
How to get out of a writing slump?

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How to get out of a writing slump?

Sooner or later, as writers, we all face the biggest problem of them all - the writing slump. I believe we have all experienced it before, some even more than once.

Writing slump is that feeling when you just can't write anymore. Everything you write sounds bad. You hate what you write. You feel uninspired. You don't even know what to write about.

I feel like I am facing one right now. Maybe, I overworked myself but I am having a hard time to produce some of the higher quality articles that my clients want. Particularly the ones in areas that don't really spark much of my interest. Usually, it's very easy for me to write about anything but right now, I am struggling a bit.

Any tips on how to get out of a writing slump? How do you deal with this problem?


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I myself would just let go of current project and have some fun instead. Forcing yourself too hard and overdoing it will only increase the slump. You will get frustrated, you will start writing stuff you wouldn't write usually, go away from your own way of writing as well. I believe that giving yourself a small break and just doing something for fun instead would be one of good way to overcome it.

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That's actually a very good idea. I honestly don't remember the last time where I actually took off several days without any sort of work or projects.

I don't know why but I feel weird if I don't do some work. Perhaps it's a habit? or maybe I am a workaholic by nature? It's hard to force myself to focus on other things for a while.

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WhenI have lost interest in what I'm writing I try to focus in on the one thing that stands out the most about the subject matter. From there I craft what I can around that one particular thing. It doesn't always work, but sometimes you just need the blood to start flowing so you can produce. If that doesn't work you may just need a break like one of the previous posters said.

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Small update for anybody that cares - I've managed to break out of the writer's slump! I am beyond happy and thrilled to continue my work. I'd really like to thank everybody for your kind suggestions - the one that I've found the best to work was just taking a few days off. I've completely stopped working on my current projects and gave myself a breather. It helped me regain my motivation, my brain feels refreshed and I just feel so ready to begin working at full speed How to get out of a writing slump?

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I feel like the only way to get out of a written no slump is to just take a needed break. If you can go outside and exercise you will find yourself much more refreshed and you will be able to think much clearer. This will also increase your creativity levels.

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I know what that is like since I'm a freelance writer. I get into slumps pretty constantly since I write a ton, but I try to still create content despite not feeling inspired.
When things get extremely bad and I can't write at all I take a couple of days off and focus on other things to get my mind clear.

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Hallo aI'm probably late to give you some tips to get over your writing slump but still I wouldlike to state some may be you can use them next time,
Weiting slump is a common feeling to all writers,some are able to overcome it and some can't and the more you neglectit the more you can be In that feeling forever and say good bye to writing :-(
So next time it happens to you look back if you have some stresses going in your head, You can do some body exercises and have some good sleep this will help you to feel good mentally and get back to work :-)

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My understanding of writing slump is it's milder than writer's block. Just the same, it's mental fatigue that's causing it. What I do in that situation is to take a walk and take my mind off my writing. An hour or two will revitalize my mind that I could continue comfortably what I was writing. But when the slump is still there then I have to do another activity that would relax my mind. Forcing myself to write when I am on a slump would just make me produce a low quality writing.

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Walking really is a great way to get the mind stimulated--I also try to read something that is not really in my preferences or wheelhouse in order to shift my general perspective on things. Hot showers also give me good ideas--who knows why. Taking breaks is totally necessary, though. As a writer of over years, I can attest to the fact that taking a break and knowing when to walk away form the keyboard is essential.

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I try to get over writer's block by taking a break to enjoy nature. I will just take my dog for a stroll around the park. Seeing the greenery in the park helps to freshen my mind.

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I totally get you! It happens to me a lot. When life gets a little bit hard sometimes it seems to me like there's nothing good in my mind to write about. I know this might sound weird for some people... but heteronyms has been really helpful to me. Create another self-character as a writer it helps me change my mindset and write despite my personal situation.

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I understand that feeling of writing slump. Just like you, I experienced it in two ways. The first one is about being uninspired because I don't find the topic interesting. The other one is I just can't write because I basically don't know what to write.

I deal with being uninspired by doing a research. I was asked to write an article about spinning tops, which I never experienced playing so I'm not interested about it. I just did my research about its history and it became interesting to me. Learning an unexpected information about spinning tops gave me the feeling of appreciation about its existence from the ancient times to the modern times. it gave me an idea to write an article about the different types of spinning tops and the difference between the ancient and the modern spinning tops. I ended up writing an informative article about it.

I deal with the feeling of not being able to write by taking a break. The main reason of not being able to write due to lack of ideas is because of hunger or tiredness. Obviously, you can't write something good when your mind is very tired so it's much better to take a rest in between activities and eat a few snacks. This is what I do and it works well. My energy has been restored and I am ready to write again.

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I don't often suffer from writers block. I just keep writing if I do get momentarily stuck. The free flowing style usually works for me, and I can go back and edit as necessary. This is just the way to keep yourself going if you don't feel like it. Writer's block can happen at any time really.

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A writing slump can indeed happen and I'm probably experiencing one at this point. I haven't claimed a project at the content mill for a week now and I was just happy to explore other online earning sites. This is like a vacation for me and I'm sure that once it is over, I'll be more enthusiastic to start writing again. The great thing is, I am earning basically the same money, if not more, while on vacay and I get to use my writing and internet skills as well so they're not bound to deteriorate at all.

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Taking a vacation from the routine work is definitely one good respite to give your mind time to relax and be refreshed. But I guess that 1 week is too long for such a relaxation. Maybe a day or 2 at the most will be fine so and the vacation is preferred to be just for pleasure as if you are trying to forget what you are writing. When you come back to the computer I’m sure you will feel some excitement as if you had missed what you were doing and your adrenalin rush will be there.

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