
Research before you post

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Research before you post

I have some suggestions for bloggers. There are some important things that you should consider before you make a post on your blog. You should use eye catching and most search words in the post title. For this you would have to do a little bit research. Here it is how use to do a little research before i choose the title for the post.

I use to check for the most searched words for my post on " Google Trends " . This is best program from Google to find the most search keywords in the specific time and location.

This is my suggestion. Leave a comment with more tips on it.


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Research before you post is very important because you have to make sure that the information that you are putting out there is reliable and accurate and not misleading, and it's also basic common sense how are you going to post something without any knowledge of it.

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One that utilizes their hobbies in their blog will definitely make the commitment to research on topics they are genuinely interested in.

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When it comes to SEO and titles, I'm generally of the opinion that I don't care. Well, I do care a little bit. I want the blog titles to be attractive to viewers, but they don't always have to be attractive and they certainly don't need to be SEO optimized. I think that people who are into SEO optimization at that level are doing overkill and I don't think it's paying off anyway.

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It is necessary to check the web trends and the keyword research before posting. Google trend is a good way to analyze the keyword for a specific time, category and region but I think that Google Insight for the search was the program for this. It is now finished by Google. I don't know the exact reason, Maybe people were only able to get the high search keywords but they left righting high-quality content in this way.

A post title and content should be a mirror for each other. We should not mislead people by writing content that is totally different than the post title. In this way, we all lose the loyal visitors and would not be able to be successful in a long term.

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I also agree, researching before posting a post is fundamental.
Whenever I write a post, I search for keywords and according to the search, I start to elaborate my post.
In addition, I find it important to make quality content so that your blog becomes a reference in your niche.

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I agree that bloggers should be doing a thorough research if they are not well versed with the subject matter. It’s not good to be guessing and speculating especially if the issue is something critical or serious that can affect a wide coverage. We currently have a hot issue of the Dengvaxia vaccine that cause a scare. If you will blog about it and you have been guessing, that might add to the present confusion that is going on. A proper research on the vaccine is imperative so you can write a good blog about it.

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