
Who said AMP will die off? This is only the beginning!

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Who said AMP will die off? This is only the beginning!

Yesterday Google announced that AMP will be available for display ads but also search based ads with a new Adwords beta.
Who said AMP will die off? This is only the beginning!
Both Google and its advertisers realized that AMP pages can bring a lot more to the users than usual web pages. Ever second of delay will mean a decrease in conversions of at least 20 percent.
Giving the fact that AMP pages are almost instantly loaded, it is only fair to integrate them somehow in Adwords.
One year ago everyone was skeptical about AMP but now at least for me, it has become an everyday part of SEO.

I'm implementing AMP pages not only to content based pages but I'm also trying to implement it directly for product pages, where the real conversions are being made. There is not much development here, especially for platforms like Magento but I'm seeing real progress being made by the communities on a daily basis. For Wordpress everything is very simple, you can have AMP fully implemented, side-wide and custom configured to your needs in under 1 hour.

For every client, I implemented AMP I've seen an increase in organic traffic. EVERY CLIENT. If you want a fast and easy way to increase your organic traffic steadily, implement AMP.

Adwords beta will let you use AMP pages for search ads but they will also implement the AMP technology on the Adwords servers so it can be used on display ads. Not to mention the fact that Google claims AMP is now even faster with a new update that happened last week. AMP is now used by almost 1 million domains! Where are all the SEOs that hated on AMP now? Probably implementing AMP themselves...

For all the advertisers out there that want to use the AMP technology to increase their ROI, you can sign up for the new beta Adwords here:
I'll do it myself later this week and will come back to you my experience. I'm really curious to see some actual numbers switching from regular ads to AMP ads, as well as the effect this update will produce in the PPC world in a few months after implementation.

If you haven't seen enough already and don't believe my word, here is a Google test example showing regular ads vs amp ads:

It just seems to be that Google is trying to build a new internet. A faster one focused on speed and users experience, simple, clean and without a ton of useless code floating around.
Somehow I know this gives, even more, power to Google implementing a new monopoly on the SEO and PPC world, but I doubt this technology will evolve and become more and more important, Bing will probably follow implementing something similar if they haven't already, as well as the rest main search engines out there.

What do you think? Do you agree with Google AMP move to Adwords? Have you signed up for the new Adwords beta?
Let's discuss everything in the comments below!


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I think AMP can be a good option for those publishers who are going to be needing quicker solution for their large content. I know many publishers who have large content that loads. Also for those news based sites, you can definitely find them useful. Lot of desktop based users are now using adblocker. So most of the income is coming from the mobile based browser. This move from google is indeed good.

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And so aside from the website being responsive to mobile browsers, we also have to consider the Google AMP. Just by the meaning of AMP – accelerated mobile pages – it is an obvious reference to the quick display of the web page when browsed by a mobile browser. Although I haven’t noticed the slower reaction of the webpage when using a mobile browser, I agree that when the display of the webpage is slow then that is reason enough to lose potential traffic to your website.

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