
Are you still going to the cinema?

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Are you still going to the cinema?

Hi, I remember when I was a small kid and I was going to the cinema with my parents and sisters to see movies. Now it seems to be such old movies but in a pleasant way. It was so nice to stay there, eat popcorn and watch that big screen with lights turned off. I remember that the first move saw on cinema was an Indian movie with a white horse.
These days our kids don't want to go to the cinema because of the Internet, they have access to any movie they want to see from the comfort of their house. That is very sad because they don't know what they miss!


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I still love going to the cinema with friends for the social aspect of it. The whole experience of watching a new released movie on a huge screen will never disappear in my opinion. As long as the cinema appeals to the current generation, social media is here to stay.

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Yes. That is I think one of the main reasons why we go to cinemas, to socialize. Although some would go alone, for whatever reasons they may have, and some would just want to watch the huge screen specially the horror ones.

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Yep, there will always be a demand for cinemas in my opinion. There is still a consumer base for watching movies in cinemas. Being able to watch new releases is where the appeal is.

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I am glad to hear this Okav, and I am glad to see that these let's say tradition is not disappearing. The new generation doesn't know the feeling of watching a newly released movie on a huge screen because they are looking to see it on their PC.
Thank you for your answer!

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I was with my husband last night in the cinema to watch the life story of Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody. It was one of the best movies that I had seen this year and much better than the Johnny English movie that I saw last month. The cinema where we went to was special because the seat was a “lazy boy” and there were only 40 seats in the cinema that is very spacious. There is also free popcorn and drinks. But the ticket is almost double the cost of the ordinary cinema.

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Yes, I still go to the cinema, Just like how I may go to the restaurant to have a change of scenery and atmosphere to that of eating at home, It's a similar thing where watching a movie is concerned. Remember that variety is the spice of life, therefore, we do crave a bit of variety sometimes.

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Absolutely, I enjoy going to the cinema very much. Nothing compares to that experience, especially for long awaited movies. Of course, with the pricing, the number of visits has decreased. But I still prefer enjoying a good movie and some fresh popcorn. For me, nothing, not even the internet, will replace this.

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I am really glad to hear this Meg24, I thought there are no people with such a hobby these days!
Thank you for your answer to my post!

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I do not often go to the cinema. I rather watch in the comfort of my own home but once in a while when a really good movie I want to watch, my fiancé and I will go.

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I understand your point of view, it is more comfortable to watch movies from home. For me, nothing compared to that smell from the cinema and the darkness that surrounds me when I watch a movie. Thanks, for your answer!

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"I do not often go to the cinema. I rather watch in the comfort of my own home…"

This is a notion that I totally agree with. For the most part, I just generally find the cinema watching experience to be a lot less comfortable than watching something at home. In the cinema, the snacks are expensive, to seats are uncomfortable, the people can often be annoying, and if you have to go to the bathroom you have to miss out on the movie.

At home you can curl up on a comfy couch under a blanket, buy loads of cheap snacks, you can pause the action if you need to go somewhere, and if the person you're watching with is being annoying you can just kick them out!

Okay I'm joking about that last part.

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I don't think that the main reason that cinema has lost its popularity is solely because of the internet. We also have to look at the cinema and its pricing.

When I was a child a cinema ticket, popcorn and a drink were so cheap. Anybody could afford it but now the prices keep rising every year in my country. Now if you want a ticket, popcorn and a soda you probably pay ten times more than you used to. It is therefore also logical that not everybody can afford to go to the cinema every weekend or every month.

The Internet isn't only the more convenient option it is also the cheaper. Even renting out the movies or buying the actual DVD will cost you less than cinema.

I did go to the cinema many times, as a child and as an adult but lately, I just don't even feel like I want to go. There aren't any movies playing that I want to see and spend that amount of money on it.

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Nope, the last time I went to the cinema was when I brought along my toddler to watch Titanic with my hubby. It was a nightmare for us to get my toddler from pulling off the lady's hair sitting infront of us. That was the last time I had watched a movie at the cinema.
Nowadays the price of tickets, popcorn and drinks had hiked up at least 3x. Might as well stay at home watch Neflix with homemade snacks.

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I go with my family about once a month to watch the latest animated movie or just for a casual evening date once in a while. Personally, I would rather log into Netflix on my laptop and catch up on my "Good Wife" series.

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My son loves animated movies and sometimes we give up on our movie and go watching his animated movie. But I have no complaints, I love spending time with the family so, in the end, I am enjoying too!
Thank you!

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Tronia I didn't think of that, maybe you are right all is more expensive now. When I take my son to the 3D cinema it costs me around 40 dollars, is a bit expensive if I think but since we were going out once a month and only because I insist so much I didn't give to much attention to this.
I am glad to see so many people still enjoy to go to the cinema these days!

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Movie tickets have become prohibitive to the masses at $10 which can buy a decent meal for 3 persons. We go to the cinema once in a while when there is a good movie to see. And it is not just the movie but it's also like a date with my husband. Last week we watched Reset, the science fiction movie produced by Jackie Chan. Unfortunately the movie failed in our standards and we don't recommend it. We thought all along that it has the trademark of Jackie Chan, his humorous stunts and good story. But Reset is far from it.

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I prefer not to but my wife loves to watch movies in the cinema. Well actually it is a good feeling to do it everynow and then. It's just it is too expensive. The only thing that keeping me to saybyes when she wants to watch movies in the cinema is, that was hiw we spend our first date. And the movie is UP, in 3D. So when she say, let's go out, I'm sure, its gonna be a happy but expensive night hahaha

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Not anymore. Are you still going to the cinema? Our city doesn't have a cinema. Sometimes when I go to my friend at another city, we would watch in movie theaters. I miss having our own cinema. Are you still going to the cinema? It was cheap back in the day.

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That is sad, a city without a cinema is like a garden without flowers. You are right it was cheaper to go to the cinema in the past, is a bit expensive now but that worth the money!

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Despite all the facilities to watch movies online, I still like to go to the movies a few times a year.

Here in my country, going to the movies is usually relatively expensive, so I usually go to the movies only when I'm pretty sure the movie will be very good. I never took the risk of paying a ticket to watch a dubious movie.

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I remember going to drive-in theaters. It was even better than going to a movie theater. Every once in a while I would take my kids to the movies. But I stopped going to the movie theater with my husband, when they started with video rental stores. Also, movie theaters nowadays are very expensive.

Last but not least, I don't mean to put a downer on this conversation, but we had an incident at a movie theater (in the US) where some nutcase came through a side door and opened gunfire on a bunch of people who just wanted to look at a movie. I know nobody can predict these horrific events. A tragedy could happen at a grocery store or anywhere that's crowded with people or even in the privacy of your home. But after that mass shooting incident, now I definitely don't ever want to go the cinema. My son works at a movie theater. I could get free tickets, I still don't want to go!

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I still go to the cinema every once in a while however compared to the price it used to be when I was a kid, it is very expensive now to be able to take a trip to the cinema to watch a movie. I will be honest and say that last time I took a trip to the movies to watch anything was when Austin Powers - Goldmember was released and that was back when I was around 15. It cost me around £2.50 to get in and watch the movie and I still had money left over to buy some treats to have whilst watching the movie. It was a perfect and affordable outing for me and my friends.

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Well school is out for the summer here and as much as these kids are caught up with the social media rave, they still flock to the movies in the droves. They seem to enjoy each others' companies rather than sitting quietly in the theater to watch the movies. I like to go to the movies when it's not crowded or if there's not much alternative noise interference but even more so occasionally when a new movie is showing.

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I no longer go the cinema as the tickets are quite expensive nowadays. I can also watch many movies for free over the internet. I can watch any movie whenever I want to at home and if I want to I can pause the movie watch it later. I am also very busy nowadays and I usually watch movies quite late at night as this is the only time that I am free.

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Well I still love going to the cinema, its not the same as watching the movie at home. Sometimes it feels good to go on outings.

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I still go to the cinema a lot, either with my friends or my family. I think it still doesn't replace just plainly watching it on your TV or PC. There's still that edge for me every time I go to the cinema and see people come in and enjoy the movie with me. I only watch the cinema when I have free time though, which is I'm barely getting these days.

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No, right now, if I want to see any movie I just google it and watch it. Well, I'm not a huge fan of the cinema, because I don't like a lot the movies, I'm more a series, TV shows and anime guy, so I rather this simple things, I enjoy of this stories because I feel in touch, with the movies I just cannot connect and feel that everything is fake.

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It's a whole different experience to watch a movie on the cinema, rather than see it on TV or watch it online at home. Though tickets might be expensive, you get to pay for the entertainment you get from watching a movie on the cinema too, and in a way you are actually supporting those who developed the movie.

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I have never been much of a moviegoer, and in fact I think the last time I went to a movie theater was when The Hobbit came out. I just don't appreciate the experience like most people seem to. Call me a grump but the main factor which pushes me away are the people around me. I don't want to hear you chewing your snacks, your unwanted commentary, or be blinded by your cellphone when you decide to text. Movies are intimate experiences for me. I like to watch them in the comfort of my own home, when I want and how I want.

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Yes mostly when there's a new movie that I've been waiting to watch for a long time, at the end of the day cinemas are way better than tv at home but only for movies that are actually worth it

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Once in awhile I'll got to the movie theater to see a movie I'm anticipating but it's so damn expensive that it's hard to justify it.

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I am always fun of cinema. So believe it or not its part of my life already that I can resist. Watching movies in cinema is different in watching movies on normal TV or Computer. In the cinema, you will experience every scene to the point wherein you feel like you already inside the movie. You can also feel the effects of every little sound that makes the movie amazing. The attachment is so different compared to normal TV.

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Seeing movie alone could be awesome and fun sometimes but I don't like to this often. I prefer to go see movies at the cinema. This will give me opportunity to spend some quality time with friends or family. Going to cinema to see movie especially the newly premier movie usual give some sugar rush. And similarly I wouldn't want to see movies after my peers have seen it and they've told me virtually every thing in that movie. And trust me the will talk

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Yes--I still love going to the movies, and I still will most likely experience an angioplasty one day from the buttered popcorn I gorge on there. I grew up going to the cinema, and although it can be expensive, and thus a special treat, I still really love the common experience of it, within reason, and the huge screen. A Redbox and dinner at home is also awesome, but going to the movies is still one of my favorite pass times.

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That's a really good question nowadays! I have never been a cinema fan. I love watching movies, horror movies more specifically, but I would rather watch it at my own place, with a couple friends... make a pause if it's needed, go for more snacks if I want... comment the film without having people shushing me of having to shush another people! Still, I know a few cinema lovers that wouldn't change goint to watch a movie for nothing!

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Even with all the comfort you can have at home, there is nothing than can compare to the small of fresh hot popcorn, the huge screen, all the dolby surround and special effects, watching your favorite actors and amazing places. Also, going to cinema with your friends, to share that moment and laugh or scream together, that is relaxing for me.

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I still go to the cinema with my family and friends. There are some movies which you must experience in the cinema to feel the epicness of the movie . The sound effects in the cinema is great. Although I have a good sound system, I can't really blast the sound because my neighbour will complain. Going to the cinema is sort of a bonding time for me with my family and friends.

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I don't go to cinema any longer because the tickets are quite expensive those days. However, I occasionally go to a football viewing center in my neighborhood to watch my favorite club play.

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I love going to the cinema! It’s just such a calm and chill experience.I go at least once a week and it’s almost a tradition to go see a movie in the
weekends with my boyfriend or with some friends. When we don’t have that much
money we do see them online in our living room but we’ll rather just go to the
cinema and snick in some snacks too is part of the experience lol!

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I enjoy going to the cinema at least once a month I do so. As long as you don't have these loudmouth people, and the smart phone people, or the chewing right next to your ear type people, cinema visits can be a quiet pleasant experience in my opinion.

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Yes, I love go to the cinemas, it is the best to see the newest movies, sometimes it is very expensive, but I love to go once in a month to see some good movies, and now with the heroes movie era I love to go to see those movies.

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Your nick Barman shows that you like movies a lot. I am glad that you still like to go to the cinema and you didn't lose that feeling!
Thank you for your answer!

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Going to the cinema is an entire experience. It was an activity I thoroughly enjoyed growing up as a kid. I have to be honest though, it's been a year and several months since I last went to the cinema. Nowadays with different movie streaming services, my home entertainment room has become my own personal cinema. It's cool too because I love organizing movie nights with my friends. The lounge is also surround sound, so you somewhat get the same experience of high-quality digital audio that you would at the cinema. Simply put, I don't really feel like I'm missing out on any sort of cinema experience I would get at the theatre, compared to my own living space.

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I sometimes go but to be honest it's just not worth the money. You figures a ticket for me and the wife $30 pop and snacks for both of us, another $30+. So you're talking $60 a wack every time that you want to go see a movie. I live on a limited budget and I can think of a lot better things to use $60 on.

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I do.I did some days back.In my country Nollyhood blockbusters are mostly shown in the cinema.So if you are a Nollyhood lover you can't do otherwise than pay to watch your favorite actors.

most times they don't upload the movie online,what you could see online is the trailer and before you could see it online might take a longer than than what other countries does.

So every now and then,I get to the cinemas.

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I actually went to the movies just this past weekend with some friends to watch a movie. I don't know why, but there's something about watching a movie in the theaters that's very unique to me, and I like to try and catch all of my favorite director's works in theaters if I can.

I was really affordable to see our movie as well, with student pricing for a ticket being only $6, which kind of blew me away. I was visiting friends in another city, and their theater wasn't quite as nice as the theaters in my town, which charge $15 per ticket and a little more for food and drink that the cinema we attended did. I guess the price you pay for better accommodations, I suppose.

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Yes, if there is a new movie I want to see. It has a different atmosphere.

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I used to love the cinema. The big screen,the speakers, the whole atmosphere. Especially when I was younger I used to go at least once a week. This was the highlight of my week. I remember I used to go every Tuesday. These days with the busy schedule and the scarcity of money I haven't been for years. I will however make an effort, you've reminded me that I used to love going to the cinema, and I'm trying to enjoy my life and do things I used to like doing.

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