
4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

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4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

Blog writing isn't the easiest thing to do in the world.  If you know the 5 ways to increase your blog writing speed then you can usually get more posts up and running each week and pull in the traffic you deserve!  Blogging is crucial when it comes to a business growth since it will continually bring in traffic after you start to be seen by the search engines.

By posting just once a month to your websites blog you won't get noticed too much.  If you plan to do a blog post once a week for a couple months and think you're good forever, you have something to think about because you're completely wrong.  If your blog becomes stagnant, the search engines will know since there are usually time stamps on your posts as well as Google archiving what they already indexed and then not seeing anything new.

If you are consistently blogging on your business or eCommerce website you will notice the benefits.  Roughly 10 to 15 blog posts per month can get your around 3 to 4 times as many leads each month because you will start to become an authority after a few months.  Obviously it will take a good amount of time to have a massive amount of traffic coming in, but you'll have to think baby steps and not leaps in time 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

1. List your posts
Posting in a list format will keep peoples attention because it's a natural feel to go from 1 to 2 then to 3 and so on.  People will feel they need to finish all the points in your list and for this reason you will be able to convert more visitors into sales.

This also works well because you can write down all of your titles and then break them down into bullet points.  Then go into each post and write down details for each point and then you're done 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed  Doing it this way is one of my favorite ways to get a message or point across.  You can actually see it in the works with this discussion lol 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

Another thing that will work well with this is adding in some images.  You will be able to break up the article or post and it's like a mental break for your readers, which is great to keep them reading long articles and posts 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

2. Write down your full month of titles ahead of time
Sit down and think about your 10 to 15 posts you want to go live that month and write down all the titles.  This will definitely speed up your writing time if you pair it with the bullet pint method above.  You will now have your titles and all the bullet points to hit when typing out your content.  I do this all the time and it makes my content writing times speed up a ton.  Usually I'll take 30 minutes to write up a 1,500 to 2,000 word post and if I don't know what my titles and bullet points are, it could take up to an hour to get a well worded article done.

3. Avoid all distractions
When I'm working I will usually turn off my TV and put my phone on silent.  I do this because I know they will distract me from my writing and increase my time per blog post.  I think of myself as someone that doesn't get distracted easily, but I'm sure a lot of people think the same thing.  In reality it's pretty easy to get distracted and I've noticed my weak points, which are TV and my phone lol.

Pairing this with writing your titles ahead of time works extremely well.  I'll turn everything off and basically be a low tech household besides having my laptop on and hammer out a ton of topics with bullet points at the beginning of the week.  Sometimes I'll sit down for a few hours on Monday and write down a weeks worth of things I want to write about so I can speed up my times.

4. Follow deadlines
You'll need to have some deadlines in place so that you can stick to them in order to be on time with everything you have to do during the day.  I like to set my time per post at 30 minutes and I really try to stick to it.  Usually I can finish some posts in 10 to 15 minutes and others in 35 to 40.  If I plan on writing and scheduling 10 posts for the day, then I'll set aside 5 hours of scheduled writing (30 minutes a piece).  I'll start writing and then stop when I finish all 10.  After I finish all 10 I then go take a break and start doing whatever else I wanted to do that day 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed  By combining this with the "avoid all distractions" I can sometimes speed through all of my posts in around 3 hours if I'm really in a good groove 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

In Conclusion:
You'll need to keep the quality of your blog posts up while decreasing the time it takes to churn them out.  To do this you should follow the 4 ways I mentioned above to increase your blog writing speed.  I actually do everything above and I can easily write 5,000+ words a day and add them to my blogs 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed  I've noticed a ton of traffic coming in to my blog posts because of the scheduling I put in place and all the methods I use to increase my speeds 4 ways to increase your blog writing speed

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This is very helpful, thank you for sharing your tips. I'm sure this can help many people who need to speed up their blogging.

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I think 4 articles per month in a blog will suffice. If you publish more than that your subscribers will stop reading your content and you will have to wait Google to pick your content. Unless you have dozens of website where you regularly publish articles, writing 4-8 articles per month will be enough. Writing 4-8 articles will not be hard for the people who have language and writing skills.
If you are writing too much, you will have to carry your note pad every where and write down the points immediately when they appear in your mind. You can then elaborate the points when you are at home.

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On the contrary, those 4 articles per month means you are publishing only once a week. Some of your readers may be stolen by blogs that are dynamic. My take on the publication of blogs is at least twice a week and better if you can do it 3 times a week. That will give your readers excitement every other day that they will be more focused on your blog. When you promote your blog, it will also get more interest if they find the blogs new and not a week old.

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I like these tips to increase the speed of writing for your blog. It is a must to make a schedule of your posts. In this way, you will let your visitors know about the updates. Try to write more and more to get traffic by the search engine as it will increase the chances to rank high too.

Keep looking at your posting habits and analyze the mistakes that you have been making.

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Post very interesting!

I currently have 3 blogs of different subjects and I have to be always organized to create content in all of them.
I usually try to make a list in Excel with the themes I want to create and their references to create the content. During the process of creation, I usually separate the central ideas and order them to be able to develop them in a practical way.

Finally, I like to work in a quiet environment without distractions.

When I finish creating the content, I like to take a break so I can review it later. This helps me to have fresh mind to find grammatical errors or any other detail that I would like to adjust.

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Writing down the topics can help you write blog posts very fast. If you make a list of titles, you can do some research on these titles in your spare time. Research takes a lot of time because you have to take notes. However, once the research is complete, writing is a fairly easy process. Once you complete writing, it is better to leave it for few days and then go back to edit. Working on a broad topic helps in developing a series of articles. Writing a series is easier.

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Very good article. I felt my methods to blog writing were already efficient regarding speed and quality. Though these tips will also help contribute to my overall writing style.

Personally, I've been using tip #2 for the longest time. Writing down titles ahead of time always helps me keep on track with my work. I'm also constantly coming up with new titles, so it's a must for me to write them down before I lose train of though.

Regarding deadlines (tip #4), I've always set my own deadlines and fulfilled them to the best of my abilities. Deadlines can bring stress at times, but it keeps you on track with your schedule to consistently produce content. They do sometimes force you to write hours at a time. But including periodic breaks can bring about the most efficient at writing.

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Wow, these tips are actually really helpful. I've lately been struggling with pumping out good quality blogs by deadline. Once again, thanks for these tips!

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Ahhhh....the age old problem of time management, and how it seeps into every aspect of our lives...

Imagine us all trying to manage our time doing work on the internet which is, in and of itself, the greatest distraction mechanism ever created by our species.

It's a wonder any of us ever get anything done...

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You can make use of some form of deadlines to make this work. This is something that you can make work when you learn to do some offline activities earlier and then have much time to handle the online activities.

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As always... a very very useful information! Thank you so much for sharing. To me, the most important things are following deadlines and sit down and list the post titles (ideas) I will have to write about in the next few weeks. I know it sounds simple, but believe me... it has worked for me!

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The last item - follow deadlines - is the reason why I withheld my plan of putting up my own blog. I understand that a blog is like a newspaper or magazine with a frequency of publication. A reader would be disappointed to find no regular updates and worse, he may not come back anymore. I know of several blogs that stagnated because of the lack of updates. To be a blogger, blogging will be a part of your life and the schedule of updates will be a permanent part of your activities. Persistence is one trait of a blogger.

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Following deadlines will always work perfectly for blog owners that are making series. This is one of the best ways that the visitors to the site can be engaged. I believe that one thing that is necessary is for the owner to even hire guest writers as long as the articles are written often.

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