
Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream

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Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream

We all know that science evolved in time and the scientist pays a lot of money on research or ways on finding a way to travel to Mars. Going to Mars is a highly cost process, when we could be spending money on other things more important, like stopping homelessness, helping the health section and the people that have few days to live or pay the school for those kids that don't have the money. Why should we spend money on going to Mars when we could do many great things here in our world?


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That's a good answer and it's hard to find the right answer, because we can't understand how the world think.
What we will get from living in Mars or to meet some aliens...

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It won't be expensive if they have internet there. If they do, then they can always do SEO and earn money while their at it so they can pay for whatever expenses they have. Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream And they just have to make sure to make a thread here if ever they get traffic on Mars. ;)

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You gave me a good laugh and I appreciate that humor of yours. I know it is an impossible thing to have internet with people in Mars, I mean humans, because it takes more than 7 minutes for the signal from Mars to reach Earth and vice versa. That time lag of 7 minutes will make you lose your patience although I guess we can suffice with the emails. Nevertheless the trip to Mars is viable and possible if we have the money.

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Even if I was obscenely rich, I would never travel to Mars. There are so many things to see, so many things to do on this earth. I would rather use the money to help the less privileged people and so social work. I always have had this dream, establishing a charity organization and supporting education for the people in underprivileged communities.

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That's a good thinking from you to have a dream like that,. Because in this world, the majority of people think only about themselves. Just of we count how much rich people in this earth and how much money they have, if just they think to make opportunities for poop people to help them build their lives, i think we will never see any poor people again.

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I find it interesting to go to mars a dream maybe a little impossible i always ask myself are ther any alliens in Mars really ... woww !! I fell crazy right now...Any way !.
i like the idea and i hope to go to mars someday why not? ...????

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Maybe you will get old in the way to Mars. And about the aliens, if they are really exist you think they will not try to visit the earth. What they are doing until now? I'm just kidding.
In my opinion i think that we should discover our earth first the we can move to another world.

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Oh aliens. Don't you also think they haven't visited us already? Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream Kidding aside, I agree with you when you said that we should discover our earth more. There are still parts of our planet which scientist and explorers haven't found. And it's already scary to think what could be lurking on those places. o.O

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Yes that's true, even in your country I'm sure that you don't know many places there. In my country too. Sometimes I'm shocked when i see some tourists talk about a place in my country and I really don't know that place, It look like i am a stranger inside my home lol. Anyway I'm iterested in your country, there is beautiful places to visit. One day maybe i will try.

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I honestly wouldn't even want to go to Mars if I was given a chance. I am quite happy and satisfied with my life on earth. But, humans are programmed to always want more, explore more, do more research... MORE, MORE. I think that the scientists and companies like NASA focus on exploring things outside of Earth because not only it can be very useful (gathering different data, analyzing it) but it could also help us in the big run. What if we find something that will, in the future be used in a major drug? or a major substance in a medicine that can cure XY? or something similar... we could also perhaps find other living beings (if you believe in such things), and learn from them... some even say that we will in the future, have to relocate to another planet if we keep destroying Earth.

I agree with you that our primal flow of money should be going to the people on Earth that are in need - either very ill, homeless, can't pay the medical bills and so on BUT I don't think that you have to take away that money from researchers surrounding Mars. Just cut the budgets on all the political nonsense and stop paying the politicians when they aren't doing their jobs and you will have plenty money to give to the people in need ;)

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It's a one hell of a story if you could go to Mars.

I may say, why should I spend millions or even billions of dollar for that kind of trip because I don't have that money. But come to think of it, if your one of the richest man in the world, will that amount be an ordinary for you. Rich kids with their expensive toys and tastes.

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Well, in the near future, it may be affordable to you and me. At the rate billionaires are putting in their time and money into making it happen, we would one day see a number of companies offering trips to planets outside of ours at a varied rate that you can choose from. Just like we have first class and economy tickets on a plane now.


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Also it will be a good business for people who will think to build a Mars space lines companies to offer a good and comfortable flight to that planet.

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Yes, you are right. Those who will also open stores, convenience centers, recreational facilities and all sort on mars would also make profit. What do you think? Let's join hands to create a casino there?

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Well, that sounds good. I heard that aliens love Gambling, so it will be a good investement there. But first we need to visit Mars to see how things going there and discover the right place to build that Casino.

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It is indeed a valid questioning. Mankind brags about being "evolved" about the technological breakthrough and everything still we cannot solve a human need so basic as food for everyone. Still as pointless as it might be there are worst ways to spend money. Think of the amount of money paid to Sub-celebrities that don't even have half the talent make up for it.

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I would jump at the chance to go to Mars. Hey, sign me up! I think Elon Musk is one of the most brilliant guys in our generation and what he's done will live past us. The focus should not be on the journey to Mars but rather the focus should be on a man daring to think outside the confines of everything that defines physics and logic.

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Make that 2! Haha! How about potential local employment on Mars? Do you think they have it there? Maybe we could start planting tomatoes or growing some beans? I bet those folks who live there would love some 'out of their planet' food. Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream

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This question lights me up. If you have watched Elon Musks interview on TEDtalk, you'll feel the same way I am feeling now. Elon was asked by the interviewer why do we need to go to mars with the thousand problems bedevling the earth, why don't they just focus on one and solve it, why do we need to go to mars in his time. He aswered by saying everyone has something that drives him forward, a sort of mission that you look up to everyday. He said he finds a future without we humans being inter-planetary creatures, depressing.

That is his motivation is that urge to explore other planets and make it cheap for people to afford, we are talking of having alternative tourist sites apart from the disney lands of this world.

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I think we should try to go to Mars, because pushing the boundaries is what separates the human race for the rest of the animal kingdom.

It was the thirst for discovery that the first humans to want to know what was in the next valley, the next country or on the other side of the ocean and, in their efforts to discover more, they invented more.

In terms of cost, yes space exploration is extremely expensive, but it has brought us many benefits too. The Apollo missions brought advances in technology that no one was anticipating, including advances in firefighter's breathing systems, cordless consumer goods, microchips,
Satellite TV and, much more. Check this article out and you’ll be surprised!

If we hadn’t pushed the boundaries and had the urge to discover more, we wouldn’t be having this online conversation. We’d all be sitting around in caves having conversations like: “Shall we go take a look in the next valley?” “Nahh, I’m good where I am thanks”.

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I agree with you Vinaya, we haven't explored the entire earth, and some want another planet to go on. I think those people who want to leave this earth is because they are too bored for this life and need something new and scary!
Thank you all for your answers!

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Traveling to Mars is a bad idea, because of the high energy particles in interplanetary space -that are shielded from earth by our geomagnetic field- would severely damage the astronauts central nervous systems and render them imbecilic or insane by the time they arrive at the red planet.

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I personally think that the project of going to Mars is a suicide to our tax money. Instead of spending trillions on Mars transport, the government should be focusing on our environment. Instead of spending resources on a dead planet, spend resources on fixing our planet that has everything we need.

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That is exactly what I think, there are a lot of things that need improvement here on our earth than to spend money on something that is not worth it.
Thanks for your reply!

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There is a saying that man does not live by bread alone. If we subscribe to that then we should give importance to other endeavors. Going to outer space is expensive. How much was spent when man went to the moon? The budget could have constructed countless of homes, roads, bridges and other projects directly related to living. If man had focused on life and survival then maybe life would have been more comfortable now. But we wouldn't have the spice of life, no tv, no entertainment, no technology. Anyway, the gist of my comment is that a trip to Mars is worth the expense.

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It is the human nature. Traveling to Mars is a costly endeavor. It is a risky mission as well. However, human beings are known to go for unknowns regardless of the cost and risk. Christopher Columbus's voyage to India, which turned out to be the voyage to a New World, without enough food is one such example. A good side of the Mars expedition is that a lot of new technology will grow to sustain the program, which will help mankind in the long run. A short term benefit of such an expedition is that it will foster the growth of several new industries, which will create more jobs.

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I have the same thoughts on this subject. Alias ... in this world it is possible to see so many superfluous expenses and beside us people starving and needing basic things to lead a normal life.

The human being is destroying this planet and thinks that the solution to their problems is simply to try to move to Mars. If we do not change our behavior and our consciousness, all the planets we inhabit will have the same result as the Earth.

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As interesting as Mars is, I see little point in wasting money trying to go there, or colonize it. We have a better planet right here, and more important things for money to be put into. It would be a different story if Mars was rich in life and resources like Earth is.

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What if hundreds of years have passed and the population in our planet Earth has come to the point where humans can no longer stay and live? I hope this day won't come.

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If our planet is ever destroyed to the point it no longer supports life, I think we are better off hiding in bomb shelters and waiting for the Earth to heal, than traveling to a planet which may never support life, and will have devastating effects on human development (eg: enlarged hearts). Either way, the vast majority of Earth's population would die Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream.

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Why do I feel like this is leading to zombie apocalypse. :/ There will starvation. And for sure we are not the only ones who will be hiding on those bomb shelters. There will be fight and chaos. T_T

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When it comes to the arguments you present for not wasting money to travel to Mars, they are reasonable. But something else that I also consider is that the same people who are very likely responsible for screwing up planet earth, in the first place, are probably the same people who now want to move to Mars to start a new life. No doubt, they'll probably screw that planet up too! Traveling to Mars, an expensive dream

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I'm probably agree with you. But if we compared between the ability, we will found the first choice is affordable. It's not an easy matter to think about visiting another planet, because we don't know when it will be available - if it will be- in the other hand we have an easy chance to discover our planet, so why to waste time waiting something we are not sure about it? Traveling to Mars, an expensive dreamTraveling to Mars, an expensive dream

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It is expensive in it's current form. But in future this may change. And people will be able to do it on much lower cost. I think spaceX is the company that is working on making things lot easier. It'd be taking more time but soon enough I am guessing it is definitely possible. Lot of things may change in near future. There are things about the mars we don't know as of yet.

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Or maybe the opposite, If the inernational economy will collapse or something bad happened. Wars about everything : Gold, Food... How we can think to travel to Mars in that situation.

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In that case mars expedition would be even more important. Because there are resources to mine. So people will direct their attention there. Wars and religion does not feed the stomach. So you have to understand that it all depends on peoples actions. Some countries may work out properly with the plan. Some may be forced to shut up in future if they choose to oppose everything with some politics.

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I completely agree that that traveling to Mars will indeed be very expensive. There are so many mysteries surrounding planet earth itself and before trying to explore another planet we must try to investigate those mysteries. This money can also be used for other purposes like helping poor people. There are many people still living in absolute poverty around the world. Before going to Mars we must first solve the problems on our own planet.

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I've read an article back then about a trip to Mars in which civilians could buy tickets for, but it costs millions per ticket I believe. I think traveling to Mars would be amazing as long as I get to explore the planet the way I want to. I want to go to the places that people haven't gone to and explore and investigate. I want to know what the world offers by myself and not be limited to whatever the tour package gives.

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"...but it costs millions per ticket I believe."

I haven't read this article, but I wouldn't be surprised at all. I was actually intrigued to find out the intricacies of space travel, and just how much everything actually costs to send up into space. Every single kilogram of what's going into/onto a rocket has to be accounted for and optimized efficiently, because that's how much of a difference it makes in terms of cost and efficiency. I guess those rockets and all that fuel cost a prettier penny than I initially thought, so it's no surprise that tickets to Mars would cost millions.

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You know how the old saying goes, you can't crack an egg without making a few omelettes or something like that. It's going to be a very costly investment, but the thing is I feel that it is a necessary one which I am willing to support. The problem is that things aren't looking good here on planet Earth. The human population is growing at an alarming rate, and the planet can only support so much. With climate change worsening, supporting this many people is going to be harder than ever. We need an alternative at this point, and for the time being Mars is our only shot at becoming interplanetary.

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I have to agree, it does cost to travel to Mars. The thing is, we still have plenty to research here in our planet. Don't get me wrong, it's good to know more about others. But if we still have work here, maybe we shouldn't be focusing or spending so much on others.

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Yeah, I'd sign up for the whole SpaceX thing if I was rich and didn't mind dying younger than I would otherwise. Somebody else can make mars livable, and then maybe I'd be interested in going there.

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Travelling to Mars is, indeed, a costly and ambitious expedition. There will always be social and economic issues about it if the project were to be funded by government. That's probably why Mars One is privately-funded. If this pushes through, it's going to be bigger than a giant leap for mankind. I hope to see this in my lifetime and we should do this even before the earth runs out of resources to support the growing population. The trip to Mars will not solely be an exploration, we can be sure that the foundation will try to profit from the broadcast and probably the ads placement in Mars! The planned trip to Mars, however, will involve making sacrifices on the part of the explorers and their families. The foundation envisioned the trip to be a one-way ticket for the future Martians. I'm not cut out for that but two of my countrymen were shortlisted for the mission.

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Wow--what a question--
I guess the Romantic side of me wants us to fix the things we have done wrong on this world before we fly off and colonize another...and another Romantic side of me, the one in love with exploration, wants my species to traverse the cosmos and whatever planets that it can. I have a friend who is into bioethics, and she considers it a crime for us to go anywhere just because, for example, we may introduce e Coli or some other bacterium to an environment which we do not understand and which has no possible immunity to, when it comes to this issue, I am definitely conflicted.....

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I think the reality of things is that eventually we're going to look to push to other planets, just as early settlers did when they discovered the New World of America. Everyone wanted to spread farther to see and live in more of the world, and even once they were there Manifest Destiny pushed them further to keep on trying to expand their territory.

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Maybe it seems crazy but believe me if I had the money, I would go. I'm sorry guys but I love a good adventure, and if going out of this planet is not the ultimate adventure, then I don't know what is it. The only issue that I have besides money lacking, is the fact of the time, like, I don't know exactly how many years will take a ship to get there, and then a trip back. So if I'm not wrong, scientists are planning this trip like a one way ticket trip, so If you go there that means staying there, and certainly that is not my goal. I love the fact of the adventure of going, not the staying part. I wish good luck to the lucky and braves that take a step forward, send some nice pictures from up there guys.

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I agree with OP that we could use the money to spend on Earth instead. The world is large enough that there is plenty of interesting places to visit. Mars sounds cool and all but there's no need for me to go see the planet. I mean what can you do when visiting the planet. Going to Mars is also very risky business instead. If there's an accident, the chances of you coming back alive is very slim.

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If our reasoning is to explore earth instead of space travel then we might not have been to the moon. I think it should have a sort of balance like spending some for space exploration and spending some for earth exploration. I agree that there are places to explore in far-flung places in our planet but I also think that we need space exploration in order to grow and to add motivation to technological development. There were many inventions brought about by space exploration.

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I do not believe in that. Yes, they go to mars but they would return back. They do not even show or explain all these thing to people.

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