
You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

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You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

When it comes to SEO services, I'm sure you've heard plenty of times "You get what you pay for" right?  Well it's true for the most part.  There are very few services out there that will actually help you out for $3, so be weary of what you're buying.  Don't get me wrong, I've purchased plenty of $3 services here and there, but I use them in a different way than most first time buyers probably do.  I use them on tier 3 links that I don't mind getting a penalty to and I will never use them on my main pages, like most first time buyers will You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

I actually get a lot of my clients coming to me because they tried doing SEO themselves and now they don't rank for anything.  I'll do a quick audit and see that they had someone place 1,000,000 backlinks for them in 1 month and now they have a penalty.  I would then have to charge them for a clean up service as well as an SEO service, which they are usually more than happy to pay for since it will only help them out lol.

Now there is the flip side to this, there are some expensive services out there that are complete garbage.  I've purchased some of them across the internet and they were just sh*tty blog networks that someone pushed as being the only thing you need when it comes to rankings.  Be weary of someone telling you that all you need is their one time service to keep your rankings, because that's not how it works You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

So why is happening?  Why are there so many cheap SEO services under performing when it comes to the bigger agencies actually getting top rankings?  Below are a few reasons why.

They're Experienced and Have a Strategy
When it comes to any type of work, you're going to be paying a little more for someone that has a decent amount of experience under their belt.  This rule applies to the SEO world as well.  You won't be able to pay someone that has been in the SEO game for 15 years, like myself, $15 for 100 high quality backlinks because that simple won't happen.  Sure I can get you 100 "high quality" backlinks for $15, but you should know that it will be from me using software lol.  The links won't be niche relevant, and most sellers will tell you they are because of the content they post on the page, which is a joke.  You can't have a niche relevant backlink from content on a sub page if the main website is about cars and the page you made is about candles lmao You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

Professionals like myself have spent years honing our skills so that we can get almost any website ranked and avoid all the penalties.  This is the main reason we get paid more than most freelancers.

I will never have a "set and forget" type linking campaign for my clients because that's not what works.  I actually have people not sign up with me because I can't give them a plan of attack the second they're talking to me over the phone.  I explain to them that we have unique plans for each website because no 2 websites are the same.  I can give them a basic idea of what we're going to do, but getting into details would just explode their mind and they wouldn't understand what I was talking about anyway lmao You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings  Now I will sometimes go into detail with some of my clients because they are worried about what is going to happen.  I only do this to put them at ease and I definitely tell them that it could take a long time to see results.  Most churn and burn SEO services will tell you that you'll start seeing rankings within 3 weeks, which is not likely.

Staffing and Customer Service
This isn't always the case, because I don't have a lot of people, but bigger SEO companies will usually hire employees that know what they're doing.  They will focus on employees that are the jack of all trades sorts so that they can cross train them in multiple departments.  This only helps you out because you can have multiple people working on different parts of your campaign and it's not just one freelancer who bought some software yesterday You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

Better Content
When you're paying a premium for SEO, you're likely going to get a lot of content marketing added into that.  This content marketing will usually be top notch because they will be able to have their in house writers put together massive amounts of content for your website as well as press releases and guest posts around the internet.  If you're paying pennies on the dollar for something like this, you're likely getting massively spun content that is never readable even if the software says it is. 

Anyone can put together an article and publish it, but a good writer will take his or her time and craft up a masterpiece in order to put you in a better light.  I mean think about it, I'm not even the best writer and this discussion has taken me over 30 minutes to put together You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

Time is money, so spend it wisely and get great content.  Avoid spun content at all costs.

High Quality Backlinks
In the beginning we could just build links wherever we wanted and Google would bless us with higher rankings and traffic.  Today this isn't the case because Google is trying to filter out the crap and only show the golden nuggets.  You should be focusing on Quality over Quantity, and a good SEO company will be able to do this.  Now when I say Quality, you should think expensive, because it usually is.  I was looking through a competitors website and he/she was selling 100 high DA links for $400.  Now that's just $4.50 per link, which isn't crazy, but if you think about all the people selling 5,000 high DA links for $150 it makes you wonder what they're actually selling you, right?

Low quality sellers will always try to maximize their profits with the shortest time invested.  This usually involves some sort of SEO software that will likely be used improperly in order to place the links.  The seller will tell you that they aren't using software and everything is being placed manually, but how do you think they're placing 5,000+ links overnight?  They're not lol.

Focus on backlinks that are actually high quality and you'll be just fine when Google begins to do it's sweeps and eliminating the people with horrible backlink profiles lol.

The best of the best in the SEO industry will run into problems from time to time, it's inevitable.  They will see links dropping, rankings going away, and so many more things when it comes to their clients rankings and traffic.  The thing that sets apart a good SEO and a cheap one is the help that comes after the money has transferred.

I've been working with clients for a long time and I guarantee our links will stick or we replace them.  I don't give a sh*tty "If your links drop in 48 hours we will replace them!" type of guarantee.  I tell my clients that if their links drop at any time within 6 months that I will replace them for free.  I say this because I contact each website that is placing a link for me and I basically pay them for ad space in the form of a link on their website.

If you're paying $15 to $30 a month on your SEO, don't expect anything like this to happen lol.

Survival of the Fittest
People who walk around and say they're SEO experts are usually the ones to die out first.  They want the title, but they will only do the basics of what is needed and hope to cash a nice paycheck.  I've had clients pay me thousands each month for SEO and I only profit a few hundred bucks.  I had an extremely happy client, but I didn't profit much.  I saw the review and referrals they were sending as more than enough payment and didn't mind the low profits.  But pop up SEO shops will just want your money and that's it.  They usually don't think about your website after the SEO campaign has been finished.  I know for a fact that I still track some of my past clients in the SERPs to see what their rankings are still looking like after our contracts are done You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

A negative review can kill an SEO company, so the ones who have plenty of positive reviews have likely been doing what they were suppose to and that's getting top rankings for their clients You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings

How much does good SEO cost?
Well.... I don't know how to break this to you but I'm not sure.  It depends on so many factors that it could take a week to determine exactly how much you should be spending on your SEO campaign.  No 2 websites are the same and that goes for your niche as well.  You could have a website in the automotive niche which is extremely competitive and one on the competitive basket weaving niche which has no competition.  The automotive website would cost much more per month than the basket weaving website because it would take much more work to get the results you wanted.  And this doesn't even factor in all the past work that has been done to your website already.

In Conclusion:
You'll always want to do you due diligence before you sign up with any SEO company or service.  If they say that they charge $X,XXX per month then you better get a decent layout of what they're going to do for your website.  If they say "We'll do this and this and that and blah blah blah" it usually means they have a basic layout for every single one of their clients.  Look for the ones that will respond with "I would have to audit your website to see what has been done already and I'll have to get back to you with a quote".  This shows that they are actually going to look up you website, usually, and get back to you with what they think you should be paying.  Again, you can keep purchasing cheap services, but use them wisely and never aim them at your main pages.

Remember to follow me You get what you pay for when it comes to SEO and top rankings




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A sad thing is, you get what you pay for is a complete understatement on some services. Not even that. Its almost an insult on how bad the services can be. You cant expect anything special from most low cost offers, but when someone claims he is the beast in the field and has a lot of good ratings but offers terrible service, I really get pissed off. I really don't know what kind of people have left the positive feedback on such offers, but they probably don't understand what they got and what they could have gotten if they chose the right thing. This is a big issue on fiverr. Just look at how many terrible offers people on trending pages have. Just recently I used one service that had over 2k 5 star ratings and it turned out to be complete and utter BS.

I believe sites owners of sites like these should have fake tester account to actually see how good certain service is and have some sort of an editor rating or however you would name it. Now, if you see an offer with 5k+ 5 star ratings and editor gives it 2 or 3 out of 5, that would bring some questions, don't you think?

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I think a lot of features about the SEO are not turning out properly. As in let's say if you want to go without backlinks. I think then you need a lot of influencer power. I have found that people spend a lot of time in understanding it in context of some mystery. But in reality that is not the case. People should take SEO as approach to growth. Then I guess ranking gets lot easier than a mystery.

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I agree with better content because as always, content is king even with SEO. And when you say massive amount of content, that can really affect the SEO ranking positively because the uploaded contents are unique and relevant to the niche. However, that kind of content requires money. That’s why if you will hire a company to handle your SEO needs, you’d better be prepared with a big budget.

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Only problem with AMP is that it seems to be reducing the revenue of the websites.
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This is extremely helpful info!! Very good work. Everything is very interesting to learn and easy to understood. Thank you for giving information.
Outlook Entrar

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