
Should our kids use the internet at school?

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Should our kids use the internet at school?

I think that our kids should be allowed to use the Internet at school because it can help with their education. The large variety of information available will help with research and be study. Our Children can access many different sources of information easily and quickly, and this can make them get their projects done faster and be able to move on to the next subject quicker.
Any information we desire is right at our fingers and if used responsibly, the internet can help make the school work easier.


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Well, i agree with you but if only in their education and nothing else. Because you know it's look like a double edged sword especially for kids.

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Yes, you are right, they may use the Internet for their own purpose and not for school issue. It is very hard to track if they act how they should or they violate rules.
Tthank you for your answer!

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Why not, Internet is the source of information, knowledge and entertainment, there is so much to learn form the internet. However, children should have certain degree of control when they are using internet. At home they will have parental control, however, at school harmful sites (including porn, sites that sale drugs and weapons, hate sites etc.) should be blocked.

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That is exactly what I mean, our kids may not have the control over the information and how to handle it. Besides, They may abuse of using the Internet for their personal use and not in the school interest!
Thank you, Vinaya for your answer!

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The schools in our country already use the internet for educational and teaching purposes. They have been doing it more and more over the last years which is only logical since we're deep into the technological era.

We have so many teaching programs completely designed about online learning via the internet. I think that it is great because the internet has countless number of information, countless number of things to learn and is important for the future of the children.

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Definitely, school is an institution of learning. Like in my country, not all can afford to buy a computer or have access to internet. Schools with internet can definitely aid kids in learning. It is also a great tool to use as a virtual teacher, people who are influencial to kids but can not be physically with them, internet is the key for to resolve that setback.

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I agree too. Prohibiting someone from doing something will only promote the interest of that person in that particular thing. Nowadays kids are so smart that they will find a way to stay online even if it's not allowed. It's better to educate them on how to use it rather than prohibiting it.

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Yes, the education must come from the parents, we must control them always and not let our kids become addicts by the Internet. If they will be teaches how to control the impulse and the use of the Internet all will be fine for them!

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What a great topic to touch on, Right not sure where everyone is from but here in the UK, most schools let children use the internet. As long as they are accompanied by an adult then they use them for few book club sites and educational needs.

Most schools here in the UK allow students to use the internet and they use the educational software as well as educational websites for the pupils.

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They should but only for school work. Talk of reading and all sorts of assignments plus reading online but not for entertainment or any social activity.

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I think so, yes. Of course, children should be focused on their classes and definitely not use the internet while they're learning. I see no problem with them playing games on their phone or browsing the internet while they're on a break, but the internet shouldn't interfere with a children's education.

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What if the internet is where they get the informations or medias such as pictures or videos about learning and also applications that require the use of internet? Should our kids  use the internet at school?

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Then that would be beneficial for them and I wouldn't be against it. I think every school in the world should take advantage of this futuristic technology and buy tablets for every class. They can stock up those tablets with learning material making it so much easier for children to learn.

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I agree, but only under control of teachers that what they do with it. I believe that the role of the school is simply to show the good side of the internet to students. Internet is called a world of information, through the internet the students should have the awareness that the internet could be something good. Internet help the students to communicate and learn the new things about other countries.

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The Internet always has its bad and good sides. It depends upon school teaching staff and parents guidance. I usually think that for kids the internet has its good effects on a child and they can be knowledgeable from it. But always remember kids are the most curious from all age group, and they want to know more about everything. We just need to take care of how kids should be using the internet in the best way possible.

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I think this is being done already on most schools. We are on the "high tech" era so we should take advantage of whatever that can help us and our kids enhance their potential specially when they are young.

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Yes of course .
the internet is a passive way of educating children. Education must be based on the known reality. Internet supervision should be useful if used under appropriate supervision because. Children can access useful information, they may reach information that destroys them and should be used but not excessively.
interner is a great ressource and it should not be overlooked.
it is a very easy and any school can attach it. Children deserve the opportunity to develoo their skills to be a balance of life today

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Right. The teachers just have to make sure to put only the apps or block any browsers if need be so that the kids cannot access randomly other sites or stuff which can be harmful to their educational learning.

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It depends on how they're using it. If it's for educational purposes, of course, they should. There should be a balance though, it can backfire and end up in kids being distracted. It is where we're heading though. Soon enough the internet will play a bigger role in schools, it's only a matter of time.

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Yes, You're too right..But kids will use the internet in playing games and stuff, but teachers should be aware of that (If that happened).

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Yes, our kids don't know how to use a resource like the Internet at school. I am afraid that they would use their Internet for a personal purpose like gaming, making videos, listen to music, or use the social media in school, as Facebook, Twitter etc. The Internet in school should be used only for assignments and homework, that is all!
Thank you, for your answer!

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From what I can see most agree with me, and make the specification that the Internet should only be used for school and education purpose, yes I didn't knew that the UK allow students to use the internet and they use the educational software as well as educational websites in their schools, that is very good for kids education.
Thanks all for your replies!

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Yes. Kids should be allowed to use he internet at school. There is a reason why the internet is called a world of information and why this young generation is known as Generation X. They learn super fast and pick up things very quickly.

However there is a very delicate side to this. An adult should always be present and sites rated SNL should be censored by the school server. Also, periodic checks should be conducted to ensure all rules are followed.

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Hi wallet thanks for bring a nice point on table. yes I agree with you. Because, global going fast why not equally all. You may agree internet another name is information high way. So, if you make join children on information high way, they should not miss good quality information right time and right way. And you know all kinds of information they can gather, if they want. Even any math or English solution nowadays they can collect proper guideline by internet. But, we need to confirm one importance things are they use right way or misused? We need to control them and ensure them for utilization of internet. But, do not forget who study more then 10 years before they could study except internet and they never be behind of today. is it?

Regards by Ajlancer

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It's a good idea, but under certain circumstances. For instance students should not be allowed to be surfing the web while in class. I do believe that schools should implement internet use into school education. I believe that students should be taught how to safely and effectively use the internet. They need to know how to find accurate sources of information.

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From personal experience internet access in schools is almost necessary with current school curriculums these days. However, it really is like a double edged sword. There will be kids that abuse it and use it for social media, then there will be kids that use it for research and school related stuff.

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Kids should use internet in school but the teachers are not allowing them to do so. My boy who is in primary school, he is not allowed to use the computer in school, not to mention the Internet He cannot bring smartphone to school either and there isn't any public phone in school. So you can just imagine the only time he can use the computer is during the computer lesson but offline. The backward schools in malaysia, that is how it goes. All schools, by the way.

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I think the internet has good things and bad things. So I believe that the role of the school is simply to show the good side of the internet for students. Much can be learned through the internet and I think students should rather have this awareness that the internet should be something good.

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I am all for children using the internet at school for educational purposes. All my children use the internet at school which is fully controlled to prevent them from hitting sites they should not be and it allows them to explore a different way of learning as well. I also believe that allowing children to use the internet at school is one way to help them learn to stay safe online which is very important nowadays I feel. At the school's my children go to they are all taught how to stay safe online, what to look out for and when to tell an adult.

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The internet is available in most schools in my country. I believe that children must have access to the internet as this will help them to discover new things and increase their knowledge. It can also help them with their studies. The main reason why the government decided to come forward with this is that many children don't have internet at home and sometimes they have to undertake researches. The government did this to help the students.

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Kids should be allowed to use the internet for educational purpose but they should be supervised so that they won't explore other things x rated for them

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In my country, the schools are migrating towards an online platform where teachers send assignments to students using a customized educational eprogram. The students can retrieve and submit their work through this platform. There is reduced time in grading students papers and teachers gain instantly a plethora of information on students' performances based on results obtained over a period of time. From these results, the teaches can identify students weak areas and strong points, students having trouble with certain topics and improvise. This assists students and teachers in a timely manner. The internet is definitely a plus and should be used by students as the benefits by far outweigh the disadvantages. Where necessary of course, checks and balances must be put in place to apply some measure of control and guidance for students.

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Kids should absolutely be allowed to use the internet for work. I honestly don't see how using Wikipedia would be any different than opening your textbook. There is an unwarranted distrust for sources like Wikipedia, but as long as the information is referenced (which it just about always is) there is no reason for it. The internet contains millions of times more information than you could possibly cram into any textbook. As long as there are filters in place that prevent children from wandering and not doing their work, I don't see why this would be an issue.

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Kids should use the internet at school if needed but while the teacher is teaching, no. It all depends.

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Definitely, I say it should be mandatory. I don't want my kids to waste their time trying to get a single piece of information out of 20 books when they can just use Google in 2 minutes or less. I know how it felt like not having the internet to do your research as I was also a kid back then in a rural province where there was no internet and it was such a struggle for me.

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While having an internet access for kids is very important, it should also try to be censored in a way to avoid them accessing website which are harmful and might also distract them. But when applied well enough, it will help them in their research works and give them greater access to useful information at a go.

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There are many information online that can help and boost their learning process. Using internet to search for answers can help to build and inculcate the research culture in the students from the tender age. But in as much as there are educational material on the internet there are also materials that are wrong for the students. So the best suggestion is there should be some educational control at school. Such that they can control the students internet access.

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Internet is important as a tool to educate children. However, the access should be controlled to prevent them from misusing the Internet. Poor control will cause distraction amongst children when implementing Internet as part of education.

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Yes, internet, when used properly, is a great education tool. The school could easily set up rules that blocks certain websites to be accessed in the network. My University does it like this and it works really well. Only students who knows what they're doing will be able to go around this customized firewall.

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exactly, why do kids have to stop using a great tool, something that will benefit teachers, kids and parents also (specially for homework), just because of a potential bad use of it? Schools and parents are the ones that have to supervise these kids. Make the proper rules, include some alerts, block the access to no permitted websites and that's it.

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Kids can use internet in school but with age restrictions of 13,and the school should be able to monitor all activities.
Internets helps speed up learning in kids and makes them familiar with gadgets.The internet can also corrupt the minds of kids easily.

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Yes, however, the computers at school should have parental restrictions on them. Only allowing students to access learning and educational websites like Wikipedia, Khan Academy, Mometrix, and others. The idea can work, it just needs to be monitored accordingly. The problem is the internet becomes a full on distraction in school when it's not monitored properly. Thus voiding the whole concept altogether.

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I would have to agree that schools should let students use the internet to help learn their lessons. The school system should reinvent their teaching curriculum to integrate and include online searches and video streaming during class hours.

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The internet is like the tv that can be both beneficial and destructive to the minds of the child. If the use of internet in school is mainly for education then I guess the teachers should be clear on that. My husband used to be conducting workshops for adult literacy on computers and internet. Most of his students were just watching videos and some were playing computer games. There should be a strict discipline from the teachers.

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I think, that our kids should use internet at school. Online learning is new-age learning. The approach is highly effective, simple and tremendously beneficial. Both teachers and learners are greatly profiting from it! I am currently using where you can find all information that you need. Take a look at this website, you will like it too.

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