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A few things from non-programmers that give me the cringes:

  • Them: “Then how do they do it?”
    Me: “Because they have more money and programmers than us, period. You want it, put more money!”
  • Them: “You should use this technology, everyone is using it!”
    Me: “Oh? Then how about you become the tech lead and take over the tech production. Tell me later if this technology is suitable for our project.”
  • Them: “It crashes!”
    Me: “How does it crash? Can you replicate it?”
    Them: “It just crashed! You should figure it out instead of asking me. It’s your job!”
    Me: “…..”
  • Them: “Why are you not following what Apple suggested in WWDC?”
    Me: “…. not applicable?”
  • Them: “Your programmers are not doing overtime. This must be the reason why our products suck!”
    Me: “!”


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Yeah, you're right . . . I tried and did my best but still some of my clients don't want to leave a positive feedback because they're still not happy the coding I did and made their website alive. Trust me sometimes I think to give up everything related technical, as sometimes the buyer is much intelligent showing but doesn't know how to implement and my fixing gigs are $3 each, still they negotiate to do additional work for FREE. How the things look easy ... in real world they're NOT.

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Lmao good one bro, and I feel you. A lot of times, people who don't really know anything about programming think that we're just there laying our butts on the seats and doing magic spells. They have no idea how hard the whole process is, all they know is whatever is in, what looks pleasing to the eyes, etc., and sometimes they don't realize how complicated a project is and expects you to deliver really soon with excellent results!

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They should be educated then. Seminars and workshops should be there to make them understand. When all the people in a community or business know all the pros and cons in a department, work becomes easier

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LOL liked your post mate, for me tho I would love to learn some basic programming skills . Some programmers make it sound far to easy and go a little big headed if you know what I mean.

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That was hilarious! It is becoming natural to have such arguments because of knowledge and expertise gaps between clients and service providers. I think, doctors, engineers, programmers, and computer scientists face such problems a lot.

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And it's so annoying to have people be condescending towards you when you're talking about something that you're much more knowledgeable about. Since becoming a programmer and and experiencing these things, I've become a lot more tolerant towards people who with a job that requires a high amount of skill when talking to them.

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You're too right! that we should tell every single programmer these words. Lol

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There are certain important things that a programmer needs to know in order to carry out the function properly. A programmer needs to have the expertise in diverse field of web application. The web programming application levels knows no leaps and bounds, and as such, anything to upgrade the programming is a must for a web programmer.

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Oh, that is so mean of your clients! They should not say those stuff to you. Obviously, they are putting the blame on programmers. If it crash, the client has to describe in details so that programmer can fix it. He is not GOD, right?

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I have seen that there are some other type of people who bargain on price. They say, the other guy charges less than you. I just say then do it from him. I wish to work with better clients. I don't want to waste my life working for peanuts. So that's one thing for me to keep some distance from other people and programmers who are quoting low in that case. I think that's one reason things have gone all wrong.

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I am learning how to program at this moment. I can relate to some of these points.

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Haha, normal people don't understand the struggle of being a programmer. It sucks when you finally fix a bug that's been irking you for months only to find you created 5 more in the process - it's a never-ending cycle.

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These are funny! I can really relate to the complaints about "It crashes!" or "It has errors!", but when you ask them how, they have totally no idea or they think it's our job to find it out. Yes, it's true, it's our job, but we need to know how too.
Some people think programming is very easy, and do not really respect programmers.

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Hehe, that was quite entertaining ,although very true. I find that programmers have some of the worst customers, because they are usually fed up with a system to begin with. Which really makes a heated atmosphere for a programmer to have to deal with.

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Im not a programmer but i can definitely relate on those situations given. We are employees not miracle worker or magicians that can make everything happen in just a blink of an eye.

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It would help to establish a role that would be responsible for explaining technical situations to the client in non-technical terms. Same role would also be responsible for communicating clients' requirements (including issues encountered with the software) to the programmer in technical terms. The role would require good communication skills, as well as a deep appreciation of the technology.

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lol, the thing that annoys me the most though is when people ask me what course am I on, this is usually how it goes:

Them: What course are you studying, Max?
Me: Oh, I'm taking up Computer Sciences.
Them: Ah, you are an IT student.
Me: They are two completely different courses.
Them: ?

Like every time they do this to me. They also don't understand that IT and CS are two completely different courses. And this annoys me so much.

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Hhhh You guys are making my day! But don't forget that some people are ignorants and they don't really know the difference between this and that, They just go with the floor,
As for customers there is a law that they are always right but also remember that most of customers suck but we just have to deal with them despite their pissing ways as long as they pay.

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On one hand, it is annoying to see users complaining that things "crashes" or things are not working but never told how to replicate those things. On the other hand, as a user, sometimes it is annoying that when we encounter errors, the response on the other end is that "we cannot replace it". I guess humans are selfish beings.

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I was married to one for many years. I once said "I think I will learn programming." He said, "You have not got the right type of brain." That was red rag to a bull, so to speak. I got as far as "Hello World." and am pretty sure, if I put the effort in I would get further. However, that is what a programmer should not say to a non-programmer who wants to learn to program. It is also best not to say to the programmer you don't like what ended up on the screen when they have been up most nights and days programming.

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Sometimes the client will be asking for impossible things just like what was noted above with the crash. Of course the crash is an accident and an unusual even that cannot be repeated just to be shown to the client. But if you are a programmer, you should have more patience with your clients who are not techie. I remember one client of my husband when he was working as a technical consultant. The client said that the virus may die if you turn off the computer. That gave me a laugh.

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