
Is web design the most important aspect of a site?

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Is web design the most important aspect of a site?

A lot of people spend a lot of their time on the web design aspect of their websites, blogs or forums. This is because users tend to judge a website on its appearance and theme. First impressions are extremely important for websites as it could mean the different between a user deciding to join the site or closing the website and going somewhere else. So do you think that spending a lot of time on the appearance and design of the site is wise? Or is the quality of the content on the site more important?


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Website design is mostly necessary for the good website. Good web site design will attract your visitors to stay within your website or to visit your website for the next time.


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Webdesign have to be eye-catchy but i am not sure if it's MOST IMPORTANT. I guess it all depends on what is the most important thing you want to achieve form your visitors. Other very important things are loading speed, search optimization, image optimization, quality of contents etc etc etc... It's because it's not only about keeping visitors engaged on website to stay, but even more important to get more visitors to see it at all...
Having well visited and interactive website nowadays is not easy task to achieve, so it can't lean on only one aspect, but to do all important things at once. No matter how nice it looks, if it loads VERY slow, visitors are gone before it opens up. No matter how fast it is, if it's not optimized for search engines to drive more and more visitors day by day. Etc etc...

Everything is important!

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Web design needs to be great, however, design is the secondary aspect of a site. people don't come to your site because your site looks great, they come to your website searching for information and knowledge. Knowledge and information will be found in the content. Therefore, content is the primary aspect of your website.
If you have a good design, you have an advantage though. The visitors tend to stay more on the site that has beautiful design compared to the sites with cluttered design.

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This is one difficult question to answer because I am torn between design and content. I am saying this because there are sites that have good content but I lose my interest when the design is bad. One such design I don't like is the "all black" background. It strains my eyes. On the other hand, a site with a very good design but with boring contents would surely be a turn off. Another point for the design is the speed of access which depends on the design of the graphics and animation, if there is. When a webpage takes more than 30 seconds to display its entirety, expect me to exit because I cannot imagine surfing the site with that crawling pace. And now for my answer to the questoin of this thread - it's still a toss up between design and contents.

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The first impression is the last impression that's why you need a good design for your blogs or website. Obviously, you need a high-quality content for our readers to attract, but website design is the first part of attraction on your site. Most of the people are going to judge your site by its design, and then only they are going to read your content. So make sure your website design is user-friendly and understandable to your readers.

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The most important isn't one single element of a web page but what a good site makes it good, is a mix of multiple.

The web design and the content should always go hand in hand. They are both just as equally important. Both in their own aspects. The web design is extremely important because it is the first thing that meets the viewer's eye. If it is a bad design, hard to read, weird colors, ... Then they most likely won't visit your site often.

Then we have the content. Content is crucial for the success of the website. Not only because of the viewers but also just for the SEO aspect of attracting the traffic. Content is basically what will keep the consumers/readers to keep coming back and using your website.

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Absolutely. I think it is essential. Here's why. Humans are visual animals, and we love visual stimuli. You don't want to stay in a place that's ALL dreary and gray for long, do you? I've had people tell me that the colors of my blogs are beautiful and exciting. They have shared my art, and I have done tutorials for some of them. If you make people happy through you web design, that will positively correlate with the amount of business you get. At the end of the day, it's all about relating to people, getting to know their true feelings, and starting a conversation. You can do all these things just from a simple design, which means you can keep them around longer and build you reputation as a citizen of the online community.

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You really make up a good point RedVelvetJuliet. Once the people begin to visit your page, and they tend to feel welcome, that will really make a good impact on how good the design of you website is.

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Website design is mostly necessary for a website because includes basics such as white space, color, navigation, positioning, mobile ability, typography, and usability. When arranging elements of a website design, where pieces are placed truly matters. Where the element is placed on the page dictates the
order in which the viewer will see it. Having the proper flow of pieces
and information to walk a visitor through the website is vital.

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For me, how the site looks is crucial because it is easy to attract people if your sites is well crafted. People are always attracted to beautiful things, the rightvcolor combination and also the right slogan to sell a product. Aesthetics gives you an edge to be noticed. Imagine yourself as a grain of sand on a seashore. Your individualism won't stand out because you and everyone else looks the same. But with gimmicks and an eye catching profile, there is a chance that you can steal more attention. Of course you need to back it up with the necessary things needed in a web page like navigation, usability and the likes.

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I think it depends on the site, but for many, yes! For example, I prefer to use over for sharing images, largely because of it's site design.

Recently has been having issues though, so I'll probably start using something else soon.

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That's what I've been using for a while too! It's reassuring to know that I'm not the only one that has been experiencing issues with recently.

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Web design is important when it comes to a site, no one likes to go to a site that is not laid out very well and looks a complete mess I guess, right? However I wouldn't say that it is the most important aspect of a site. The content and the amount of content is also important. When you mix both good design and good content together you achieve a good website that many people will be more willing to come back to on a regular basis.

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I think there is not only one single most important aspect in a website. I believe that a successful website is the union of several aspects like: design, content, speed, social engagement and SEO. The design is very important, but alone it is not able to generate success.

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I think the web design might affect the first impression, but the content and functionality will determine whether the readers or users will stay with the site or even recommend it to others. I don't mean web design is not important, but I will not only focus or spend too much on web design only.

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Unfortunately, the design of the website and its interface will be the first thing that users will notice. I'm not sure if it's because of social media (twitter, Instagram and Facebook) but people seems to have shorter attention spans nowadays and are more likely to make snap judgments based on first impressions. That extends to making conclusions and inferences about the credibility of a website by just gleaning through its interface.

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I think it's half the reason a site is successful or not. I think every site owner should start out by verifying the site software works correctly before worrying about the design. Your site might look incredibly nice but not work at all - viceversa, there's no point in having a well-run back-end system if people are going to be disgusted by your site's design.

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It is one of the most important aspect. The other one being the content and uniqueness. But web design will play an important part on making the visitors appreciate the effort you put in making your website. Choose a design that is not too much. I tend to like sites who have soft themes.

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It's just like your house, everything in your website needs to have a logical place, helping site visitors easily find w<hat they are looking for.

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True. The right places, the right parts, which can be easily accessed by visitors. Also, it's not bad to have a good and calm ambiance. Makes me feel welcome always. (talkin' about the site.)

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It's the same, like the site like the house, and i'm agree with you too about what you said. It's all about to feel welcome, comfort and satisfied, in both of them: house and site..

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A website design will make the site visitors decide whether to stay and take action or leave, it's simple as that. It will need to create trust, make sense and allow people to find what they need quickly and easily while doing what you want them to do.

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Although it's one of the important aspect of a successful site, we cannot also ignore the fact that a site without good contents and quality posts could really go further. As you were saying that a site is also like a house, a house without furnitures or ugly decorations is not good to visit at all. Is web design the most important aspect of a site?

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Absolutely right, It's like when you see a beautiful house from inside and when you come in you surprised because of the ugly seen. Sites also, even it have a good design then it's nothing without the content.

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Absolutely agree with the previous opinions)

But I can say that it's difficult to concentrate both on the good content and the attractive look of your site if you aren't experienced in this area and have never heard about such terms as "front-end", "back-end", etc. And it will take either enormous amount of time to learn all of this yourself or a lot of money to go to a designer and order making a website.

You shouldn't necessarily bother, but can find a ready-to-go beautiful templates on the Internet! And all is left for you is to fill it with your information.

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I actually made this comparison in another post earlier, but it wouldn't hurt to make it again. Think of it in terms of going on a date with someone. You need to make a good first impression, but you're not going to do that with your character alone. In order to pull someone in, you have to appeal to their eyes first. Wear matching clothes, style your hair, put on tasteful accessories. Because the hard truth is that unless you look good, your personality isn't going to be enough to get you a second date. But it works the other way as well. Looking good alone isn't going to help you once the relationship goes long term. That is when the content of your character shines.

The same goes for websites. If your website lacks good design, the visitor is far more likely to click away without a second thought. But if it is appealing, they might browse around a little. And if the content is good, you've hooked yourself another customer.

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Absolutely, the design is the first thing people will judge. It will determine wether they'll stay or not. It has to be appealing, yet appropriate to the theme or tone of the website. It it's too much visualy, people will turn away. Or it might look too unprofessional for a business. There are many factors that can affect it.

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I am agree the the design is something important to have in your site, but there is some people who look for the content even if the design not so good. I think a good site need this both, design and good content to be complete.

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It's a huge 50/50 for me. I think that both should have equal balance as website design and the services you offer are both different things. I personally don't like to trust services with terrible website layouts as I think it looks unprofessional and cheap. But then again, I could be fooled into trusting a terrible service just because they have a really good website design. A good combination would always be the balance of the two.

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Yes it is since it interests its users and looks catchy to the eye, a lot of work should be done on any site in web designing, everyone loves beautiful things and colors that makes you feel happy. A site should look professional and not scanty, a well designed site assurres users of great and good services.

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It is important! It's the first thing a visitor sees and it gives him an impression of the site. Some sites tend to overdo it though to the point that the design is quite distracting. You don't want this to happen.

You should keep it simple while still being stylish and modern. To give you an example take a look at Google's Material Design. The reason why they still use it is because it works. They have made it simple and user-friendly, while still being catchy to the eyes.

So I suggest you add a design to your site. It makes the site not look bland but don't overdo it. Find the balance between what looks nice and what is easily understood.

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I have said this elsewhere. Viewers go for substance than form. I am a viewer and I will definitely not spend time searching for websites with great getups but with great information. Not only will it take me eons to open those pages but many a time text is hidden in between those images. I am sure there will be many who prefer substance to form.

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Having a design that effectively showcases your content is important. However, you could have the best looking website on the web and it wouldn't mean anything if your content isn't all that good.

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Every aspect of a website is important because every aspect of it is required to pass across information. It is out rightly important to pay close attention to the design of a website. A website with a god design will encourage users/visitors to stay longer and interact with the website properties. It also has an effect on user experience.

If users are not captivated by what they see on a website, they leave without thinking twice about it. It is advisable to keep your website design simple and orderly.

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Web design is one of the important aspects of a site. Along with a good design, your site also needs great contents.
A good design means user-friendly site, easy to navigate, and good to look. Webdesign is also connected with on page SEO.
However, having a great design is not enough to get traffic or rank high. You need high-quality contents. Building content is also not enough, your contents also need to be optimized properly. A good website is a mix of good design and good contents.

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Aside from the good contents and regularity of uploading, you said it right that one of the most important for the site is web design. There are designs that clutter the home page and some have not much to show that you needed to click and click before you can be shown the page that you are looking for. Web design should adhere to the standards that it should be efficient for the user. Too much images and animation can slow down the loading of the page.

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If the webmaster uses too much images and animations, it will hamper the site loading speed. When site loads slow, it will have adverse effect on your SEO. Slow loading of the website can also increase bounce rate.
Your site should be easy to navigate. The visitors should be able to find your posts and pages easily. Having a lot of contents on the front page can also be a great turn off for the visitors.

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