
A create way for auto chats for clients on your site

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A create way for auto chats for clients on your site

Auto Chat To Clients If You are Busy

So I was just searching the other night online just new way's what can help me website . I was looking for kinda auto messaging services. I came across a good site which is free by the way called now this site is an auto bot website. It allows you to create your own free bot chat. So say your busy or maybe you want to advertise your affiliate links then this site is pretty handy at that.

You may need to play around for a bit and edit few things or before create one click on others bots and have just a silly chat lol Just so you get the hang of it then create your own. The good thing about this site is that when you create a bot for first time it as information stored in the database already like "hi there how are you" and simple words. You can edit your welcome message in settings and add your own pictures as well.

The cool thing about it as you can add your own set of questions try think what people may ask and enter the replies your bot will give them. Don't worry if you can't think of much get people to try out your bot . After click view your bot and then copy your URL and send it to few people to try.

Now if they ask questions which isn't there or stored then when you next login you will see notifications on the knowledge section. This will high light words someone had a conversation with your bot so these will be words which you not had a reply for so just click on one by one and type something to answer there question might be something simple . Like : " how do I use the system" or whats your day been like" depending on what you created and tailored your bot to be about.

A short little video below about the site but it is great fun and you can actually embed it to your website aswell. Try it ?


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Chat bots and scripts are getting more and more popular now for some reason A create way for auto chats for clients on your site I think it has to do with customer service, even though the bots you're talking about seem to be ones that are made simply for fun A create way for auto chats for clients on your site

I've been looking into something like this to help me capture leads through my websites. I wanted to set it up so that it would basically talk to my users who are on the site for more than 5 seconds. I would pop up and ask if they had found what they were looking for, and it would have a "Yes" or "No" option. Depending on what they clicked, it would throw up a set of questions in order to figure out what they were looking for exactly and eventually give them a contact form to fill out so we can get in touch with them when we get back online A create way for auto chats for clients on your site Now you can't do too many questions for something like this because people get annoyed pretty quickly. I would ask maybe 2 or 3 questions and have a "Yes" or "No" clickable response, which is all you really need.

Another nice thing to add is something like since it's free and you can have people contact you the same way a friend would message you using facebook messenger lol A create way for auto chats for clients on your site It's basically a support box that is linked directly to your phone so you don't lose anyone wanting to ask a question. You could be at the mall and get a question, and you can instantly respond to them A create way for auto chats for clients on your site

A quick response time will increase your sales a whole lot, and a bot or chat box can help you do just that A create way for auto chats for clients on your site

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Auto chat are very much essential for the website. They create a good impression towards the customers. Every site should enable auto chat bot as customer expect a quick response from the site.

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I have seen some of the options for the live chat system on the website. You can integrate those at the bottom footer side. And when the reader comes online, you can chat with them. You can also make use of this system if you are VA. I have found that it works in some cases. However some of the time such programs are not much usable and are going to interrupt more.

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As a business, visitors can get to know alot about your site and successfully drive visitors to potential clients. As you are still working on projects to improve your service, clients are ready for you right on your doorstep. Successively boosting you to the top. Whoever brought this about sure had business written all over them.

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Chat bots aren't something new! I really can't understand why they're getting SO popular recently.
I remember chat bots in 2002-2005 on IRC, those were some really smart bots, capable of implementing some really complex commands.
Not everybody is building bots, most of them are really bad, less evolved than the ones saw 12-15 years ago on IRC.
I'm pretty sure this is just a marketing trend and I hope it will die off just like that chat popups did, or whatever, maybe they'll find a small niche but will leave me alone on most sites.

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While I understand the need for chat bots, from a consumer point of view unless designed correctly can be annoying.

There is nothing worse than being on a website, feeling frustrated you can not find what you are looking for, and this bot keeps popping up that actually can't assist you in any way.

If it is not going to be designed correctly, rather leave off website.

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Oh god, they remind me of those chatbots popups that sites always used to have. Some still use them. You know when you are trying to read the site and this loud BING appears and you are like what the hell.. and there is a big popup chat window opened at the corner of your screen and a bot is trying to chat you up.

I have mixed feelings about chat bots because they can be so annoying and off-putting unless programmed and designed correctly. I personally would avoid using them. But that is just my preference. They can save you quite a bit of work and time.

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I know people advocate for this as a way, to keep your site looking like it has customer support and cutting expenses that would result from hiring life customer support agents. I actually against this idea. I hate it when I encounter auto chats on a site, it does not really the purpose, I prefer real life customer support. I propose you look for a new way of providing support, like emails that are answered in a few hours e.t.c

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Are these a type of chatbots? I do not like chatbots.


They can be annoying.

They delay communication.

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I am amazed with the creativity of people in the internet that they can invent so many ways for the benefit of mankind. When I discovered the voice command of the phone, I was shocked that it was working all right although the words were sometimes misspelled or wrongly understood by the app. Now this auto chat which is handled by bot is cute just like the personal assistant in phones.

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