukulele a go. I tried playing the guitar years back but I just never really got on to being interested in it. But with the ukulele, I was so amused! Though I'm not good at playing it yet, I have now learned how to play a few songs(but chord transitions are still a HUGE problem for me). Don't really know why I liked this while I hated the guitar. Must be the size. I can carry the ukulele everywhere while with the guitar it's just really difficult getting it around (or maybe I'm just really lazy). I really hope I don't drop my new found interest on playing the uke. Playing the uke is so much fun!

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You won't believe this, but I have always wanted to learn ukulele! I know how to play the guitar but when I first saw ukulele in a YouTube video I just loved everything about it. The sound it produces is so calming and lovely. Is it much harder to learn than the acoustic guitar? I still plan on buying it at some point! I imagine that it's really nice being able to carry it around freely - especially to things like a picnic or a party.

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I enjoy to listen to music also. I listen to music all the time when on the computer. My hobby would be arts and crafts and also going shopping or hiking at the beach.

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When I'm less busy or at my leisure time I love dancing and singing, it makes me feel relax and cool..

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One of my favourite hobbies would definitely have to be jogging right now. So far I've been running around 5k every two days. Not only have I been more positive lately, but I have also noticed that I've been getting more in shape.

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I also love to listen to music. I actually ordered a new CD a week or so ago which should be arriving in the next couple of weeks What is your favorite hobby?. It's used so I'm hoping there aren't any serious scratches. I also enjoy fiddling around on the computer. Just today I was experimenting with Gitlab Pages (a free way to host a website). I got a simple one page site up and running with a custom domain, but it took some trial and error, because the documentation is poor. I love to window shop, but only online. Doing it in person doesn't allow me to think and daydream. Buying the stuff for real would be better, but I'm too poor What is your favorite hobby?.

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When I have spare time, I love to bake cookies or cakes for my family members. I don't sell them just bake because it is one of my hobbies. I also sew cushion covers when I am free. All by hand. I also love drawing cartoons during my free time, that depends on my mood. Then I photo them and upload into my blog posts. You can see them in MYLOT. Those are my drawings.

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Hobbies play a huge part in our relaxation, so when ever you can squizze out time just do something you really love. I personally have a few hobbies of mine that am passionate about and they are sports (football), i also love painting a lot, it allows me connect to nature in a special way.

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I do a lot of freelance article writing as my work which I love, but rather than that, I'm also a photographer. So traveling and taking pictures are my favorite past time and sometimes I do play guitar and write songs.

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I usually go for taking photos these days. As you can see this hobby has helped me a lot. You can see that hobby like this can be useful for you to mix with the nature. And you can find out if the hobby can be turned into something that earns money. I have learned that photography and sketching is worth pursuing.

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My hobby is to make sport, to exercise and go to a gym! My hobby brings me health, energy, vitality, and the ability to manage stress and a perfect body! Sometimes I like to cook, and when I do my wife is the happiest person in the world, she said that this hobby is the best I have!

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In my free time, I love reading, gaming from time to time, playing succer. And i feel the stress, i love to sit in a dark place in the open and watch the sky and stars, to make my mind clear. It really helped me that way.

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Besides my daily workout, i love a gaming session. Drinking smoking and playing poker online also. I'm a man of vices what can I say hahaha

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I love trying out new recipes. I collect recipes from different countries and stack them up to try. Sunday is my MasterChef day. I cook up a storm on Sundays. I also recently started knitting to encourage a friend who is goin through a rough patch. One of her therapy duty is to knit. So I learnt how to knit to push her along What is your favorite hobby?

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I don't really have a specific hobby because I enjoy everything am involved in and really commit myself to it. But I enjoy playing video games and thinking.

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Honestly writing the article is one of my hobbies which I love to do and I made good money out of it. Other than that while I'm not working, i play guitar and write songs in my free times. Sometimes I go for traveling and click some good pictures with my DSLR.

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Hobbies are things we love doing in our leisure time. I personally write poems, I also play the guitar or play the keyboard.

I also love playing soccer and singing. I read a novel or book when I also feel like. I also love making short videos and taking pictures.

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For me, it's the internet and blogging also social networking. The internet is a great place to be and social networks interacting with others really does help when you're a blogger. When am not sat with my laptop on I do like to watch the odd movie here and there.

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I like simple things. My hobby is watching movies and series, I also like to do physical exercises, listen to my favorite songs. I spend all day working online so I can consider this as a hobby too.

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I usually swim, listen to music, cycle or surf the web. But on days when the going gets really tough, I call it a day and head to bed early. Also, I spend a lot of time basically doing --nothing--, I stare at the ceiling of my room or wall and I feel it helps clear my mind and relax.

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During my free time I mostly work on developing my skills and program mobile games as well as keeping a healthy diet and going to the gym, but I just love to sit in my own space and think of ideas for my new games and develop more skills

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  • Have you played  happy wheels yet? It will make you much less bored. Special. it has web games

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I like SEO, marketing, web design, web hosting and graphic design, they are my hobbies though.
Besides, playing sports will help us better when working online and Football, volleyball are also my favorite ones.

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I love to sew and paint, but sewing is certainly my favorite. I'm not an expert yet and I'm still learning, but it's so nice to make something by yourself. I'm working on making clothes, so far so good. I've also fixed some garments for a few people, it comes in handy.

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Playing guitar is definitely my favorite hobby. Programming used to be my but at the moment I transformed that hobby into my career so I wouldn't call it that now. Playing an instrument is just so relaxing, from what I've read it's therapeutic and for a person like me who suffers from depression a little bit of meditation is more than welcome.

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I have several interests and passions and of them gardening and photography stand out. I have done business in designing and executing landscaped gardens as an offshoot of my hobby and I did earn quite a bit then. I now have my own garden and strolling there and clicking away keeps me merrily on my toes.

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I enjoy writing. I'm going to school to be a journalist, so I guess I better enjoy it. What I enjoy most about it is that it gives me the opportunity to engage with issues I care about and ask questions that need to be asked. Put a spotlight on things that don't get enough attention.

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Probably game development and watching series

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After tiring works during the week days I only have the weekends for myself, to cool, relief the stress and refresh for the other week. It is like a cycle really but that is the reality. But on this weekend I do make the best of it, and what I enjoy doing mostly is hitting the gallery. I like to see the new arts display, it gives me some refreshing feeling and also fulfilment. But if I don't do this I hangout with friends where can listen to some good music and have some good laugh.

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Well, everything about reading is my favourite hobby.
The weekdays' work coupled with family issues is very stressful and at this depressing. However when I get good reading materials, I forget all my problems.
It works like magic!

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My favorite hobby is searching new techniques and codes in programming. I graduated BS Information Technology major in programming but I'm a freelancer that's why programming is just my hobby. Developing new codes and methods makes me happy and inspired. I can't explain the feeling inside me every time I discover new things in programming. I won't replace my hobby to other simple hobbies around there. Most people think that programming is a boring and complex hobby but for me, it's a gift.

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Personally, i spend a lot of time of my day writing and playing games. I find fascinating to understand why I act certain ways and describe them at the end of the day, on a book, let's "gaming diary". I do this primarily to understand why I sometimes feel helpless from play badly or getting distracted or irritated. This has obvious applications in real life situations.

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I really love playing guitar, and have for many years--maybe that really isn't a hobby, per se? More of a craft? So, actually, maybe my favorite hobby is going to shows. I love indie and alternative rock, and I budget every month to see the bands I love who come through town. I love the energy and exhilaration I get from seeing my favorite artists play live, and this does help to relieve my stress after working all week.

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My favorite hobby is to pass time at online. I love to use internet and pass time on internet for getting knowledge about SEO. I am a SEO professional and currently living with SEO works as a full time freelancer and outsourcing worker. I love to check also the latest news of the world on online. Love to pass time with animal planet on youtube. Love to watch latest Hollywood movies on internet also.


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I love to do Yoga, is super good for gaining strength and improving flexibility. Besides that it helps me a lot to get rid of stress, I learned to breathe slowly, to think deeper. But, also I love listen to music, so my Yoga instructor is amazing, he taught me to do Yoga with my favorite music, and not only with mantras. So, I can do my two favorite hobbies at once. I choose Coldplay or Enya, sometimes Lorde. The only thing to be taking care of is, not to sing while you are doing a headstand, is hilarious the way you drop off instantly hahaha.

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My favourite hobby is gaming. It helps me to take my mind off work and have some fun. It's a great way to interact with my friends from overseas, We have our own Discord server where we use to communicate while playing multiplayer games together.

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I love being active on a regular basis at the gym. I also enjoy listening to music and meditating, doing this gives me more clarity and focus. I believe in eating healthy as well, food is one of my passions. Theese things are sufficient for me to keep a good balance in my life at the moment.

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My favorite hobby is crafting. Whenever I am free I try to look for some ideas on the Pinterest. I have made many D.I.Y items. I always make personalized cards for my friends and relatives for Christmas and they always appreciate the cards that I make. There are also many decorative items that I have made. I have gifted some of those items to my friends. I am now learning how to sew a dress.

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I spend most of my time watching movie or TV series or listening to music. I also spend my free time reading books.

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Well, I am a singer, I like to sing in my choir, also I am a vocal teacher for kids, but the things that I like to do in my free time is sing, learn something, watch some movies or series, and listening to music, also I like to play in my consoles.

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My favorite hobby is interacting with sites like this. I actually, don't read novels anymore because of my love for this.
I like activating my brain by reading their posts and comment as to my insights and experiences similar to what they are discussing.
I love reading posts also that describes their way of life, what they like doing and anything that can make me create a simple perception of how that person is. I also love reading about their traditions, their vast knowledge on things that makes me more knowledgeable by reading their posts.
I also love to share my inputs in whatever posts of theirs that I can relate with.

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My Favourite Hobby is Play Computer Games and Find New Tips and Tricks What is your favorite hobby?

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My favorite hobby is watching movies in Netflix, and searchingin online reading articles and blogs. Sometimes chatting friends in face book .When
I have time to go outside me and my daughter go window shopping bonding time it
is my way of releasing stress.

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I retired from employment at a very young age so I have a balanced time between my business, freelancing, and hobbies. My hobbies are doing a bit of artwork, watching TV, playing board games with my nephews and nieces, hanging out with friends, going outdoors with my boyfriend, and eating.

I also have a few hobbies that are educational. I coach people, read books (about entrepreneurship, financial literacy, health, self development, leadership, books that add value to success), and attend business seminars. I spend half of my day for both fun and educational hobbies.

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My favorite hobby used to be sewing. But my eyesight is not very good anymore. It's difficult to thread the needle. So now my favorite hobby is binge-watching Korean drama TV shows or detective, crime-solving mystery TV series, set in a historical period before the 20th/21st century.

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You remind me of my mother who was sewing our torn clothes. Sewing was her way of passing the time when she has nothing to do at home. When she had difficulty in focusing on small things like the eye of the needle and the thin thread, she would be asking us her children to do the inserting of the thread. I also know how to sew but I couldn’t consider it as my hobby because I don’t enjoy it.

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I absolutely loved writing, getting so caught up in the rush of writing down stories, utterly immersed in it.

I enjoy both making games and helping others with theirs.

I enjoy playing games. Preferably easy games. I don't like difficult things.

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Writing and reading is my favourite hoppy I can not sleep without doing one of them. It just makes relaxing and improve myself at the same time.

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In my childhood I only had one hobby "PLAY VIDEO GAMES WITH MY FRIENDS" but as I got older and got busier with my studies and later on with my professional life. I didn't have much time to give to my hobby and my first love VIDEO GAMES but in this quarantine time, I am now spending most of my time at home and in the last month or so I have been again spending lots of time playing videos games. The one game which I played mostly in the last month or so is Call of Duty: Warzone which is an excellent battle royale and thanks to tios and quads mode I am also enjoying it with my childhood friends as well who don't live in same city anymore. We were having difficulties at start but as the time goes by and we learned plenty of great things from youtube and blogs like [ we have really improved our game now and we are getting lots of wins lately.

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Before that, my favorite pastimes were basketball and chess. After that, I'll listen to music read literature, and 2 player games. I also read the Bible. 

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My favorite hobby is playing Rugby. The rush of adrenaline as I charge down the field, the camaraderie with my teammates, and the strategic maneuvers required to outwit opponents all make it an exhilarating experience. The physical demands of the sport keep me in top shape, while the mental challenges enhance my decision-making skills. Whether it's a fierce tackle or a perfectly executed pass, each moment on the field is a testament to dedication and teamwork. Rugby isn't just a hobby; it's a passion that brings me joy, teaches me lessons, and allows me to push my limits.

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