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I wasn't going to post this. I wrote it all out and then saved it thinking, okay maybe I'm just barking where I shouldn't be barking. If you know what I mean? But a few days has passed since, and I still have many orders delivered that the buyers aren't leaving feedback for. And I've tried everything I can to get them to. I've messaged them in the order, I've sent them multiple direct messages requesting it. But there is no response. From any of them!
It makes me wonder. Are they all one and the same person? Is there some sort of conspiracy going on here? LOL I just don't understand it! People are all chatty, this and that at first. So you do a really good job for them. You even over deliver on what should be done. But when you deliver it, silence.....
Now as you know when people don't leave feedback for an order, we have to wait 5 days before we can get the funds. Now I never used to mind, but now I have like $400 in orders delivered that are just sitting there in limbo and I can't get the funds for them until they have cleared after 5 days...
I've sent all of them a message asking them to rate and complete the order... No response... Something needs to change because, I'm not even gonna sugar coat it, it's annoying! lol I don't have time to keep chasing buyers up and asking them to leave feedback. That uses up more of the little time I have.. :/
The order has been completed exactly as advertised. You can see the works been done. All you to do at a bare minimum is click the submit button. You don't even have to say anything. Sorry, but don't get me wrong here. I'm grateful for the sales I and money I make I really am. I really am! And I have nothing, (and I mean nothing) at all to complain about. And this isn't really a "complaint". More just saying something about it.
This is just for the buyers that don't leave feedback for the service. Like one minute their all chatty this and that, quick to respond before the order is delivered. Then when you deliver it you go AWOL on me! What's up with that honestly? I don't do that. And I think it's just daft for people to do that?
So I propose a change in the system for the time it takes for orders to clear. I know the reasons orders take 5 days to clear is so it gives people enough time to check the work was done. But that should only take 10 mins tops for any order!
So I suggest for sellers that are Level 3+ and have a 97% seller rating or something, the time it takes for funds to clear should be 2-3 days tops. Because as said, it shouldn't take any longer than 10 minutes (if that) to check the work has been done. Anyone that takes up to 5 days to check on their order isn't really someone that cares that much anyway if you ask me! Like, if you really cared about your order and that it was done, you would find the time on the day it was delivered to check it. I think that's a logic that can be applied to every buyer on here?
Seriously, I'm considering leaving negative feedback for all the buyers that I can see have logged into the site within the last day or so that don't leave feedback for the order. Especially if I can see they have logged into the site in the last day or so. Because it's obvious they got my message. Especially so for those buyers I have sent multiple message to them asking them to leave feedback.
I'm thinking of rating them negatively when the order clears. Or at least putting something like
Hello and thanks for your order.But I shouldn't have to do this! But it's looking more and more like something I'm going to have to start doing? Because I shouldn't have to keep chasing people up to leave feedback. And I don't want to annoy/upset my buyers either!
I will complete this for you as soon as possible!
Please leave your feedback for the order within 24 hours of it being delivered.
Failure to leave your feedback for the order within 24 hours will result in my leaving you a negative feedback.
We may send you a message on here once it's completed so you will get an email notification about it.
Pleasure ensure you are receiving emails and check your inbox daily for our message.
We rely on Feedback to constantly improve our service and have to wait 5+ days for funds to clear and don't have time to keep chasing people up to leave feedback for orders when the work has been done.
You can read more about why we are doing this here [link to this post]
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