
Top 10 Tools to Use for Social Media Automation

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Top 10 Tools to Use for Social Media Automation

When it comes to social media marketing, it can take a lot of time and effort when and if doing it all on your own by yourself. And that's when using just one site like Facebook. Add Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and more into the mix and that can require even more time. Wouldn't it be nice if you had more time in the day to achieve all of your marketing goals? Well you can when you make use of one or all of these Top 10 Tools to Use for Social Media Automation. While this list wont go into much detail about each of these tools, it will give you the basics of each and let you know they exist and how they work.

1. Buffer
With Buffer it's easy to share any page you're reading. It's said to be one of the top social media message scheduling apps of them all and works with all the top social media sites.

2. Social Oomph
With Social Oomph you get the tools you need to schedule tweet and automatically follow new pinners that pin/repin your pins. The Social Oomph dashboard lets you manage several of the top social media sites including Twitter and Facebook.

Hoot Suite is one of the best and biggest social media marketing automation tools that lets you schedule posts from multiple social media sites. You can also track conversions too.

4. is a dedicated Pinterest marketing and pin scheduling tool. You can pin and publish up to 840 pins a week with EasyQ and easily switch between multiple accounts too.

With Twitterfeed you can feed your blog posts to Twitter very easily. They also allow you to do the same to your LinkedIn and Facebook accounts too.

Post Planner is a web based tool that lets you schedule and automate the sharing of Facebook content.

With Zapier you can connect to the web apps you use the most so you can easily move your data around and automate those tedius tasks with simple, event based automation.

With Ninja Pinner you can auto follow and even auto delete Pinterest accounts to build followers for your accounts automatically.

Bundle Post lets you easily share the same content over and over again but using different titles, descriptions and things.

With Tweet Bop you can maintain a record of tweets that mention you or your brand with alerts from Twitter by email. This makes it perfect for growth hacking.

And that's the top 10 tools used for social media marketing promotion and scheduling today. Do you use any of these website tools? Which ones do you use and why? And which ones would you say are the best to use for this reason and why?


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Twitterfeed has been gone for a while.

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"Twitterfeed has been gone for a while."

That was exactly what I was going to comment on as soon as I finished reading the topic, hahahaha. Top 10 Tools to Use for Social Media Automation But it was a very good option.

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I did love Twitterfeed, when it existed. I presume they shut down because they never found a way to really monetize it. However, I would have paid a subscription fee, especially because you could run multiple accounts n multiple networks.

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"I presume they shut down because they never found a way to really monetize it."

I think that was one of the main reasons for it and I believe that nowadays, anything that is not monetized in some way doesn't have a long life along the way (perhaps there are some exceptions, obviously).

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The thing is people keep saying Twitter itself is going to shut down if they don't figure out how to monetize their application. Wish I had some ideas to contribute to the success. It is a great platform with bazillions of free users, me being one of them. I don't see why they can't place ads in between the stream of tweets of the free users, say every 1000 tweets. I wouldn't object. It's a thought.

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Great Article! Thanks for sharing the wealth

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As far i know, Twitterfeed discontinued their services for over a year ago, but there is some alternatives for it like and others, however twitterfeed was my favorite tool and no alternative websites offer such good services for free. Paid yes.

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That is fantastic. I really like the type of options that are available for people. I would not have known about half of these so thank you very much!

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Yeah, it's nice to read this as well since it is going to open door to lots of options for us to experiment when it comes to managing our social media networks.

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Absolutely, I would put many of these in the category of who knew? SOme of these options I had heard of previously, but others not so much. It is great to have them all written down.

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It really is great. The fact that we have so many options is so great because it allows has the freedom to choose which one we personally like. It also makes competition between them even higher which benefits us because they may start offering more for free.

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Thanks for the update I knew about some though I only use Hootsuute since it more convienece for me.But I will try another one like Buffer since I like the features.

These are all great social tools that can be very convinence for use.

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I've only heard and used Hootsuite in the past as well and that's where the post makes it an interesting prospects for us as well as our firm has been looking for better ways to get things done at the moment.

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I only use two out of this list - Buffer and Hootsuite. Those two are absolutely amazing and I never really bothered trying anything else since there's no need to. They cover everything that I'd want and provide great statistical data as well. I have heard of the Social Oomph though and people spoke very highly of it so that might be worth checking out as well Top 10 Tools to Use for Social Media Automation thank you for the list, Mike.

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This is the first time I heard about buffer and would be glad to have a customer experience about how it really works. Does it have issues when I don't log in in a time and how effective it is as well.

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I use hootesuite for client. And also used buffer. I think there are plenty of other services too. But each of them take more time for managing the things. I have realized that some of the time automation is lot easier. And some of the time automation takes time. But depending on the client requirement I think buffer is more suitable for many. Hootesuite is beneficial if you want to show reports etc.

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I use HootSuite and it is great. The fact that it has a free plan just makes it great as well although it can be pretty limiting (which I haven't had too many problems with yet although more active social media users will). I love how you can schedule posts from your social media accounts because it just makes your job a lot easier in case you forget to post a specific tweet.

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I have never used social media automation tools. The only automation tools I have ever heard about is hootsuite. I don't have a membership on hootsuite, however, I know if I am a free member I can associate 3 social media accounts and as a paid member I can use 35 social media accounts. I know the benefits of using such automated programs, however, I don't have budget to use such tools for my social media marketing campaigns.

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Until now I haven’t checked on Hootsuite. I had learned of that software in this site and I like the features that I can prepare my posts for Facebook in advance and let Hootsuite handle the actual posting. The people in my network will not notice that I am away on vacation since my posts are coming in everyday. But I am thinking that my posting will be accomplished but what about my reaction to the posts of my friends?

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I would like to check out some of these tools such as since it is going to help someone like that is quite busy to reply and retweet lots of tweets that I get on a daily basis. It's good to know about these animation tools as they are going to be beneficial for someone like me.

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I missed tweeter feeds. They use to be my best back then

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I used Twitterfeed but to be honest it is head to control what I wanted so I would go with manual tools or do them for myself.
I heard about these tools but not tried because I am afraid of auto tools which can be get banned from social networks

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Although one of these sites on this list is now defunct, I thought this was a very nice and useful post. I am not yet sure how Hootsuite works yet, but I have only heard good things about it. I might look into Buffer as well based upon its reputation and other recommendations which I have heard. I am still just trying as much traffic out of social media posts that I can, but it is becoming more and more obvious to me that I need to start utilizing more online tools in order to boost activity at my sites.

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I haven't been very active in Twitter. I don't have as much followers there as compared to my Facebook account. I spend more time on Facebook and when I make different posts, I no longer need to use a separate scheduling app. If you have a page on Facebook, you automatically are given access to a scheduler. When you post something, you are given the option to post now or to post at a later date. I think other social media sites should do the same thing as Facebook is doing. It would be for the benefit of all the users anyway.

I do remember using Hootsuite when I was still active at Twitter.

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Thank you for all the resources! Really good stuff. I used to think to myself "How hard can it really be managing your social media?" When using it casually, I thought that it had to be one of the easiest things in the world.

But when you start using social media for professional purposes, it is a completely different ballgame. Gone is the casual nature of just posting silly content and hoping to get a couple of likes and shares. Now you're required to be strategic and calculative about your posts if you want to genuinely benefit from social media marketing.

Thankfully there are plenty of resources out there to help out.

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idealmike - Just noticed that you don't have on your list. They are pretty good!

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I have read the details of Buffer and I actually had registered on it. For those who are posting regularly in social media like the daily post on Facebook and Twitter, you can write in advance your posts for one week and let Buffer do the actual posting for you. That is one way of fully enjoying your vacation. However, I am hesitant in using it because it may be getting information on my social media account.

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