
Top 10 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging Today

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Top 10 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging Today

Top 10 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging Today
If you're a newbie blogger, then you can be easily forgiven for making some of these mistakes. But if you're an experienced, aged and advanced blogger, sorry but there's no excuse for you! However, everyone learns at their own pace, and quite often, it's knowing these things that makes all the difference to how you blog. So to help you become a better, smarter blogger, here's 15 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging!

Blog Mistake #1 Trying To Be Perfect
Look, nobody is perfect. We are all but human. Your readers aren't perfect, (even if some of them think they are). And nobody likes people that think they are perfect (although some are amusing to watch and listen to). But just be real! You're not perfect, and it's okay to make mistakes. That's what it means to be human and people like humans because they are human. Sure, strive for perfection, but just agree that you'll never truly be 100% perfect and that's okay! People will accept you for what you are, grit and all.

Blog Mistake #2 Not Planning Ahead
Any good blog plans ahead. A good blogger will plan posts ahead of time so that he/she has something to write about on any given rainy day. Think about the direction your blog is going in, and then think about if your content is planned out ahead of time so that you'll never run out of things to blog about.

Blog Mistake #3 No Email Subscription Form
Most big blogs capitalise on their readers by getting them to subscribe. If your blog doesn't have some basic simple form for people to subscribe to then you're losing out and leaving money on the table for your competitors to collect. Likewise, you can be sure they'll be trying to capture their email addresses so you should too!

Blog Mistake #4 Treating Your Blog Like a Hobby and Not a Business
Okay so it's good to have hobbies, and blogging can be a good hobby to have. But people take their time seriously online and they want to know they're being taken seriously when they visit your blog. And by seeing your blog as a hobby and not as a business, you'll find it harder to do those things that take your blog to the next level. However, think of your blog like a business and it will be much easier.

Blog Mistake #5 Bad Blog Titles
The titles of your blog posts are one of the first things that people see. They should be well formatted and structured, they should be clear and concise as to what the blog post is actually about. If possible, Try To Use Capitalised Blog Title or at Least Capitalise all the Important Word Like This!

Blog Mistake #6 No Images
Blogs aren't just for writing articles that are text only. Blogs are multimedia sharing platforms and they are perfect for sharing and displaying images. But some bloggers fail to use images or any at all and this makes their blog suffer. So try to make your blog visually appealing and attractive by adding more images to your posts (and don't forget the ALT tags!).

Blog Mistake #7 Paying Too Much for Your Blog
A blog should be a cash cow and supplemental earner or even main income producer. But some people pay too much for their blog! They pay too much in hosting fees and other stuff as well like advertising, marketing and promotion. And while those things are good to do, do them too much and you could be running at a loss. Never run a blog at a loss it's counter-productive.

Blog Mistake #8 Too Much Thinking - Not Enough Doing
Are you forever thinking up great new blog post ideas and things you can do for your blog to build more traffic to it? Then great! But are you actually doing those things that you've been thinking of? If not, then not so great! When it comes to blogging, it's all about action. So do less thinking and more doing and then you will see the benefit from it.

Blog Mistake #9 Not Monitoring Traffic
You need to monitor your blogs traffic such as direct (referral) and organic (search) traffic daily, weekly and monthly. This will help you to see and know where traffic is coming from and for what. That way, you can focus on doing those things that brought in that traffic in the first place. Whether it's doing more blog commenting, forum posting, or writing content based on the keywords you're being found for!

Blog Mistake #10 Not Having a Blog Ideas List
Every good blog has a list of ideas of things it needs to do or should do to find more success in the blogosphere. That could be a huge list of ideas on your computer or even those you've written down in your notebook while commuting to work or something. But if you want your blog to be known as one that is always coming up with new ideas, then put together a list of ideas for your blog.

Blogging doesn't have to be full of mistakes but a lot of bloggers do make these mistakes and more when blogging today. But all you have to do to avoid making these same mistakes is to learn from them and then avoid making them yourself! Top 10 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging Today

What about you? Have or do you make any of these blogging mistakes?

What other blogging mistakes do you make or know of?


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Now I know thank's for this article this really help's a lot to many bloggers out there Top 10 Major Mistakes to Avoid when Blogging Today

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Thank you for this great thread. I have been posting on my blog quite rarely and the reason is because I am taken up in other projects those days. I know that I must try to write something else this will definitely have a negative effect in the long run. I have many ideas flowing in my mind and I will try to see if I can do something in the days to come. This thread has reminded me that it's time to interact with those visitors on my blog again. I miss reading those comments.

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Definitely, some of these are the mistakes I committed when I was starting out especially spending so much trying to put these and that together I was almost running at a loss because I wasn't as much as I had expected.Never knew adding images to lot of my post was very important and all that.Well, there's always a first time but now I'm not there yet but it alot better.

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I am making #7 and #8 mistakes.
I pay almost $300 for hosting and domain renewal every year. Some of the domains have really high renewal fee (I pay $52 to renew dot online domain).
I want to make my blogs, my main source of online income, but I am not doing enough. I am more motivated by short term money making goals rathe than a long term money making goals.

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I think content creation part and the traffic generation part takes a lot of time. You can see that it may not be easy for many people to bring the blog to the top level. But over a period of time, you can earn some consistent money if you know how to write content which brings more links and traffic. So make sure to work on those things. That way you'd be able to make less mistakes. Learn from the changes of the web. And that should be able to help a lot.

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Traffic generation takes time, especially if you are looking for organic traffic. Organic traffic means search engine traffic. You will receive traffic from search engines only when you have done effective SEO. Effective SEO means using the appropriate keywords, quality backlinks, social signals, site design and site loading speed.

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I have to agree. A lot of times the blog gets traffic from social media. But that traffic is not much useful. And some of the time it can be helpful for you to depend on the blog traffic there. I have seen some people choosing the blog as an hobby. And then they don't pay attention to the sources of traffic and think it's lost cause. I guess we always have to check what may work or may not work.

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Getting traffic from social media is easier than getting traffic from search engines. You get search engine traffic only when you have better ranking on SERP. However, social media traffic can come instant. On social media, you have friends and families and it is very likely that they might want to help you or check what you have published. Social media traffic is a kind of favor you get from your friends and followers.

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I agree. I am kind of forever thinker when it comes to SEO. So these days focusing more on SM traffic instead. And hoping that could be more beneficial in terms of the links and the generation of the content. I guess not all people can find that stuff useful though. Some people prefer SE traffic for their own reasons.

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Apart from generating traffic, social media sharing also has another benefit. You will get social signals by sharing on social media. Social signals are also important SEO factors. Social signals help your site to improve your position on SERP. Email marketing is another good way to bring traffic.

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I agree but the thing is that social signal does not always bring the traffic from google. And they are solely dependent on the social media. And that may not always work out. In such case you can see that social media is handy only when you get things properly handled there.

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Social signals help in increasing your position on SERP. Social signals do not directly generate traffic. In order to generate traffic from social sharing, the social media users should visit your link and not just like or leave comments.

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I see. I definitely didn't see them that way. I was looking at them as a way to get the traffic slowly. But those days are gone. Products change all the time. So getting quicker traffic with social signal seems to be a way I guess.

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If you produce quality content and you have a large fan following on your social media accounts, social sharing has a great benefits. It will generate you social signals as well as traffic. However, if you are writing on saturated topics and do not have a large fan base, social media marketing will not give you desired resuts.

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I have very minimal social media following. And it can be really good in terms of the conversion. I think on that note it'd be really reasonable to find better blog traffic source. I think like say forum posts can be good way too.

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I post on around 10 forums every day. I use my website link on the profile and also use my website as a signature. I am active on these forums, however, I do not receive a lot of traffic from these forums. The only benefit I get from the forums is backlink.

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Not sure signature and forum profile works out. I think the links need to be in replies for the traffic to come. Nobody checks the profiles and the signatures anymore. So it can be really hard to get traffic. Only reply specific links get traffic.

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That might be true. However, I do not want to risk my account by sharing link with replies. many forums discourages link sharing in the replies.

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Thats true some of the forums are pretty much strict. But not all forums are like that. So I pay attention to such forums. And then only share where there is use for the content.

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If the forum allows you to share the links with the replies and if you are sharing related links, than you might get traffic. For instance, if
you are posting on minecraft forum and you have written an article on
minecraft, sharing the link with your reply add values to your post and
get you traffic.

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Yes true that is what I meant there. I think some of the forums I am right now do not have same niche as the blogs owned. so not worth sharing the links.

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Your point #1 is well taken. There are times that I would review my blog countless of times that I seem not to be satisfied. Yeah, I was a perfectionist and that is not good because I have experienced wasting so much time just to make 1 blog perfect. If the blog is good then it is good and there’s no need to rephrase the sentences nor check on the synonyms. Of course grammar is also important but if the content has enough substance then don’t be too meticulous.

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