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Why you should outsource your SEO
Every client I've had was always asking "Why do I need SEO services?" if they were a new business owner. It's actually pretty easy to go over whey people need SEO services, but some people aren't sure why. This discussion will benefit new and seasoned business owners and let them know the importance of SEO for their success 
So let's get started!
Someone Else Is Better At SEO:
Let's face it, there is always someone out there that is better at something you can do yourself. If you think that you're always the best 24 hours a day and 7 days a week then you're going to be passed up fairly quick. You need to know that there are always people or companies out there that are better at something than you are.
If you're trying to run a business that isn't an SEO company, then there is most definitely a person or business out there that is way better than you at SEO. These SEO companies focus on rankings day in and day out, they do this for profit so they have to stay on top of things. If you're selling hats and scarves, I really hope you don't think you're the best lol.
Hire someone that knows what they're doing, and since you're reading this on seocheckout.com then you're already in the right place. Just browse some services and you can usually find something that you only have to pay for once a month and the service provider will optimize everything they can each month in order to pull in loads of traffic
Saves Time:
Since you'll be paying a company or SEO freelancer to do all the work for you, you'll be saving a ton of time every month. I do most of my own SEO but I outsource certain things that I know take a lot of time to do, like on page optimization and content creation, and I own an SEO company lol. Content creation takes a load of time and if you're writing 10+ articles a day covering various topics in your niche it could take you all day. This means that you won't really have any time to focus on other aspects of your business. I know you're saying "Why would 10 articles take you all day to write?" well it's because when I'm writing for myself or a client I want it to be a top notch article with a good amount of content that is also optimized for the search engines. If I'm doing it for myself, or getting paid by a client to do it for them, I want it to be the best of the best and help out as much as possible. By outsourcing my on page optimization and content creation I'm saving at least 5 hours a day and I can focus on generating more sales and other aspects of marketing to be successful
Out of reach markets:
Not many people think of this, but you can outsource your SEO so that you can target different languages. A lot of people just target their primary language, or English, and call it a day. But if you think about it, how many potential clients are you leaving out if you're just targeting 1 language? The answer is Millions of potential clients lol
I've recently hired a forum marketer who will target 2 different languages that are not English and she will do around 100 posts a week for me. She will be monitoring the posts in order to make follow up responses to anyone that comments, and that's crucial because people want answers. If they get an answer they will likely click through and make a purchase
Another way you can get into out of reach markets is because a lot of top SEO service providers can get you posts on very good websites they have access to. I've paid for posts on HuffingtonPost.com and it rewarded me a lot because of all the clicks I got on my links. Now I know you're saying "Well I can just do this myself and get a guest post up and running in a week!" but that's not what I'm talking about. I searched, and found, an editor of HuffingtonPost and pay them to publish content for me

It's auto approved and sticks around for a while lol. Think outside of the box a little bit and you will be rewarded
Less Worries and Stress:
When you're outsourcing the work to a good SEO service provider, whether it's a freelancer or company, you're usually less stressed out because you don't have to worry about which links are going to stick and what you'll have to do next. By reducing your work load by outsourcing the SEO aspect of your marketing campaign you will be able to focus on much more, which reduces your worries.
Because you're not having to think about anything to do with your rankings, you will feel less burdened and it will always feel like you're finishing your work every day. Have you ever gone home thinking "Damn, I wish I could have gotten to everything today but I only finished 8/10 things I wanted to do. Well that 2/10 things could have been your SEO and if you outsourced it then you wouldn't feel like you failed that day lol
In conclusion:
Hiring someone to do your SEO is not a bad thing as long as you do your due diligence. Search up the service provider online and find any reviews you can. Obviously you'll have to take all the reviews with a grain of salt because upset people are more willing to leave a review than happy ones, which is sad actually. After you find a good freelancer or company you'll notice the stress and burden is lifted and it will feel like you're getting more work done than normal
Remember to follow me
Lately, I've noticed specialized SEOs that deal with very specific jobs.
For example, I've seen a team with 5 SEOs:
- one was the manager, the head SEO
- one dealt with link building
- one with keywords research
- one with competitor analyzing
- and one with on-page optimization and fixing errors
So yes, even if you think you are a good SEO, you can always save time, work faster and deliver better results by hiring outside help. The only think you need to be careful about is hiring the right person that fits the right set of skills necessary to fill up your gaps and make you the most money in the shortest period of time. SEO has evolved a lot over the years. There are few SEOs out there capable of doing everything SEO related 100%. As you said we all have our strengths and weaknesses and this is also true with SEO. Lately, I've noticed specialized SEOs that deal with very specific jobs. For example, I've seen a team with 5 SEOs: [list][*]one was the manager, the head SEO[/*][/*][*]one dealt with link building[/*][/*][*]one with keywords research[/*][/*][*]one with competitor analyzing[/*][/*][*]and one with on-page optimization and fixing errors[/*][/list]So yes, even if you think you are a good SEO, you can always save time, work faster and deliver better results by hiring outside help. The only think you need to be careful about is hiring the right person that fits the right set of skills necessary to fill up your gaps and make you the most money in the shortest period of time.Are you sure you want to delete this post?