
Yes! I've Wrote and Published a Blog Post! Now what....?

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Yes! I've Wrote and Published a Blog Post! Now what....?

Yes! I
I've just got off the phone from the fairy blog mother to tell her how excited I was that I finished writing and publishing my first blog post! And she's told me about all the things that a blog should do after it publishes its first post.

Actually, what she done was to ask me a series of questions once I had submitted my blog post and from these questions I was able to see what sort of things I should be checking on or doing. And here are the questions she asked me and why you should do them too!

Yes! I've Wrote and Published a Blog Post! Now what....?

  • 1. Have you allocated your post to a category and updated the tags (labels) within your post?
    Yes because I understand that these are secondary keywords the search engines can also use to index your post. You'll want to make sure you have categories for the different types of posts your blog has and tags which help search engines and people identify to them.
  • 2. Have you edited the permalink of your post?
    Yes I made sure that it was people friendly so that it matches the headline while I was writing the post, and updated it so that it matches it. I even removed unnecessary stop words.
  • Have you included a call to action at the bottom of your post?
    Yes, I always try to steer my readers into something when I'm blogging. This could be as simple as asking for comments, or to share it on social media. Or to purchase the product or service I'm promoting.
  • 3. Have you set up a RSS feed for your blog?
    Yes because once I've published my post, it enables me to syndicate it into other platforms or websites to reach a bigger audience.
  • 4. Have you placed share buttons underneath your post?
    Yes for sure! This makes it easier for my readers to share my content on their own social media profiles.
  • 5. Have you updated your status in your social media profiles?
    Yes! As well as posting the article itself because there's nothing wrong with promoting your latest post to your friends or followers.
  • 6. Have you participated in discussions within social media to promote your post?
    Yes and it's a great way to get it out there but this needs to be done manually to prevent being seen as spammy and encourage more engagement.
  • 7. Have you submitted your post to the bookmarking sites?
    Yes, I've submitted manually to all of them and used different descriptions and things where possible too remembering to interact with other blogs rather than just dumping my link and leaving.
  • 8. Have you commented on other blogs in your niche?
    Yes I found some big popular blogs related to my blog post and posted to them linking to that to my post even if the CommentLuv plugin is used or not.
  • 9. Have you put your blog post's URL in your email signature?
    Yes I use a blog signature for emails related to that blog yes and I have it going to my homepage to increase its exposure to a larger audience.
  • 10. Have you mentioned your latest posts in your newsletter?
    Yes I have already got a few newsletters lined up which I'll be sending out as this is a great way to keep your subscribers up to date with what you've written.
  • 11. Have you scheduled your social media updates to include a link back to your post?
    Yes because I use social media automation platforms like Hootsuite or TweetDeck to enable me to set up multiple updates throughout the day, week or months ahead!
And that's 11 questions that the fairy blog mother asked me and my answers to them! And things you should do and check you've done after you have published your first, or your 999th blog post! Yes! I

Do you do these things after publishing your blog posts?

What other things do you do in this occasions?


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If you write for print publication, your are relieved from your duty once your article gets published. However, when you are publishing online, you will have to continue working on your article even though you might have published it. Once published, you will have to check whether your title is long tail search term or not, do you have 5 percent keywords on your article, have you written description. If these things have been done correctly, you will have to work on promotion and marketing. You will have to use various social media platforms to market your blog.

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The first step after you write an article is to check for the SEO work done on it. Check if something is missing. It is a must to check if you are using proper keywords related to the topic. After that, you would have to promote you content through social bookmarking and networking sites. This step will increase your targeted audience and loyal visitors to your site. Don't forget to share all links to your blog. Put a subscribe button or top of every page. The subscriber would receive a link via mail whenever you will post a new content to your blog. content is the king. High-quality content is the first preference of search engine and the visitors.

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Awesome forum here and great subsequent posts. This has given me so many insights and ideas today--thanks idealmike. I have done about five out of these eleven suggestions, and you have now given me more homework. I am using a template type blog, so I am wondering exactly how much I CAN manipulate it. I am using AdSense already, but nothing seems to be happening with that yet, so I know I need to step it up.

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That call to action statement is not clear to me. Is it just a statement like “what do you think?’ or maybe “do you agree?” that can be considered such? I am asking this because in some forums, I have been writing that sometimes for my last line but more often than not, I don’t get any reaction. Maybe I am not doing it right? Anyway, there is one forum that the admin told me that he likes posts that are engaging. Oh well, it seems like that call to action statement will make my post engaging?

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