
Is Seocheckout is good for new seller ? Share your thoughts

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Is Seocheckout is good for new seller ? Share your thoughts

Hi Seocheckout community, just started selling on Seocheckout . I heard positive reviews on a website about Seocheckout and decided to sell my services here. I mainly offer smm services and saw many related listings here.

I must say Seocheckout offers rich platform to deliver services and support is excellent. But, the real problem started when I tried to create services.

First of all, I found that new seller cannot create services less than $30. Seriously...why people would buy $30 gig from new seller with no ratings. Instead, Seocheckout shouldn't allow service more than $30 for new sellers. I think that $3 gigs are most beneficial to new seller to gain some momentum on seocheckout.

Secondly, most popular services aren't allowed for new seller ex fb, twitter, YouTube and instagram. Honestly , I don't think anyone going to buy Seo services from newbie seller. So, new seller go no option left to look to other platform.

Also, there are no clear instructions on which services you can create and which you can't. Ironically, most listing are against Seocheckout tos as most of them contain copyrighted logo of so called third party.

Later, support guys told me that they aren't allowing new seller in certain services. So, basically new sellers are restricted from selling.

What's positive is support that you get from Seocheckout is almost quick compared to others.

It would be interesting to listen what new sellers and old seller have to say about this discussion.


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I think Seocheckout can be a good place to find help. Nonetheless, though, as Seocheckout mentioned, themselves, it's impossible to monitor the scams that might occasionally pop up. Therefore, before you buy anything, there should be some mild or heavy research done. For instance, is it too good to be true? That's a good starting point of thinking.

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I am a new member, I have not bought or sold anything yet. However, I would like to use buying and selling features through this site. Currently, I am only getting engaged with the discussion and understanding how the site functions. Someday I would like to sell domains and ready made websites through this site.

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I am new-er on seocheckout. I have sold a little and I have bought a little. It's a tough market in general. Whether it's here or on other platforms. There is a bidding war that goes on. You must be creative. You must sell something that is greater or more unique than the competition. Customer Service is key and having integrity is King!

Yes, it's hard to get your name and your services out there for other to see. It just takes time. One good sell with one positive review at a time. I enjoy it here on seocheckout. I've had to deal with the Support Team a couple of times and they have been very fast with their response and helpful to me.

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