
Are you learning a new language? If so which one and why!

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Are you learning a new language? If so which one and why!

My native language is Spanish but since my high school times I've been learning English every day, writing, grammar, talking, listening etc, and so far I love it, I can even find myself thinking in this language often so I guess I've been doing the learning process right. The next language I would like to learn is Portuguese but I haven't found the time to start the process.


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I am learning Swahili as I would be moving to an East African country for a couple of years.

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I used to learn Swahili in middle school but never carried it out. Overall, is the language difficult to grasp? I remember certain parts but it's vague.

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My native language is Spanish, but very early on I learned English. Currently, I'm taking German and Japanese. It's a challenge, but part of my family lives in Germany and we visit frequently. Japanese has always been interesting to me. I wish I could learn much more, but taking things step by step is best.

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I'm interesting about Japanese too, i like the way they talk and like that accent too. Even it's hard to learn but nothing is impossible if we try, I used to watch some Japanese anime with subtitle and until now i have a good vocabulary with that way.

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Well first off I want to congratulate you on your English! It might not be your native tongue, but your grammar and spelling are better than that of some native speakers I know, which is obviously something to be proud of.

How is your Japanese going? I've been trying to learn Japanese as well but am finding it increasingly difficult. Something about the sentence structures is just difficult for me to grasp, as well as all the different words used for genders and ages, formal and informal. I can compose a sentence given enough time, but having to talk on the spot is nearly impossible for me right now.

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I am greatly surprised to know that you are presently learning German and Japanese because those 2 languages are not easy to learn. Although Japanese is not really as hard as German but I think it is in the usage that you will really learn. When I studied conversational Japanese before we went to Japan, I found it easy. Unfortunately I was not able to use my knowledge in Nihonggo because the Japanese preferred to speak in English.

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Yes, I'm learning German because my dream when I was young was to travel to Germany so now I'm trying to start a life in Germany.

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It's very necessary for someone who want to live in Germany to know their language. It's the first important condition.

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I've been learning Japanese for 2 and a half years now. I blog about what I've learned and try to teach hopefuls because I think that it's a really hard language to get into for English speakers, though, far from impossible.

As for why? Hm, I really like the sound of the language. I listen to Japanese ASMR videos every night and when I was still new I used to listen to everything I could get my hands on.

I guess the novelty does wear off a little as it's almost as if the goal is to get the language to sound, look and feel as normal as possible, which kind of contradicts any attempt to retain a sense of wonderment. But, for me, a clear understanding of spoken or written Japanese, or a flawless utterance of the language is happiness right now.

Plus, the internet is just so incredible for language acquisition at the moment. I really think that everyone should pick up a second language and now is the best and most convenient time to do it in the history of the world. How cool is that?

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Learning different languages is definitely a useful thing and always benefit for you in the future, so if interested in learning Russian, check Russian language course Kiev.

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My native language is Hindi. I have now comfortable in English as I learnt it many years before.I love its grammer, writing ,literature. I have left with one thing. I do not get much time to listening English as it is much required for complete learning. I getting time for practice it. I am adept in reading skills.See when I will be able to listen all the words.

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My native language is English and currently I'm not learning any other language. But I'm very into Korean tradition and their language. I have many friends who are Asian-Americans (mostly Koreans). If I want to learn any new language then that will be Korean and I'm also a big fan of Korean music. So, it will be cool to learn Korean language to understand more of their music.

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My native language is Frensh but I was lucky to go to English Shools, Now I'm learning Spanish because I believe that mastering new Skills have and will always boost my confidance and so it is With learning a new language :-) I choosed spanish because I have special interests in Spanish culture and I believe that Culture and language are linked .

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Nepali is my first language. English, my second language, is my working language. I once tried to learn French, however, I did not have time to brush up my French language skills. When I stopped using French, I forgot the language.
Currently, I am not learning any language, rather brushing up my English language skills. I want to improve my English so that I can speak and write better.

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I was thinking about learning French but after attending 3 classes I started finding it bit difficult for me to learn! Having said that still I have a huge interest on learning it and I hope will start the process soon.

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I am learning Korean language right now, offline to save cost. I got fascinated with Korean language after watching Korean dramas 3 years ago. I am amazed of the alphabets and how they link them to form a word. Very unique and interesting

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My first language is Tagalog. Luckily, I'm Filipino and english is a part of our educational system so i think Enlish is my second language. Now I'm here in the Middle East, I trying to learn arabic. It's not a complicated language but its really something else.

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Hi, Regin, my native language is Romanian, and I am trying to learn the Italian language, I have a friend who comes and help me out, I don't need a teacher to learn this language because is similar to my language.
I need to know Italian because someone proposed me a job in Italy, Verona and as you can imagine I need to spoke Italian fluent and understand it very well!

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Awesome, had a boyfriend from Romania, he was from Petrosani, so he taught me one or two easy things in Romanian. We used to talk in English, but also he could understand Italian, mainly because of the latin roots. I took some lessons of Italian while I was in High School, so I can read it and understand it, the hard part is to speak it and write it, but I'm pretty sure you will get it fast. Right now I'm learning brazilian portuguese and is not as simple as it seems, they have 4 different accents and extra particular letters in their alphabet, so wish me luck!

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Since i love turkey this simulated me to learn Turkish.
since i was young and i love turkey because i traveled to it for a year and i loved its culrure and everything related to it i aspire in the future to work in turkey so i have been learning the turkish language for almost two years.

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I absolutely love learning new cultures and a big part of every single culture is its language. I have been learning different languages from a very young age - my mother always saw it as something important and I am truly grateful for that.

Even English is my second language and I can speak/write it completely fluently without any issues whatsoever. I can speak and write in 4 languages - some not completely fluently though. I plan on learning many more before I die. The more you learn the better.

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English is the Lingua Franca in my country. I was taught French in my elementary and middle school, though I've forgotten a lot of it,lols. I've enrolled in some sites to relearn my french now. I am enjoying though the absence of people I can interact with is a great deficiecy. Had it been I am in the midst of those who speak French, I can learn it faster.

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Currently, I am learning Spanish. Growing up, I took different language classes over the years that I never quite finished; Spanish being first. Now that I've graduated and work is steady, I'm taking the time to finally become fluent fully in the Spanish language.

I'm also looking to move to Barcelona in the next 2 years. Which is another source of motivation too!

My mother (just like myself) is native to the English language. She is, however, is level 5 in Spanish. We normally look towards her for help anytime we're abroad in a Spanish speaking country. She's not exactly fluent, but well comprehensive in social interaction. I'm looking to achieve this and better, to be honest.

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That's my best hobby, to learn new languages and new cultures. There is an Italian saying: una sola lingua non emai abastanza. It means that one language is never enough. And i use a good method to learn: it's only by listening, like a baby when he born, he start talking by listening to his parents.

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I've only really tried to learn a new language during highschool. From grade 6-9 I was learning French and I was actually did pretty well at it near the end of grade 9. Then during grade 10 I decided to take Spanish and it just never appealed to me.

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I know two languages as of right now: Romanian and English, both fluently. I plan on learning mandarin simply because there are more than a billion people who speak it, I imagine I could get access to a lot of information by simply learning the language.

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It may seem strange that I'm writing in English around here. But I'm currently trying to learn English.

My native language is Portuguese and I'm trying to become fluent in English because I see that the best business opportunities are in the English language and this is basically my motivation.

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I'm learning Korean. (Sort of). I'm watching a lot of K-dramas and am getting used to the lingo. Starting to pick up on words and phrases. It actually seems like an easy language to learn.

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We often travel to other countries and our habit is to study the basics of the language. It's funny but I have to admit our failure. We go to Hongkong every year since 2012 but the only Chinese I know is Shee-sheh to mean thank you. We also go to Singapore every year but I don't know any word in their language. Last March we were in Osaka, Japan and I was quite pretty good with my Ohaiyo for good morning, domo arigato for thank you and ikura desu ka for how much. Next month we are going to Jakarta but I still have to learn an Indonesian word. My take on language is the usage. If you use it often then it would be easy to learn. By the way, our other trips later this year are the following - Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore. I hope I could pronounce the Korean words.

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I know how to speak English, French and some Romanian. I will be changing job soon and I will have to learn a bit of the Spanish language before joining. I find it to be a bit tough but I have a good and patient teacher who is always helping me. I think that it is always an advantage to know another language.

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I'm currently learning two new languages actually.

The first language is Serbian, which I know enough to understand when someone is speaking to me but my conversational skills still need a lot of work. The reason I'm learning it is because I'm currently living in Serbia and would like to be able to communicate better with those around me.

The other language I'm learning is Japanese. This is simply for personal pleasure, as I have always been fascinated with the Japanese culture, and plan on traveling there someday. I think it would be incredibly useful to at least know some Japanese for basic communication, rather than just being an oblivious tourist.

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No, I am not currently learning a language. In high school, I took three years of Spanish but now I do not remember much of it. We were required to take at least two years of a foreign language to graduate high school. The language course also counts toward college.

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I've been learning Japanese on and off for the past two years. My main motivation for this is that I'm half Japanese, and my mom's side of the family lives in Japan. Unfortunately, my parents didn't teach me the language growing up, so I started taking courses when I started college so that I could hopefully one day have a conversation with my family in Japanese. I've found the language a little more difficult to learn than Spanish as I have to learn several new sets of characters in hiragana, katakana and kanji. Sentence structure was kind of a pain to get down, but I've got a fairly good understanding of language on a conversational language, and I'm looking forward to using it in Japan later this month!

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Wow, you are half Japanese? That is so cool! I heard that learning Korean and Japanese are the pain in the neck. They are hard to follow but with persistent , I am sure you can do well during your visit in Japan, in Korean they say "Hwaiting !"

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I'm a polyglot -- I speak English, Malay and Chinese. I'm currently learning Dutch because I might be moving there for work soon. It sounds like a mix of German and English or a broken version of either language. The guttural g sound is really hard to produce, though.

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I never stop learning so that's why I want to learn other languages aside from my native language. I don't want to limit myself especially to the knowledge I believe that every people deserve. Language is the primary reason why people know, understand and love each other. Learning new languages also is an advantage to other people especially when you love to travel to different places. Learning new languages would make you connect to other people's culture and beliefs.

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I am currently working on my Portuguese. I have dream of learning more than 8 foreign languages. And I know it's not hard at all, I go do it. I had a professor when I was in college, he understand 5 foreign languages; Portuguese, Spanish , German,et al. And he really inspired me. More so I love meeting people from different nation and I will not want communication to be a problem.

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I currently speak English (natively) and Spanish (second language), and am working on learning Catalan as my third language. It's been a little more difficult than I expected just because languages really don't come easily to me, but I'm pushing through it and I'm confident that before long I'll be able to speak it as well as I speak Spanish.

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French because all my neighboring countries are francophone and I can't imagine how sad it would be when I find myself in any of these country and can't express myself.

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Hey there! My native language is spanish! Yes, I am a latin girl. I am also fluent in portuguese and english. I have a crush in all latin languages. I would love to learn italian, it is so romantic. Things said in italian sound always better LOL. I don't like learning languages by going to courses or something like that... I learn by my self, with songs, books, series etc. I truly think it's better!

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I'm from Philippines and our language is Filipino. English us my second language. I learn basic Japanese, Chinese Mandarin and Spanish in school, just don't ask me to write in their language I already forgot how. And now I want to learn Korean and travel to Korea.

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I live in Nigeria. We have many languages, over 250 ethics groups but the majority are Hausa, Yoruba and Igbo. My native Language is Bassa,a minority tribe in the North Centre of Nigeria. I learned English language and Hausa language when in School. I can speak Bassa language , Hausa language and English language fluently and a little bit of Yoruba. I want to learn Chinese and Japanese languages, I want to live in China or Japan .

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I’m anative speaker of Spanish. So far I have only learned English and French. And I
have to say French has been the most challenging of those 2 but it’s worth the
try. Right now I’m learning German just because I like the sound of it! It’s
just such a strong language as in pronunciation and I like that. It seems like
they are upset or something but they are just saying “how’s your cat” I
love it!

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I was learning Brazilian Portuguese because I was planning on going there for vacation. However I paused it a couple of months ago because that vacation was postponed until next year maybe. I think Portuguese in general is a beautiful language.

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I am trying to learn French because is a beautiful language and it is a Romance language, I was thinking that I would be easy because I speak Spanish, it is difficult because I have to make a lot of time to learn the language, but I am doing it easy and slow.

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If you learning English in Poland, you should go with

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I'm not learning a language, but I'm thinking of learning one. I'm thinking of learning Mandarin. This is because I am taking freelancing seriously now. As you look at job sites online you realize that they are many translation jobs. A big advantage is if you know an additional language to English like Spanish, French, Arabic or Mandarin. China is also becoming a big player on the International stage, so its not a bad idea to learn Mandarin.

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I've tried to study German, now I'm studying English. Recently I'm improved greatly as I put a lot of effort to it. Actually, homework lab helped me a lot with my homeworks and writing essays. Nice to get help from professionals. So don't listen to anyone who claims it's possible to master English only by yourself - you won't notice all the mistakes you're making and also miss language opportunities. So yeah, check it out. It's so much joy to be able to communicate without barriers.

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