
How Using Snapchat Can Expand Your Brand and Grow Your Business Today

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How Using Snapchat Can Expand Your Brand and Grow Your Business Today

How Using Snapchat Can Expand Your Brand and Grow Your Business Today
Snapchat now has over 100 million daily users. I'll let that speak for itself! lol Something else you might not know about Snapchat is that it has over 8 billion video views per day. 8 billion per day.... It's clear to see that Snapchat has grown to be a giant in the world of social media, but many businesses still don't know how to use Snapchat to grow and expand their brand. Well you will after this...

Before we get started. Let's give you some more Snapchat stats!

  • Snapchat has over 100 million daily active users.
  • Snapchat daily video views is about 8 billion per day.
  • Snapchat users contribute 65% of all content.
  • There are around 9000 photos shared on Snapchat every second!
  • Snapchat users spend around 30 minutes on the app every day.
  • The top country for Snapchat usage is Ireland (crazy right?)
  • Snapchat reports that it earned over $75 million dollars revenue in 2015 alone.
  • Snapchat's projected revenue for 2017 is $400 million.
  • Over 70% of all Snapchat users are females.
Ways to Use Snapchat to Promote, Advertise and Market Your Business

1. Provide Access to Live Events
You can use Snapchat to promote product launches and trade shows or those one off events your business might hold like the 1,000th customer to walk through your door or something. You can provide a view of what's going on at the event through snaps of that event.

2. Deliver Private Content.
Using Snapchat, you can provide special, personalized content to people that they might not be able to get on any other platform. Just think up something that would appeal to their interests and be unique to them which you can surprise them with.

3. Run Contests and Promotions.
You can keep your followers on Snapchat coming back for more by running competitions, contests and even giveaways. You could even offer special promo codes via Snapchat only or discount codes to those that do follow you. One way to do that is to get them to take a snap of your product while they are holding it.

4. Show Behind the Scenes.
Proving behind the scenes stuff is a great way to show people the internal workings of your business. Whether it's simple shop floor or a full level. It will help to create buzz and build a following by people who trust in you since you're not hiding anything about the way you work. You could also capture things like office parties, dress down days, social events and outings and the like.

5. Partner Up with Influencers.
If you can partner up with those bigger, influential businesses in your niche, you'll be able to create more awareness about your business through them, and likewise, they will through you too. You will want to partner up with those other influential businesses in your niche that are already using Snapchat so they can create videos and snaps that enhance your businesses voice and persona.

How to Integrate Snapchat Into Your Social Media Marketing.

1. Develop content that you can share.
2. Invite people to participate.
3. Get creative on how you use Snapchat.
4. Add a Call to Action to your content.
5. Build a strong following.

While this isn't a comprehensive breakdown of all the ways you can use Snapchat as a business to help grow your brand with today, these are basically the biggest things that businesses and brands are doing on Snapchat right now to capture people's attention, build trust and improve business through this social media site.

Are you use Snapchat in any of these ways to grow your brand or business?

What other ways are there of using Snapchat for these reasons?




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Nice article Mike! Personally, I knew Snapchat had grown into something big, I just didn't realize the scale of daily users. Snapchat (just like Instagram and Facebook) has provided a whole new realm of brand/business promotion and marketing. Instagram, however, is slightly different, mainly due to the fact that accounts can be publicly viewed. For Snapchat, someone has to manually add that account to view its story. So it's one extra step for that customer/consumer/participant. As of current, I have not implemented Snapchat into growing my brand. This article has, however, inspired me to be creative and innovative taking advantage of Snapchat in the near future because of the mass audience alone!

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Good tips! Snapchat has been around or quite sometime and it has most certainly been the social media platform that could potentially acquire a lot of traction!

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This is a great and informative article and really show the potential of snapchat. I could definitly see snapchat becoming the top social media app in the coming years, which obviously means there is a lot of traffic that can be taken advantage of in the world of snapchat.

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Thank you for all the tips I'm really considering it a lot

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Thanks for the tips, I will give snapchat a try, although I'm not a fan of apps that can't be used on a computer, and I just started using Instagram, but I can see growth in my business from just a few months of Instagram, and it seems like Snapchat is the new Instagram, and it's growing everyday.

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I have never used snapchat. I even don't know what it is, even though I have heard the name. I have an impression that snapchat is VOIP and image and video sharing platform. However, the statistics related to snapchat that has been shared here are impression.
100 million daily active users means we can reach to the large community
8 billion daily video views means our video marketing campaign can become a success.
9000 photos shared every second means this platform is more popular than other similar platforms.

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Contests and competitions can definitely attract attention. Some forums that are dying conduct contests that revive their forums. However, a contest should have sense and relevance. I have seen contests that are nonsensical which, in effect, only ruins the attraction of the forum. In other words, a contest should be neatly-crafted that is meant to stir the interest of your connections. And as expected, the rewards should be substantial.

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