
How can you start a freelance job?

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How can you start a freelance job?

With Seocheckout I have learn a lot of freelancing and how to start your own job, some people do freelance, other ones are writers, and other ones do some web marketing, but, how can you start doing these jobs the best way, let's give everyone some tips for this world of freelancing!


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First you'll need the experience if you want to be successful
You can browse around the discussions section, or the faq section, to find some good information on what to do for the ideal freelancing job you want to start running. If you can't find the right information, just post a question about it and I'm sure someone will respond to you How can you start a freelance job? Now you'll have to filter through all of the responses because some people might give you misleading and incorrect information while others, like myself, will type out a process on what to do the right way How can you start a freelance job?

You can also browse through forums and Q&A sites like Yahoo! Answers and Quora in order to figure out the answers to your questions. If you're going to be doing something in online marketing, I would highly suggest you browse around an internet marketing forum because there are a lot of intelligent people there posting daily about methods, answering questions and just talking in the lounge How can you start a freelance job?

Figure out what is easy for you to accomplish in a short amount of time
Sure there are a lot of services out there that take 30 days, but don't you want to make some money right now? Figure out a high quality service that you can sell which has a quick turn around time (TAT). This way you can sell 10 of them and make more in a week than you could selling your 1 service that takes a month.

Always over deliver
Everyone likes a good service when it does everything it says it's going to. What keeps people coming back for more orders is if you over deliver on your service How can you start a freelance job? Think about it, if you're building 100 high domain authority backlinks and you submit the work and the client sees 150, they're going to keep coming back over and over How can you start a freelance job?

Have outstanding response times
When people are purchasing something, they want to know that the work is being performed. I've purchased plenty of items here on Seocheckout and I have noticed that I myself go back to the people who respond quicker than expected. It's like I don't have to worry about them getting the work done because I know they're active, which is always nice How can you start a freelance job?

Gaining momentum as a freelancer
Selling a service as a freelancer is easy because of all the platforms you can post your work on, but if you're not doing high quality work, you'll likely get a lot of bad reviews and have to start over. You'll need to build up your profile over time by hammering out a bunch of orders for less than what you normally would charge. This will get you a good amount of positive reviews and afterward you can increase the pricing to what you normally wanted to sell it for.

Doing this will ensure that you're almost always getting a positive review since the amount of work you'll be doing for each client is much cheaper than your competitors. I personally have purchased products from people who are just starting out and now those services are 2x or 3x the price that I paid in the beginning. Some of those freelancers are even featured on SC and are top level sellers with X level accounts which can only be awarded to you by a staff member who has used your service and loved everything about it How can you start a freelance job?

In the end it's never an easy road to make a full time income as a freelancer, but once you get to the point where you're consistently making 1k, 2k or even 10k a month you'll remember back when you started out selling your services at a 50% discount just to get a single positive review How can you start a freelance job?

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remember back when you started out selling your services at a 50% discount just to get a single positive review
Oh man this is reminding me of my first struggles LOL

None of the starts are smooth or easy, but we all have to start somewhere and i am so proud that i started so i could made all this journey to full time freelancer.

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Thanks for this comment--I am just getting started myself, and it is a bit of a struggle, to be sure. However, seeing how many of my predecessors here have stuck it out in order to make a profit and a living at doing this gives me more fuel for the fire to continue.

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Very good your tips Razzy!

I think in the coming years we will have more and more people looking for freenlancer jobs, because the internet has given us this possibility. So, people who enter this market will surely need guides like this step by step you mentioned above.

I think it's up to us two or three years from now to instruct these people who will be looking for freelance work. Opportunities will always have for everyone.

Thanks for your post and always continue sharing your ideas.

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This is a good, good way to do it, really, I admire the way that you did this post, I will have this registered to have all of your tips near, I think that you have the best ways to start a company and it is very good!

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Man you said it all plus you read my mind, let me just comment on having outstanding responses on time it is good to stay in touch with your client, you never know online world is full of scammers if you want people not to panic plus trust you then keep informing them and answering them whenever they text you.

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you said it all but let me just add a small focus on having outstanding response time, it is good and advisable to stay in touch with your clients, because you never know online world is full of scammer so we always want to be sure what is going on with what we purchased plus you also want them to trust you so communicate to them do a tic tack responses to assure them.

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I'm a 17 year old teen that has been interested in doing freelancing on Fivrr for a while now. Now that I have these tips, all I have to do now is get started. Thanks for this post on what I can expect from the freelancing world.

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Damn Razzy, you are like a typing machine. Can you lend me some of those superpower of yours?? How can you start a freelance job?

Back on the topic. Besides everything that Razzy has listed I think that for all the new freelancers out there the most important thing before even starting is to asses what skills you have, what knowledge you posses, what services you can offer and what sort of jobs you can do. By doing this you will then have a better understanding of where to look for these jobs and what to expect pay wise.

Remember that freelancing is a constant learning process and the more you learn/educate yourself the more use you will present to various clients.

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Very interesting indeed. I have been meaning to ask where is one supposed to look for work online is he/she is not experienced yet? I have been looking all over for translation or content writing jobs but it seems most companies are either not hiring or searching for experienced people.

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I want to do translation too. I found a couple of translation jobs here and there. I'm doing one for Korean and, you don't need experience.

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Mee too! I really can work in translation, transcription, and as an interpreter, so if anyone knows about an online chance on these fields, just hit me up people! I've been checking online, and most of the sites require months of belated payments, and like we have to be real, we can't afford to wait 8 months until the job is fully checked to get some earning. People, any help will be appreciated.

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You shouldn't really look at companies but more for freelancing websites that offer these jobs. Companies will always look for people with a degree in the area and will want your resume, experience and so on. That isn't really freelancing because these proper companies usually want to hire you for a long time and not just send you some texts once per month.

Therefore, I'd suggest you look at websites like Fiverr and UpWork. They are both freelancing websites that offer a large variety of jobs including translating and writing.

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As a free lancer it is always a difficult task for me to find a good and well paying projects. The greatest concern is to meet the expectations of the employer. Careful study of the project details with complete emphasis on the desired content is very mandatory so as to get an approved content.

I have also learned that building a reputation is also very important. Once you have gained the trust of the job givers , the more is the frequency of being selected for a project. And above all it is the experience and quality writing which always wins the battle.

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Thank you for your answer. I guess every start is difficult. I will try my best to improve my work on forums and such and work my way to a company and then get better from there. Experience is never wasted.

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Freelance is a risky territory. I agree with what Razzy said. It stinks in my opinion that you have to start small, but we all have to start from somewhere in this world. However, I wouldn't trust YA! This statement is only my opinion though. It's just that in most of the trending topics most of the topics and replies are so silly. I've seen people post stupid responses to serious questions on there as well. Quora is good though. I want to emphasize the overdelivering. You need to compete with the hundreds of other people wanting to something for a lower price than you offer.

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I agree with what Tronia mentioned, go through the basic skills you can already do and make little list. Say for example if you are good promoting weather it is websites or YouTube videos , or Content writer to even designing logo's. Note this and try one at a time and create a new service on Seocheckout and offer your skills.

Great way as well to first kick of your service is when you have created it set it as on sale this will attract a few if the price is right for your service.

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I think freelancing is twice the hardwork of the real job. And it takes a lot of patience and understanding of doing things. And not only that but you have to understand where you are setting the price. I think some of the times the freelancing jobs may not be that easy. But you can focus on the jobs which makes sense to you and then build your portfolio there onwards. That's how I see things.

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Well first you need the skills. I mean this must sound like a no brainer, but I've seen people posting their profiles as freelancers who don't have the skills that are relevant for today's demands like web design for instance. So in order to succeed as a freelancer, you need the skill. Then you need the experience because clients nowadays are looking for experience and not so much education. Then you need to yes of course deliver what you claim you can do, and just repeat the cycle.

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Razzy's statement is pretty much everything you'll ever need. You'll need to have experience for it, and if you don't.... maybe bend the truth a little? Lmao, that's risky though. And don't be afraid to take on low-paying jobs at first, use it for experience and move on to the higher paying jobs once you have had a lot of success with your portfolio.

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You may find that your secondary skills can offer up freelancing opportunities. for instance, if you are a strong writer, then you have the potential to develop a freelance writing business.
It's all about experience.

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First of all you will have to point out your expertise. Choose an area that you know most. You can write does not mean you can be a good freelance writers, there are lots of arena for writing, You need to choose one niche. Don't start to write on every profitable you see on the internet, rather begin with the one you have passion and knowledge.
If your expertise is with programing, don't pick up another job but try to find work related to your skills. You can do anything as a freelancer, however, you must choose that you have knowledge and passion.
Seocheckout is a good place to sell your services, however, check other freelancer sites as well.

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One of the main reasons new freelancers in any field fail is because they go into freelancing with great expectations of how much work they'll get and how much money they'll make. It takes time to build a successful freelance business. Most freelancers say it takes six months to a year to gain enough work to earn a full-time living freelancing. If you find yourself not meeting your goals, rather than give up, focus your energy on marketing your freelance copywriting business, look for and apply to more freelance copywriting jobs, and network with other freelance copywriters. Remember, the only way to truly fail at freelancing is to throw in the towel too soon.

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They say under-promise and over-deliver. That is when you showcase your client your relevant portfolio, and got the job. Set a timeline enough to give room for any delay then you try to deliver within half the time.

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Firstly, make a list of your skill set and the types of services that you can offer. Identify the platforms that would best be suitable to advertise your services. Create a portfolio and send out these potfolios to as many potential clients as you can. Also ensure you offer a base rate to get you off the ground. You can raise your rate once you are established.

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In all honesty, there are so many articles and blogs that tell you how to start freelancing. They all seem to start with finding your niche. Know what you want to do. If you want to write, know what you want to write. If you want to design, know what you want to design. The next steps would be signing up with freelancing sites and making a good proposal.

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Wow thats a neat list you got there. I am planning to be a freelance writer and the list you've shared was helpful guide. Thanks for sharing

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Hi there,
Thanks for your query. It is a long story. I remember 2008-09. When I tried to start freelancing one several marketplace. It was too hard to understand how to start freelancing job and how to success and what kind of task currently demanding etc. I start work with Odesk/ upwork and I worked for SMM service couple of years and I back on Seocheckout on 2012 with SMM and SEO services and I was very successful for SMM service. If you want to successful freelancer, you must to gain skill on some individual task. Like SEO, Content writing, Graphic design, web programming etc. It is not easy to do within short. But, if your goal or target to make career on freelancing, you must to take effort for some good area. Because, market now become more harder than harder.

Regards by Ajlancer

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I am going to start another freelancing job as from next week. Basically, it will be about online tutoring. I will have to give French tuition to people in some specific countries. I am looking forward to do this job new. I have never done online tutoring and this job will allow me to get some experience. I do have some experience in teaching. I taught for about two and a half years in a college and I think this is the reason I got selected for that job.

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The first thing you got to do is to find out a thing you're really really good at. Your talent, your thing. The second thing is to think about how you can monetize that and find out if it's the kind of thing you need an intermediary platform to do it or you can do it by your own social media, as influencers do.

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You just need to figure out your skills and the start working on them. Gain some experience and clients are going to prefer you. You like learning different laguages, do some translation work, You like writing, start with a blog, you are good at talking and convencing people, go advertise someone else products! it's just a matter of knowing what you can do and take advantage of it!

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The only thing that made me successful as a freelancer is my previous experience from my regular job. I am actually working as a freelance online tutor. I was selected to do this job due to some previous years of experience that I have in teaching. To be successful as a freelancer you need to have some skills and you must try your best to market yourself.

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To be successful in freelancing you need the skill, and when i say skill i mean a digital skill, that will cause you some bucks, because not these skills you get online, they will just brush the surface and give you chaffs to digest.
But when you learn a digital/sellable skill and add a little bit of smartness. then your success just began, clients will chase you with dollars and you will refuse, because you are already occupied.

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I think the number one thing about freelancing is consistency.keep doing your very best.Nothing pushes one toward success like patience and passion for a thing, so you could also apply this in the course of freelancing.

Nothing would also help you like offering excellent service to get customers very fast and to help maintain them.I think I have been doing well with these tips.

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I have to admit that freelancing is hard. I know most people's advise is to set a site and advertise yourself. I think this is the hard way. First register on freelancing site and try to get some gigs. Then when you have experience you can cold pitch clients on different platforms like Facebook and Linkedin. The most important thing is to decide what services that you can offer and specialize in them. If you offer too many I don't think you will be able to offer the best service.

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This reminds me of my first try in freelancing. I was recommended to try a site that pays for posting. It paid me coins but it was enough for the encouragement. From that experience, I got hooked in freelancing, so to speak, because of the benefit that my work was being paid. Until now I am still in that line of paid posting and I’d say the earning is not reasonable but it is somehow gratifying.

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