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When it comes to SEO, there isn't a specific method that you can do that will make you outrank your competitors, which I like. It leaves us to be free when building out websites and businesses and doesn't require us to submit X amount of links on XX platforms in order to have top rankings. There are no guidelines which makes it similar to the Wild West lol. But when there aren't any guidelines, things can go very badly in a short amount of time.
There are various methods out there that we know for certain do not work, but that doesn't stop some people from using them. Whether it be that they are "testing" or they simply don't know what they're doing, it doesn't matter. Google will always see these methods in a bad light regardless of who you are, they're not polite to people who break the few rules that are out there lol.
The following 5 practices should be avoided at all costs, unless you want to harm your website.
1. Keyword stuffing
Keyword stuffing is when you add too many keywords into your content which will make it unreadable. Sure it will be legible, but people will not like what they're reading because every 5th word is your main keyword. Google became wise to keyword stuffing a long time ago and they do not treat people nice if they're caught doing it.
The reason for keyword stuffing back in the day was to increase your search engine rankings for tha specific keyword. The more times it was on your page, the better chance you had to rank highly in the SERPs for it. Now that simply doesn't work and if you go over 3% keyword density, which is 3 of your keywords per 100 words, you will not rank as high as you should be.
2. Link Schemes
When it comes to SEO, you will always need backlinks. If however you are caught in a link scheme that shows you're just trying to abuse the system and increase your rankings by using something called a link wheel, you'll be pushed down into the abyss when it comes to search rankings.
Now this is where it gets grey for me. Google says that if you're building links for the sole purpose of increasing your rankings, it's considered black hat and you will be penalized for it. But how many times have we put amazing articles on high DA websites with the sole intention of getting some traffic and a backlink from the website? It's good to place links on high authority sites within content but it's bad to place links on other website if your only purpose is to increase your rankings? Google increases our rankings for putting links on other websites but wants to hurt us if we do it? IT DOESN'T MAKE SENSE!!!! And a lot of SEO's argue about this all the time lol
3. Vague Content
When you're creating content on your website, you're basically creating new listings in the search engines that will take up space and hopefully rank. If you're only purpose in publishing content is to increase your rankings, you're likely going to be pushed down and not up. This is because you're likely going to post a bunch of vague content that isn't optimized and that's not what Google wants. Google doesn't mind if you add 1,000 new pages to your website every month, they encourage it! But if you're adding 1,000 pages of random and vague content that your viewers aren't going to like, you won't see any benefit from it.
4. Worrying About Your Rankings
Don't get me wrong, I track my rankings all the time, but I don't worry about them as much as a lot of people do. I worry more about getting high quality content on my websites as well as on other websites that are going to link back to me. Focusing on your rankings will only make you push harder for specific keywords and that might not be what it needs. There's something called the "Google Dance" and it's when Google is evaluating your newly acquired backlinks and your rankings start to Dance around in the SERPs. Some people increase the link building because of this and focus specifically on a keyword that dropped off of page one, or even below page 20, because they think that's what's needed, but it's not. Your rankings will settle and you don't have to worry too much about tracking them every single day lol.
Tracking them may only screw up your SEO campaign or make you angry at the company you outsourced the work to because you might end up thinking they're not doing their jobs.
5. Cheap services get you cheap results
When it comes to a lot of things, the saying "You get what you pay for" usually applies. With SEO however, it will always apply! Cheap services or companies are cheap for a reason. They don't do as much for you because you're not paying enough to get the premium services. Sure there are plenty of $10 services out there that might work for you, but they're not a one stop shop and you'll have to buy a few dozen other services just to have a viable campaign.
I've actually gained a lot of my clients because they hired an SEO company to do work for them, but they didn't want to pay more than $150 a month. Now that's a good amount of money for most people, but not when it comes to SEO. Remember, I charge a minimum of $1050 a month and if that seems expensive, you should see what huge SEO services are charging as a minimum lol
In Conclusion:
You'll need to avoid doing any of what I mentioned above. I fyou stear clear of all of these points, you will usually be ok when it comes to keeping your website in the good graces of Google lol
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So it's not good to put in too many keywords?
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It is #3 that I think most businesses think they can get away with. They believe that quality doesn't matter if they are following "good SEO practicesI don't understand your meaning. Can you elaborate your sentence? [quote]It is #3 that I think most businesses think they can get away with. They believe that quality doesn't matter if they are following "good SEO practices[/quote]
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