
What is your everyday schedule like?

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What is your everyday schedule like?

Everyone has an everyday schedule. Some people have very intense schedules and some people don't have it has rough, so I'd like to hear some of both!


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Have a wonderful day.

I reside on GMT +6 time zone. When I awake up from bed than USA peoples are going to business at the early morning. I am a full time freelancer. At first I take a look on my marketplace profile about the bid reply or messages. Secondly check for im portant eo mails and thirdly discuss with client by any social mefia or by any messenger. At the free time I do stay with social media and check the latest world news also.


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That’s the wonderful thing about freelancing. You can work on odd hours since you are just at home. But on the contrary, isn’t it difficult to be staying awake while everyone is asleep and that you sleep when everyone is awake? However, I know that you can have that weird schedule only if you are working on a site that is located in another time zone. I hope that I wouldn’t be doing that when I go full time in freelancing.

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On Seocheckout this types of problems are not available. On Seocheckout you can do work at any time. On another marketplace you have to do time on a fix time base. For that reason I had aleft rest of the marketplace few years ago. Now a day I have been working with the world largest SEO marketplace for the last few years.

Thanks seocheckout.

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I have the most laid-back life ever. I wake up around 4 am and lay in bed and listen to all the birds that are chirping in the trees that surround my bedroom. I check some of my social media, check my news feeds and do some reading. Then I usually fall back asleep around 5 am and sleep until 7am. I get up, use the bathroom, make and drink some lemon water, put on my tennis shoes and go on my half-mile walk, using the Nike app to time myself.

I come back in, take a shower and make a full-fledged breakfast. After eating an cleaning up I straighten up my bedroom and water my indoor plants and orchids. After that there is no set routine. I could be working on a writing project; or my documentary or watching shows I'm behind on. I usually cook/make lunch and dinner everyday. I work in my vegetable garden, I read and post to my social media.

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l live a very simple life and run things even simpler.I don't cherish suffocating life at all,so I live one day at a time.

I don't really a schedule I run things randomly and I still meet my target for the day and that's what really matters.

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See this is the kind of lifestyle that I aspire to have myself, and I have actually set myself on that track as well. It's really lovely to live slow and simplistically, considering we live in a world that constantly pressures you to be fast, efficient, and always busy, busy, busy. I like to start things off slow. Get up at dawn, listen to the birds, take in the fresh morning air. I don't want to be out of bed, rushing to barely fit in a healthy breakfast and then zooming off to work. It's important to live slowly and savor each moment.

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I am a writer so I use to research the web to increase my knowledge and after that, I use to write the related knowledge into my own words. I love doing my work and I have scheduled it. First of all, I plan to write on a specific topic and it takes 30 minutes to decide it. After that, i use to do research on this topic for 2 hours and it takes almost 3 hours to write down all the content. So I use to work for almost 4 hours to complete my whole work. I mostly use to do this stuff as I don't have to do anything else during that time.

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I am re-designing my daily rhythm, but at the moment, it's still in chaos.

As a stay-at-home mom, I wake up early in the morning. I don't set my alarm clock, as I usually wake up around 2am, unless if I am too tired, I might wake up later. I start with my morning routine - meditation, practice yoga, and journaling. As my children are still sleeping, I can start working on my own stuff - working on my freelance projects, my online work, reading online, checking emails, etc, mostly anything to do with my computer.

When the children wake up in the morning, then I'll spend time with them. While spending time with them, I also do the housework, as I try not to use computer while they are around. As I am also homeschooling my children, so we will also have some lesson time in the day.

We go to the park every evening, and the kids will play with the friends in the playground after walking in the park. Then, it's time to take a shower, supper, time to wind down, story time, and it's time to sleep.

My main working time is in the early morning while the children are sleeping.

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My daily schedule is pretty much stays the same. I am blessed to work part time and still have enough time left in the day for my family.

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A little bit to busy for my taste but as long as it makes me money I will keep it up. I will sometimes go for days taking just small rests in between jobs to keep my response times as short as possible and grow my ratings as high as possible on the sites that I work. So I wouldn't say I have a schedule but I just work as the jobs come in and it can keep me much busier than I would some days like to be but aw well I think it's worth it!

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I like to schedule myself to give time to do everything I need during the day. I take care of 3 sites and I'm always writing content for them, I also have to manage social networks, besides I have to take care of the house, wash, cook ...

Sometimes the day should be over 24 hours. But I like what I do and I think it's worth the effort.

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Okay since I work at home, I wake up at 7 a.m. eat my breakfast, and around 8 a.m. I get my stuff ready, I shower and then go downstairs to where my office is located. Then I work from 9 to 12. Eat lunch at 12. Then again go back to my office, and at 5 p.m. I go fora run. Then eat dinner at 8 p.m. watch a TV series on netflix and then go to sleep. On my weekends I watch movies and go out with friends.

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Well I will be occupied atleast 8 hours a day by my job and my job is more like hire on demand type, so my work time varies according to the job intensity so I don't have a fixed schedule. Most often I try to finish off with my work quickly so I get time to spend with my little brother and to do things i like.

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I have a very rare schedule because I have two works so, I wake up at 7, I eat my breakfast, shower and I start to work at home at 8 to 12, eat my lunch, and I rest until 1 and then I workout here at home, then I go to my other work and from 3 to 5 I teach vocal technique to kids of a choir then I go home and work a little more on the internet and then at 10 I am sleeping in my bed.

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I'm a student in college so usually the moment I wake up, I clean my room and get ready for college. I don't really eat breakfasts that often since I'm currently doing intermittent fasting and at a calorie deficit for weight loss. Once I have free time, I start doing online work at different websites to earn a couple of bucks by the end of the week for extra cash.

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Not much for now. Graduated last year and waiting to go for a mandatory 1 year national service. I write as a freelancer on I have been able to acquire something and used it to acquire a farm land which I've grown maize corn. I wake up in the mornings, say my prayers then proceed to brush and take my bath. After that I go online to check my mail and my fiverr profile for feedback from clients and so on.

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My schedule on weekdays is surfing the internet and writing articles for almost 7 or 8 hours. In that hour period, I write most of the time either for websites or my blogs. Other than that on weekends, there is no schedule, it depends on my mood if I want to hangout with friends and go outside for hiking or something or maybe work for 3 or 4 hours online.

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I am a recent work from home mother of two. My typical days starts when the kids are off to school, house chores done and there is peace and quiet. From 9am till noon, I am writing. I take a break around noon to sort out lunch then back to work till 3.30pm my kids get back from school. I'm free from this time until they go to bed around 8.30pm/9pm then I'm back to work again till midnight. Weekends is a flexible. I do a bit of admin on Saturday but I never work on Sunday.

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I am a stay at home mom just alike @kaka135
In the morning, I will boil a kettle of hot water, put the dirty laundry into the washer, clean the dirty dishes hubby had left last night before I brush my teeth and wash my face. I do the opposite. After the chores are done. I will start having my breakfast. That is why I had gallstones.

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I work in a lab, so my days can get busy. Most days involve getting up early, traveling to work and staying there for long hours. Sometimes I have to stay longer depending on the tests performed. Weekends tend to be more laid back, we have to enjoy free time. However, I always take the time to enjoy a nice cup of coffee every morning, no matter how busy it is.

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My schedule has been pretty sporadic as of late due to undertaking several different projects and such, but I do have a sort of routine that I try to maintain that functions as the framework for my day. I get up at around dawn, and then I meditate and exercise. Afterwards I have breakfast and then spend some time reading. At around 10:00 AM I start working and continue until about 6:00 PM, taking breaks for lunch and tea. After work, I meditate and exercise again, shower, and then just relax for the rest of the evening. That is what my typical day looks like.

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Same old routine unless there is something important going on. I mostly wake up at 5, go biking and trailing, return home at 7 or 8am. Then feed the chickens, take a bath, eat breakfast, wash clothes if there are any, watch some tv shows while writing some articles, then prepare launch. Take a nap at the afternoon, feed the chickens again, go out with my nephews and eat dinner. Pretty much the same routine of my everyday schedule.

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Strangely my everyday schedule on weekdays is like a cycle. It is similar to merry go round, following same route day in day out through the week days. Only once in way that there will be tweak in my schedule and in those days they are not major changes. But on weekends, those are my properties and I can decide to do just any thing that catches my fancy. I mean I used the weekends to make up for the robotic week day schedule. I don't have a worked out schedule for the weekend, my schedule on the weekends is so flexible that it can bend will not break.

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Other than hectic, it is pretty damn sporadic, and every day is different. I teach college courses from home and blog a lot, so I pretty much make my own schedule, but that is not the "life of Riley" as some may think. I am at the mercy of my students' schedules and my clients' schedules, so, there are some days, which are the worst, where I have very little academic work...then, around midterms and finals, I get slammed...

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I usually plan all my tasks for the day. I use To do list to plan my tasks and I also write about the amount of time that I must take for each task. I usually start my day with my morning exercise. I start working at 9 am and finish as at 7pm. I do take about three breaks.

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I have a day job from 5 to 9. And after that I also spend the time on the side projects. And that does add up as well. You can see that in longer view of the time projects, it's not going to be full time for me with freelancing all the time. So in this case you can see that it takes time for the scheduling the projects properly. But I try to manage things randomly if possible.

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Some say that my daily schedule is fascinating if not weird.To avoid the heavy traffic on the roads, I wake up before 4am so I can leave the house before 5am. My office hours ends at 4 pm so I have a good headstart against the traffic which usuallybuilds up by 5pm. My bedtime is 9pm.Since my daily schedule is hectic, my online work is done during slack time like noon break or sometimes evenduring heavy traffic on the road. And at home, I have a relaxing period after dinner so that gives me time to work online.

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