
Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success!

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Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success!

If you're a small local business, or a large one, you should absolutely be bloggin' today! If you're not bloggin', you're leaving money on the table to those competitors and rivals of yours that are! But blogging is something that has a lot of advantages and benefits all round so there's no real reason, other than not having the time, to not be blogging today. Well to help you get your head around what it will take to run, grow and maintain a successful blog today, here's Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success! Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success!

Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success!

1. Localize & SEO Your Posts
To localize and SEO your existing and new blog posts, find ways in which you can incorporate your cities name and keywords into your blog posts titles and content itself. Avoid over optimizing them and doing any keyword stuffing. Only ever include keywords in your content where it makes sense to and they flow well with the overall message of each blog post.

2. Create a List of Blog Post Ideas
Would you like to consistently post blog posts to your blog without scrambling around to find content ideas? Then you should create a list of blog post ideas for it well ahead of time. That way, when you do want to publish something to it, you can just choose an idea from the list of blog post ideas you've already come up with.

3. Focus on Your Targeted Audience
When writing blog posts for your blog, try to think about what your targeted audience wants and needs. For example, you could create a list of questions that you often get asked by your customers and clients as potential blog post ideas. And give them valuable tips and tricks in that content, content that educates and informs them to help them solve problems.

4. Write in Simple Terms
When writing a blog post, try not to speak in a way that will go over peoples's heads by using too much technical jargon they might not know of. When you do that you'll cause them to tune out from your blog and basically alienate them which would be counter productive of course! So write in simple terms or always explain jargon meanings.

5. Create a Publishing Schedule
When you are publishing great blog content, it's crucial to keep doing so consistently. Not only will that be of benefit to you in the eyes of Search Engines, but it's a sure fire way to keep people coming back to your blog for more and more. That's another reason why it's so important to create a list of blog post ideas! Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success!

6. Reward Your Foot Traffic
Would you like to keep your blog readers glued to your posts? One way to do that is to give them special discounts to try out your products or services. Everyone loves to save money so when they see that in your posts, they'll more than likely take you up on it. Just be careful not to go OTT on the promotion of it. Try to weave in your promotions into your content from time to time but keep the main purpose of your blog posts to be sharing great content.

7. Link to Social Media
I see so many blogs that don't have any sharing buttons or link to their social media profiles. And as all it takes is simply putting the links to your social media profiles and pages on your blog somewhere. You should try to include join and share buttons and links in your blog posts to get more people to share it and follow you on your social media profiles.

8. Discuss Local News and Events
Is your business holding a special local event or meeting of some kind? Make sure you blog about that! Your blog is the best way to tell people about those local events that your business is holding. As well as a great tool to blog about any other local event to you that are related to your business or even, the area that your business operates in.

9. Encourage Interaction
A blog has features on it, or should do, that encourages people to interact and get involved with it. That could be your comment section for starters. Always ask people questions at the end of your blog post and encourage people to leave a comment on it and invite people to leave their feedback. If you don't ask, you don't get!

10. Use Media and Visuals
A blog post isn't just limited to being a thing of text only. They are meant for all sorts of content from images to videos, slides, podcasts and all sort of content types. Mostly though, visual content is the best and the most effective when it comes to how well it converts and how much people interact with it. Even if you don't add them to every blog post, those that you do will see more interaction and engagement over those that you don't.

And that's my Top 10 Blogging Tips for Local Businesses To Adhere to For Blogging Success! Although, there are many great, professional and successful bloggers out there and on here right now! So I'm sure there are other tips that they would like to give you as well! 

Are you a professional and successful blogger?

If so, what tips would you give to a rookie, newbie blogger of today to see more success with their blog?

Thanks and enjoy!



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Whether you have a brick and mortar business or an online business, blogging always come handy. It is easy to promote your online business with blogging, however, you can also promote your offline business through online platforms. If you have a brick and mortar business, you must consider creating a website for your business even if you are not selling anything online. You business, irrespective of type, needs an online presence. If you don't go online, you will not be reaching wide customer base.
Your business needs a website and you can promote and market your business by blogging.

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The use of the blog has a double purpose because you are already promoting your business and also earning from the blog provided it is monetized. Whatever content that you put on your blog will serve the site as attraction for the search engine and the readers of your blog have the tendency to check on your business. I like that idea that is why I want to have my own site when I embark on affiliate marketing.

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Blogging is usually interpreted as content marketing. Blogging not only makes you money from ads, affiliate marketing, or even selling your own items, blogging can also be very useful to promote your business. If you have an ecommerce site, you can promote the site through blogging. If you have a company website, you can market your company website through blogging.

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The points that you made about creating a list of various blog ideas and rewarding your foot traffic is probably the best tips you could share. Sometimes you will come up with a great idea but then forgot what it was when you come to write it. That's why by creating a list, you are helping yourself because you won't have to waste time coming up with blog content ideas. Rewarding foot traffic is great as well because it will ensure that they revisit your site again in the future.

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Great ideas, as usual, Mike. Whenever I blog I make sure to promote the written post through my social media profiles because I feel like it's absolutely amazing if you have many followers. It can easily increase your traffic as long as your followers/friends are interested in whatever you're blogging about. I always try and incorporate at least one picture or video per blog post. I did an experiment just to see how nonvisual posts compare versus the ones with pictures and the pictures had around 200% increased views.

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Cool tips Mike, missed your informative topics here. When it comes to blogging success, many things comes into play, and you listed and explained some of them here. But i will like to touch the Linking to social media tip, the importance of social media content can not be over emphasized in SEO, it helps in ranking high in search engines. Because most search engine, likes reliable contents, and when they see it's linked to a social media (e.g Facebook. Google+) they rank you high.

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Investing into local people always helps. You can see that more people who do business with you on local front. You are likely to have some recurring clients on that basis. You just have to make sure that you add some value to their business. Bloggers should always go local as well as international. The reason being you'd be able to pull off recurring income this way. I have found out that in such case it'd also help add some networking benefits.

I think if you are curious about meeting up and networking for blogging projects, then do get into the activity and that helps the business too.

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Writing on the local issues that do not get a lot of international attention can not only make your blog unique but also establish you as an authority on the topics. In order to become successful with your blog, you need to own the topic. By doing so, you will remain authority on the topic. You will also gain a lot of organic backlinks if you are publishing on the topics that are not covered extensively online.

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Items one, two and three are probably the must-haves when it comes to blogging in whatever you want to blog -- specially when it comes to local business. But not just local businesses, personal and public blogs should still follow those tips since they are the most vital ones.

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Amazing tips. Thanks for the information. I always prefer to promote my blog on various social media platforms.

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The most important thing for local businesses is locally relevant content. Some will just arbitrarily inject their town or city into content to boost their local SEO. However, if the content is generic and not specifically relevant to local users, all you have created is a high bounce rate for yourself.

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I believe that the content matters most because that will determine whether your blog is worth reading and visiting or not. I also think that linking your blog to social media will definitely help in reaching out to a larger audience since so much people are using social media and if people liked your blog, they may even share it to other people.

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This reminds me of my small notebook and then the sheet of paper that is folded. They were my note pad for blogging ideas. I have noticed that ideas spring from nowhere when I am driving. I don’t know why but maybe my subconscious is active when my motor skills are being used. In a day, I would get about 5 ideas or topics for blogging and in a week, 25 or more ideas is a lot to choose from

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