
Is there a way to bump gigs?

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Is there a way to bump gigs?

Is there a way to bump gigs? It would really help.


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There isn't but I'd like to hear your ideas on the subject.

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So, listings for "date" would be sorted by date changed rather than date added. It is a good idea. The only concern I have is people editing their gig every day, changing a word or character and then saving it. Your thoughts on how to prevent this?

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More like once a week. People will just edit every single gig they have every day.
Limit to 1 gig every week.

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Sounds good, I was also thinking once a week or once a month limiting. Some new coding updates are scheduled to be released but once they are completed I'll begin work on this.

I've added $15 to your Seocheckout account for the idea suggestion, you can spend it on whatever you like via Balance order.

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Done. Read more here

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edit your gig every seven days

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