
7 Awesome CEO's That Are Saving the World and Making it a Better Place

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7 Awesome CEO's That Are Saving the World and Making it a Better Place

Let's face it and be honest and just say it, this decade has seen its fair share of global issues from over population and starving people to natural disasters to terror attacks, wars and rumours of wars, not to mention climate change scares and whistle blowers apparently debunking the debunkers.

Well it's true that the top 10 food companies and their supply chains leave behind a bigger carbon footprint and emit more greenhouse gases than Scandinavia does! And it's said that by 2050 there could still be up to 50 million people starving and still many countries that could greatly benefit from the help of the "more than wealthy".

And it's like, when will we wake up and realise and learn!? By helping and benefiting other countries, we will be benefiting not just that country, but the whole world! And we practically have it in our power now to eradicate all poverty, starvation and needless suffering through ignorance from indifference now.

Oh and don't even get me started on some other things we need to stop ignoring like the elephant in the room and put it on the table too of some "conspiracy theories", like global warming, terrorism, chemtrails, HAARP, geo engineering, GMO's, weather modification or even of fatal "incurable" diseases that are actually curable. But they don't wan't you to know that because it would mean you stop buying their drugs. And even whether we should actually pay the medication they force us to pay for or die for our energy, fuel, heating and electricity that we use too. Oh you didn't know that they already made a lightbulb that could last forever? Of course, they don't want you to know that else you wouldn't keep buying lightbulbs. Oh you didn't know that Tesla wanted to provide the world with free energy and had already invented a way to do that? The electric companies don't want you to know that though else you might stop paying for your own...

Obviously some of these are hotly debated theories and issues within our generation today. And sure, the world will probably always have both good and bad things in it going on. But we should keep striving for perfection even though we're not. We should still do all we can do and that goes for every man as no man is an island. We should use what we have around us, the powers we do have, the influence and finances to do those things which are within our power to do while we can do them. As and if there's good reason to do so which there is.

Manoj says "There's an old story about a blind man heading towards a well, and there's a guy that's watching him. If the blind man falls into the well, who gets the blame? If you are watching something you can prevent, you've got to do something!"

Him and the rest of these guys know that! 7 Awesome CEO

Elon Musk
7 Awesome CEO

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla the SpaceX program. His latest project is OpenAI which is basically a technology problem solver. And what I like about Elon is that despite being warned not to be Stephen Hawking, Elon is carrying on researching Artificial Intelligence and the possible threat it could have for mankind while looking at the possible benefits too. And when he's finished. He's going to make it Open Source! 7 Awesome CEO

Lauren Bush
7 Awesome CEO

Lauren Bush is the CEO of FEED. She's actually the granddaughter of George Bush and she just started off by creating ethical products that help to feed the world. She plans to tackle the world hunger problem by attaching large donations with each purchase of the her feed products which helps the UNWFP (United Nations World Food Programme).

George Soros
7 Awesome CEO

The Chairman of Soros Fund Management. Improves human rights and politics. George supports political dissidents in the Eastern Bloc Soros' organisation that gives legal support to to unlawfully detained people around the world. So if you've ever been so George is the go-to guy that you will need to talk to for help.

Manoj Bhargava
7 Awesome CEO

The CEO 5 Hour Energy Free Electric Bike Manoj made his money selling his 5 hour energy drink but has since turned his mind of providing energy into that of electric bike technology. Oh which and through, people have access to a clean and affordable way to get around. He provides free electric bikes to people in developing countries as well as tackles other energy solving problems.

Vicki Escarra
7 Awesome CEO

The CEO Opportunity International Vicki helps to empower woman all around the world by helping global businesses to build better relationships. And also to help ordinary woman escape from the quicksand of poverty and improve their life and the life of their communities.

Glen Tullman
7 Awesome CEO

The CEO of Livongo who first started with Allscripts and done 1.4b in sales and then set up Livongo that uses cloud technology to help people manage and live with chronic diseases and illnesses like diabetes or cancer. That's one way in which that sort of technology is being used productively and will go on to improve it al round too.

So that's 7 CEO's that are changing the world. In one way or another. For the better.

Do you know of any more CEO's like this changing the world with their wealth?

Will you ever be one of these CEO's? 7 Awesome CEO

Three cheers and several hip hop hurrahs!



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Richard Branson is the bright example also. Well, You will say what on earth he is doing here with his gasoline jets, making huge emissions in the air.The thing is recently he turned to Green, by founding Virgin Green Fund for working in biofuels, solar power and desalination plants.

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I only really know of Elon Musk and Laura Bush from that list, maybe I should educate myself more.

Also, your title says 7 CEO's but you only listed 6, perhaps you missed one? haha 7 Awesome CEO

How about Mark Zuckerberg? I think he has done quite a lot of positive things for the world and us. There's also the CEO of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. He is trying to give us a cleaner, safer, cheaper power with his General Fusion.

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What about google CEOs? Currently it's Sundar Pichai. I'm not really familiar with their work, but google has certainly been working on AI a lot as well. They have bought DeepMind for 400 million pounds. And not just DeepMind, they have gotten their hands on even more companies. I think that they might have been mentioned alongside Elon as well.

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I think Elon musk is really visionary. You can see that most of the work he has done so far has changed the world. He doing the work in spaceX is going to be even more revolutionary. And he is going to change the way people work and think about space travel. That space program has lot of potential there.

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I think the top folks in Google deserve a Shout Out! They started initiatives to help women in business and help small businesses. The provide a suite of Webmaster Tools free to the users. They offer free websites and a free blogging platform. They are involved lots of charitable endeavors. They put Biblical manuscripts in digital format and opened up those documents to the world! Their efforts are at least worth an honorable mention.

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I am fascinated by Elon Musk and his works. Truly one of our present day Nicole Tesla. The world will be one amazing and fascinating place in the future with people like him.

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Great article7 Awesome CEO People who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, are the ones who do. These are world changers. It is amazing if you combine what these listed CEO have done in their bid to change the world. And this is achieved with one goal in mind; how can I make the world a better place?

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Elon Musk is honestly one of my favorite people alive right now. I think that what he is doing for the world is absolutely brilliant, and hope he has the financial backing and moral support needed to continue what he is doing, and later move on to even greater projects. I may be exaggerating a little bit, but he is definitely the kind of hero that our planet needs right now. Whether it's supporting clean energy through his vehicles and solar electrical systems or trying to make our species multi-planetary, the man has the drive and goals of someone sent from the future to help fix our screwed up timeline.

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I was surprised that Mark Zuckerberg wasn't on the list of top CEOs. He and his wife have several initiatives in education, engineering, and the sciences that aim to change the world and make it a better place for the next generations. They formed CZ Biohub to bring together professionals in medicine, science, technology, and engineering to try to find treatment and put an end to the most common diseases plaguing humankind. Facebook is likewise investing on a drone technology that aims to bring the internet to the most remote places in the world. Facebook continues to be a mission+business entity for Zuckerberg and it has certainly changed the way people communicate.

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Thanks for outlining these life savers,though the lists is not exhaustive because there are alot of visionary leaders who are God-sent to mankind. They're really blessing the world with their wealth. I look forward to also blessing the world with my substance. I hope it will be soon too.

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I am following the development of the Tesla car because what I envision in the future is the electric car. Not a hybrid but a full electric car is zero emission which means there is contribution to the pollution in the air. When we were in Hongkong last year, we stayed in Guangdong Hotel which has a charging station for electric cars. That is a big encouragement to see charging stations which is equivalent to gas stations. And if only there will be more charging stations then the electric cars will be a reality.

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